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What is it?

This is a set of demo code that populates noticeable amount of data into Infinispan/JDG.
This can be used along w/ the Visualizer application to see data grid in action.
The Visualizer application can be found:

1. Running the Data Grid Loader

1.1 System requirements

  • JBoss Data Grid 6.0 or Infinispan
  • Maven 2

1.2 Running the Pre-built Demo

Assuming the project has already been build there should be a JAR that has the dependencies included in it. Execute main class com.redhat.middleware.jdg.Main. Modify the properties for your environment and preferences for loading the grid with data.

java -Djdg.demo.initialList=localhost:11223 -Djdg.demo.cacheName=labCache -Djdg.demo.maxEntries=100 -Djdg.demo.clearOnFinish=false -Djdg.demo.putDelay=0 -Djdg.demo.useTwitter=false -jar hotrod-demo-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
  • -Djdg.demo.initialList must be set to at least one data grid node's hotrod interface. See HotRod Client documentation equivalent of:,%20boolean)/
  • -Djdg.demo.cacheName must be set to the name of the cache to load the data into. All nodes in the cluster must have this cache. There is a default cache namded namedCache
  • -Djdg.demo.maxEntries is the count of data entries to load
  • -Djdg.demo.clearOnFinish is set to true or false to evict all the cached entries one by one after all the data has been loaded.
  • -Djdg.demo.putDelay is the amount of time in milliseconds to wait between puts to the cache.
  • -Djdg.demo.useTwitter:false to use the basic CounterDemo. true to load the grid with Twitter entries. -Djdg.demo.consumerKey and -Djdg.demo.consumerSecret must be set to your twitter api credentials. If you don't have credentials, go to < and create a new application/>.

2. Building

2.1 Configure Maven

If not using Infinispan, everything should be good to go.

If you are using JDG 6, please make sure JDG 6 repository is configured based on JDG 6 Maven Repository installation instructions. Please change the pom.xml so that the Infinispan dependency is based on JDG 6 repository.

2.2 Building and Running from Source

mvn clean package
mvn exec:java -Djdg.demo.initialList= -Djdg.demo.cacheName=labCache -Djdg.demo.maxEntries=1000 -Djdg.demo.clearOnFinish=false -Djdg.demo.putDelay=5 -Djdg.demo.useTwitter=false
  • -Djdg.demo.initialList must be set to at least one data grid node's hotrod interface. See HotRod Client documentation equivalent of:,%20boolean)/
  • -Djdg.demo.cacheName must be set to the name of the cache to load the data into. All nodes in the cluster must have this cache.
  • -Djdg.demo.maxEntries is the count of data entries to load
  • -Djdg.demo.clearOnFinish is set to true or false to evict all the cached entries one by one after all the data has been loaded.
  • -Djdg.demo.putDelay is the amount of time in milliseconds to wait between puts to the cache.
  • -Djdg.demo.useTwitter:false to use the basic CounterDemo. true to load the grid with Twitter entries. -Djdg.demo.consumerKey and -Djdg.demo.consumerSecret must be set to your twitter api credentials. If you don't have credentials, go to < and create a new application/>.

3 Debugging

If you want to debug the source code or look at the Javadocs of any library in the project, run either of the following commands to pull them into your local repository. The IDE should then detect them.

mvn dependency:sources
mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc


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