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side by side comparison

satyr edited this page Aug 14, 2011 · 54 revisions
CoffeeScript Coco
square = (x) -> x * x
`function cube(x){
  return x * square(x)
square = -> it * it
function cube x
  x * square x
$('.account').slice(1, -1)
.show 'slow'
$ .account .slice 1, -1
.addClass \active
.show \slow
pythagorases = []
for a in [9..1]
for b in [a...99]
h = Math.sqrt aa + bb
pythagorases.push [a, b, h] unless h % 1
pythagorases =
for a from 9 to 1 by -1
for b from a til 99
h = Math.sqrt aa + bb
[a, b, h] unless h % 1
mixin = (objects...) ->
for obj in objects
@[key] = val for own key, val of obj
mixin = (...objects) ->
import obj for obj of objects
for filename, index in ['head', 'body', 'tail']
do (filename, index) =>
fs.readFile filename, (err, contents) =>
@compile filename, index, contents.toString()
for filename, index of <[ head body tail ]>
err, contents <~ fs.readFile filename
@compile filename, index, contents.toString()
node = node.parentNode
break unless node instanceof Element or
node instanceof Elephant
while node instanceof [Element, Elephant]
nonexistent / undefined
catch error
"And the error is ... " + error
alert do
nonexistent / void
"And the error is ... " + e
exports.Cat = class Cat extends Animal
constructor: (@name) ->
@meowed = 0
meow: => ++@meowed
bark: -> throw Error 'unimplemented'
play: -> setInterval @meow, 5000
class exports.Cat extends Animal
(@name) ->
super ...
@meowed = 0
@meow   = ~> ++@meowed
bark: -> ...
play: -> setInterval @meow, 5000ms
switch day
when "Fri", "Sat"
if day isnt rainy
go bingo
go dancing
when "Sun" then go church
else go work
switch day
case \Fri \Sat
if day is not rainy
go bingo
go dancing
case \Sun then go church
default go work

  • Released under the MIT License

  • Released under the MIT License */
RegExp /// he (re){1,2} gex ///.source, flag
// he (re){1,2} gex #flag //?
I2 = [
[1, 0]
[0, 1]
dicts = [
foo: 0
bar: 1
'baz qux': 2
assert dicts[1]['baz qux'] is 2
I2 =
  • 1 0
  • 0 1
  • dicts =

    • foo: 0 bar: 1
    • 'baz qux': 2

    assert dicts.1.'baz qux' is 2

    child = new class extends prototype: parent
    child.x = 6
    child.y = 9
    child = ^parent <<< x: 6, y: 9
    options = {}
    options[k] = v for own k, v in defaults
    options[key] = value
    run options
    run {...defaults, (key): value}
    Array(-~num).join str
    "#str" * num
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