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AdamJames edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the wiki, here you will find documentation on how you can use the library. Joining its Discord API server's channel is encouraged for further support.



litcord is tested to function under Lua 5.2. It does not require any additional software as long as its dependencies are installed too.


You may obtain the library either using luarocks or directly downloading it from the repository and manually building its dependencies.


Once you have the library, you may either try examples out or directly browse its documentation; following pages on its appearance order is encouraged for a better understanding.


How does this differ from other Lua libraries?

Compared to other Lua libraries, litcord does not require additional software. Thus you may now interact with Discord from Lua-scripted games and various applets by simply requiring it as another module. Now, it also focuses both on being lightweight and on code readability, specially for those who are willing not to just use another library but to learn how these work behind scenes.

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