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Extract out the lein command finding fns.
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This makes them available for plugins to use for testing.
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tobias committed Sep 27, 2012
1 parent 6e788e8 commit fb0b8e5
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Showing 4 changed files with 103 additions and 67 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,20 @@ leinjacker is a library of utilities for Leiningen plug-in developers. Current
since it was renamed between generations.
* `abort` - 1.x- and 2.x-compatible way to signal task failure.

4. `leinjacker.lein-runner` has functions for finding and running the `lein` command on the
path for each Leiningen generation. Useful for testing plugins under various Leiningen
versions. It provides:

* `find-lein-cmd` - looks for `lein` on the $PATH by trying to call it. It takes a
`generation` argument, which should be `1` or `2`. It will then look for a command
called `lein` or `lein<generation>` that reports the correct generation when called
with `lein version`. It will memoize the found cmd to `./.lein-commands` to speed
up subsequent calls. This can be disabled via the `memoize?` arg.
* `run-lein` - Will execute the given Leiningen `generation` in `dir` with the given
`args`, returning the result map from the '' call.

See leinjacker's tests for examples of usage.

## Usage

Just drop the following into your plug-in’s `project.clj`:
Expand Down
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/leinjacker/lein_runner.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
(ns leinjacker.lein-runner
"Functions to locate and run the 'lein' command for either lein generation."
(:require [ :as io]
[ :as shell]))

(defn- clean-lein-env
"Gets a copy of the system environment tha removes Leiningen environment variables."
(dissoc (into {} (System/getenv))

(defn- memoize-to-file
"Memoizes the result if not-found-fn under key in filename."
[filename key not-found-fn]
(let [cache-file (io/file filename)
cache (if (.exists cache-file) (read-string (slurp cache-file)) {})]
(or (cache key)
(let [cmd (not-found-fn key)]
(spit cache-file (prn-str (assoc cache key cmd)))

(defn- find-lein-cmd*
"Does the work of looking up the lein command without any memoization options."
(if-let [cmd (some
(fn [cmd]
(if (.contains (:out (shell/sh cmd "version" :env (clean-lein-env)))
(str "Leiningen " generation "."))
(catch _)))
["lein" (str "lein" generation)])]
(throw (IllegalStateException.
(str "Unable to find Leiningen " generation
" in the path as lein or lein" generation
". Please make sure it is installed and in your path under one of those names.")))))

(defn find-lein-cmd
"Attempts to locate the lein command for the given command on the path.
Looks for: lein, lein<generation>. If memoize? isn't provided or is true,
the results are cached in ./.lein-commands."
(find-lein-cmd generation true))
([generation memoize?]
(if memoize?
(memoize-to-file ".lein-commands" generation find-lein-cmd*)
(find-lein-cmd* generation))))

(defn run-lein
"Runs lein for the given generation with args.
:dir and :env options may be specified with kwargs. Returns the result from sh."
[generation & args]
(let [[real-args {:as opts}] (split-with string? args)]
(apply shell/sh (find-lein-cmd generation)
(conj (vec real-args)
:dir (:dir opts)
:env (assoc (merge (clean-lein-env) (:env opts))
"LEIN_GENERATION" generation)))))

67 changes: 0 additions & 67 deletions test/leinjacker/multiple_leins_runner.clj

This file was deleted.

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions test/leinjacker/test_multiple_lein_versions.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
(ns leinjacker.test-multiple-lein-versions
"Runs the tests in the test-projects projects under lein1 and lein2."
{:author "Toby Crawley"}
(:use midje.sweet)
(:require [leinjacker.utils :as utils]
[leinjacker.lein-runner :as runner]
[leiningen.install :as install]))

(defn- run-lein-on-sub-project
"Runs the midje command for the given generation of lein in test-project/"
(println "\n==> Running 'lein midje' (generation" (str generation \)) "in test-project/")
(let [result (runner/run-lein generation "midje" :dir "test-project")]
(print (:out result))
(print (:err result))
(println "==> Done\n")
(:exit result)))

;; install leinjacker for the test project to use
(install/install (utils/read-lein-project))

(fact "run lein1 tests."
;; lein1 needs deps resolved to see the installed leinjacker
(runner/run-lein "1" "deps" :dir "test-project")
(run-lein-on-sub-project "1") => 0)

(fact "run lein2 tests."
(run-lein-on-sub-project "2") => 0)

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