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Integration of Firebase Phone number authentication with Xamarin.Forms.

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Xamarin.Forms Firebase PhoneAuth

Basic phone number authentication demo using Firebase.

e.g. +9170XXXXXXXX phone number should contain country code (+91 is for India)


Install-Package Plugin.Firebase


After installing the mentioned plugin we need to initialize the plugin in respective platform as mentioned below.

For Android

  • In MainActivity.cs

      protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
          TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
          ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;
          Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
          global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
          CrossFirebase.Initialize(this, savedInstanceState, CreateCrossFirebaseSettings());//Initializing plugin
          LoadApplication(new App());
      private static CrossFirebaseSettings CreateCrossFirebaseSettings()
          return new CrossFirebaseSettings(
              isDynamicLinksEnabled: true,
              isFirestoreEnabled: true,
              isFunctionsEnabled: true,
              isRemoteConfigEnabled: true,
              isStorageEnabled: true
              //facebookId: "", //Facebook client id
              //facebookAppName: "", // App Name over facebook
              //googleRequestIdToken: ""

For iOS

  • In AppDelegate.cs

      public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
          CrossFirebase.Initialize(app, options, CreateCrossFirebaseSettings());
          LoadApplication(new App());
          return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options);
      private CrossFirebaseSettings CreateCrossFirebaseSettings()
          return new CrossFirebaseSettings(
             isAnalyticsEnabled: true,
             isAuthEnabled: true,
             isCloudMessagingEnabled: true,
             isDynamicLinksEnabled: true,
             isFirestoreEnabled: true,
             isFunctionsEnabled: true,
             isRemoteConfigEnabled: true,
             isStorageEnabled: true
             //facebookId: "",//set facebook id created for app
             //facebookAppName: "",//app name
             //googleRequestIdToken: "" //set google request id
  • Enable keychain entitlement in Entitlements.plist:

  • In case you are using Authentication via Google, add an url scheme to your apps Info.plist:
  • To find this CFBundleURLSchemes value, open the GoogleService-Info.plist configuration file, and look for the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID key.

  • For more specific instructions take a look at the official Firebase phone auth documentation


Add GoogleService-Info.plist(for iOS) and google-services.json(for Android)and set their build action.

For iOS

GoogleService-Info.plist in your ProjectName.iOS project and set Bundle Action BundleResource

For Android

Add google-services.json to the app project and set the Build Action to GoogleServicesJson
