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Co-zyBench is a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating thermal comfort provision systems. Co-zyBench is based on a co-simulation approach that is able to realistically simulate both Building Digital Twin for the building and HVAC system, but also Occupant Digital, Twin for the occupants and their dynamic thermal preference response to changes in temperature in different spaces. The benchmark includes a set of metrics that consider energy consumption, thermal comfort, and fairness towards the occupants. Additionally, users can customize the Digital Twins in case they need to do evaluations in their own building or occupant scenarios. More details about this benchmark is included in our paper, we will add our paper here once it gets published.

Software Requirement

Currently, Co-zyBench has been tested on Windows 10 and 11 (for other OS we recommend using a Windows virtual machine to ensure compatibility).

To use this benchmark for evaluating thermal comfort provision systems without customizing the building and occupant scenarios, the users just need to install the following tools:
Python3 (version >= 3.8)
EnergyPlus 22.2.0 (version = 22.2.0)

Note that you need to add the path to EnergyPlus folder (e.g., C:\EnergyPlusV22-2-0) to your environment. To verify the setup, execute the command below:

energyplus -v

Python and necessary libraries can be more conveniently installed via Anaconda. Once Anaconda is set up, open the command line and execute the following command to establish an Anaconda environment using the configuration file cozybench.yml. This process could take a few minutes.

cd path/to/cozybench
conda env create -f ./env/cozybench.yml -n cozybench

this command will install Python along with the following libraries:
PyFmi (version >= 2.10.3)
FMI Library (version >= 2.4.1)
Numpy (version >= 1.23.5)
pandas (version >= 1.5.3)
Scipy (version >= 1.10.0)
lxml (version >= 4.9.1)
Assimulo (version >= 3.4)
Cython (version >= 0.29.32)
scikit-learn (version >= 1.2.1)
matplotlib-base (version >= 3.7.0)

Functional Test

After completing the installation steps outlined previously, you can execute our functional test with our sample scenarios to make sure Co-zyBench is working in your machine. These samples are designed to demonstrate the functionality of Co-zyBench and offer users examples to design their scenario and systems.

cd path/to/cozybench
conda activate cozybench

This comment will execute the functional test with one of our scenario samples and generate the evaluation results. Co-zyBench is deployed successfully if you can see the result file ./result/result_timestamp/majs1_75.json. The results contain information on thermal comfort and energy consumption, check results for more details.

Customizing the Benchmark

Co-zyBench is designed for evaluating thermal comfort provision systems that takes into account occupant thermal comfort and energy consumption. Additionally, Co-zyBench provides the users with flexibility to customize the scenarios.

1. Thermal Comfort Provision System

For thermal comfort provision systems, some sample systems are available in the file. In this file, there is a function get_atc() to call the strategies automatically with occupants' thermal sensations (from -3 to 3 indicating feeling very cold to feeling very hot) and people's loss for the experienced inequality of the occupants (check our paper for more information).

def get_atc(strategy: str, thermal_sensation: dict, p_loss: dict, ep_output: dict)

To help the users develop their systems, Co-zyBench offers data on occupants' thermal comfort, people's loss in case the users want to know how much inequality the occupants have experienced, indoor and outdoor temperature and energy consumption. Users should add their system as a function in the file. This function should return an aggregated group thermal comfort (between -3 to 3). The next step is to regulate the HVAC system based on the estimated group thermal sensation. Co-zyBench's generate_set_point() function in modulates the current HVAC setpoint by 0.5°C every 10, 15, or 30 minutes, corresponding to the group thermal sensation. Users can adapt this function as needed.

The following Table shows the parameters Co-zyBench provides for developing users' systems:

Provided Parameters
thermal_sensation thermal sensation of each occupant
p_loss accumulated extra loss of each occupant
indoor_temp indoor temperature of current space in °C
temp_out outdoor temperature in °C
ec_cooling_coil energy consumed by cooling coil in J
ec_heating_coil energy consumed by heating coil in J
ec_fan energy consumed by the AHU fan in J

2. Running simulations

After adding their own systems into the project, the users can now evaluate their performances on comfort and energy consumption:

python ./ -s system -b building -o occupant -p profile

Here, system specifies the chosen thermal comfort provision system(s), defined as a list in case there are more systems to be evaluated. The optional parameter -b building is the path to the building FMU model, -o occupant and -p profile are for occupant trajectory and defined profiles. The reference scenarios of Co-zyBench are stored in the folder ./models of our repository.

For example, to conduct the evaluations of the Majority Rule (for more details) in a predefined office building included in the benchmark using the Parisian climate zone, users can run the following command:

python ./ -s maj -b ./models/office/Paris/in.fmu -o ./models/office/trajectories -p ./models/office/occ_config.txt


The evaluation may take a while, you will find the daily results on thermal comfort, fairness, and energy consumption in the folder ./result. The results are shown in JSON format:

"2023-12-29": {
    "cooling_consumption": 975381990.424281,
    "heating_consumption": 6603621637.116568,
    "itc": {
        "1": 736.0,
        "2": 768.0,
    "total_itc": 6333.0,
    "equality": {
        "1": -22.526659451659395,
        "2": 62.958621933621814,

Here is an example of the evaluation result accumulated from January 1st till December 29th, cooling_consumption and heating_consumption represent the annual energy usage of cooling and heating systems in joule. itc is the total discomfort experienced by occupants and equality shows the extra loss of each individual.

Customize scenarios


To enable a fair comparison of current and future HVAC control approaches as well as reproducibility, Co-zyBench includes a set of reference scenarios in the ./models folder. Additionally, to enable extensibility (both in terms of adding public new scenarios in the future or testing specific scenarios), Co-zyBench provides the users with an option to customize scenarios.

If the users need to customize the scenarios with their own building or occupant NGSI-LD models, the following tools are required:
EnergyPlusToFMU 3.1.0 (For creating EnergyPlus FMU)
Visual Studio (C/C++ compiler and linker for EnergyPlusToFMU)
SmartSPEC (Occupant Simulator)

  1. The Building Digital Twin to be imported can be the floor plan of the building in NGSI-LD format. The benchmark integrates the floor plan with the other necessary settings from the default EnergyPlus model and then crates EnergyPlus model for FMU model generation. The steps are:

    1. Define building outline in IDF format. →
    2. Translate IDF to NGSI-LD by the tool IFC2NGSI-LD_parser
    3. Create EnergyPlus from NGSI-LD models. This is done with the codes in the folder ./dt_prototype/building/
    4. Update EnergyPlus model for FMU model where we developed a script ./
      python path/to/Energy+.idd path/to/energyplus_model
    5. Generate FMU for co-simulation. This needs to be finished by EnergyPlusToFMU. Check its documentation for more details.
  2. Customizing the Occupant Digital Twins is mainly by using SmartSPEC, by the following steps:

    1. Define people, events and space information in JSON format for SmartSPEC (check documentation for details) →
    2. Execute SmartSPEC which will generate a data.csv file (an example is included in ./dt_prototype/occupant/data.csv) →
    3. This generated trajectory file is so large and traversing it each time to retrieve useful data wastes a lot of time. Therefore, we need to clean up unnecessary data and store the data in different folders separately by using the following script ./dt_prototype/occupant/ Modify the file path in this script, and then it will generate a folder with seperated trajectory data like ./model/office/trajectories.
  3. Now you have the necessary models and can run the evaluations like introduced above.

Scenarios Samples:

The office scenario

We provide the sample of a small office building with 18 occupants with different profile created based on a television series the office. The FMU models created based on different city climate (Mumbai, Cairo, Paris, LA, Scranton) are stored in the folder ./models/office/. Its floor plan and HVAC system (VAV system) are as shown in the following figures.

Office Building Floor Plan

VAV System Layout

Occupants profiles and events are created based on the following information and are stored in the folder ./models/office/trajectories and ./models/office/occ_config.txt:

Occupant Profile

Event and Occupant Schedule

Baseline samples:

We also added sample thermal comfort provision systems - Majority, Drift and Fairness as baselines for users to compare with. To run them, replace system with maj, drift or fair in the command line.

  • Majority Rule (maj). We chose to evaluate the majority rule to reach consensus, usually considered a robust rule since it always satisfies the majority's requirement and maximizes the thermal comfort level of the overall workforce. For instance, if the thermal sensations of a group are represented as cold, cold, hot, this rule would select cold because it reflects the majority's experience.

  • Drift Approach (drift). We did some changes of the strategy proposed by the paper Model-free HVAC control using occupant feedback. If the summary of the thermal sensations of a group is higher than 0 (or lower than 0) the output group thermal sensation is 2 (or -2). If the sum is zero, which means that everybody is comfortable, instead of maintaining the current temperature, they apply a drift towards the temperature outside of the building to save energy (e.g., representing that the group is slightly warm or cold depending on whether is winter or summer, respectively).

  • Fairness Approach (fair). Paper Exploring fairness in participatory thermal comfort control in smart buildings propose an approach to maintain fairness among the occupants of a building: people accumulate loss when their discomfort is greater than the ideal fair discomfort. Otherwise, they reduce their accumulated loss. For example, if the aggregated thermal sensation is 0, people who feel warm (2 on the scale) get more loss than those who feel slightly warm (1 on the scale). To maintain fairness, the approach takes into account the accumulated loss of each individual in each round and chooses a group thermal sensation value that minimizes the accumulated loss of the individual with the highest loss so far.


License: MIT

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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