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Folders and files

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For Linux

There are three version of this app uploaded so far. In V-1.0 You can share all files inside your share folder. For this you just have to activate virtualenv and run In V-1.1 You can share all of your Files inside Home folder {Only selective kind of file extension}. Just run

In V-1.2 I have added feature of authentication of user as well as authorization of user, In this you can authorise someone to be admin or a general user. For admin you have to change the value of isadmin field in table to 1 manually. An admin can access all the files inside home folder but an nonadmin only can access files inside sharing folder. In all the cases anyone can upload a file with (Certain extentions like .pdf/.mp4....) to your PC.

NOTE -- You have to set MySQL database to run V-1.2, you can see a file at location Flask_v1.2/MySQL_setup which can assist you with MySQL.


For Windows

Go to V-1.0 or V-1.1 folder through Command prompt then type ..\venv_win\Scripts\python.exe Now open the url in browser. You're Done now