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Changelog- Add newest additions in an .md file at top

///start typing below this text

Oct 4 - Jame's Changes

  • Changed algolia index name to saucelabs_cralwer_new_sauce
  • Modified instantsearch component in app.js. Included attributesToSnippet in order to render specific algolia record attributes.

##June 30 - Rich's Changes

  • Modified default string for gulpfile.js's default BASE_URL value to remove artifact on certain pages. (gulpfile.js, 61)

June 24 - Rich's Changes

  • Added missing Typekit script in all views/*/index.html head (lines 32 or 33)
  • Modified .codelab-card styles to match front page, corrected font weight and line height (_codelab-card.scss, 125-128)

May 18 - Adekunle's Changes

  • Updated favicon in site/app/images/favicons/browserconfig.xml

May 24 - Adekunle's Changes

  • Added h2 anchor styles in site/app/styles
  • Added h2 anchor functionality to site/app/scripts/app.js
    • ln 334-376, 380-349
    • not sure why ln 325 was removed

May 5 - Adekunle's Changes

  • Added algolia search markup and styles in site/app/views/default/index.html
    • styles on ln 173-174
    • ln 352-353 importing script tag
    • import algoliasearch-lite.umd.js, instantsearch.js@4, /docsearch.min.css and algolia-min.css
  • Added algolia secrch interactions in site/app/scripts/app.js
    • functionality starts ln 404

April 7 - Adekunle's Changes

  • Added training as a menu item
  • Added carats to menu items

Feb 26- Casey's Changes

  • Added in an override to make quiz iframe larger in /app/scripts/app.js on linke 307, for loop to override height. Attempt on line 313 to enable expanded view of videos.

Feb 13 - Casey's Changes

  • Added a min height to quiz iframes in /site/app/styles/overrides.scss
  • Made views/default/index.html cards linkable

Dec 2 - Casey's Changes (Lindsay)

Text on Module Cards Adding functionality to add text to module cards within a lesson e.g. Module 1 Selenium Java. Go into site/app/views/ within each folde ryou should find an index.html e.g. site/app/views/SeleniumJava/index.html. Next, find the <div class="card_summary"> in the <p> tags below. The code should look like this:

<div class="card__summary">

  {%- if codelab.summary -%}{{codelab.summary}}{%- endif -%}

  {%- if == 'early_access_issues' -%}
    <p>This exists for a particular id.</p>
    <p>Third paragraph.</p>
  {%- endif -%}

  {%- if == 'basic_information' -%}
    <p>This exists for a basic information id.</p>
    <p>Third paragraph.</p>
  {%- endif -%}


Look in the file in site/codelabs/basic_information/codelab.json. The content in the summary: field will be displayed on every single codelab

Oct 13 - Casey's changes (Lindsay)

Updated navigation in Views

in each of the folder in site/app/views before the closing </div for the div id=searchbar add in <navigation-element></navigation-element> to make the Sauce-style navigation show up on each course page.

All of these styles were created in a new css file in app/elements/navigation.html, then injected with Polymer framework into the Codelab course and landing pages.

Created a task in gulp to overrride styles

To override styles, used gulp to build a css directory/ file in each module folder that is generated with the build

  • updated dependencies in package.json gulp-inline-css
  • created site/app/styles/_override.scss

Gulpfile.js changes

  • ln 43 `require ('gulp-dom')``
  • ln 147-161 created a gulp.task to override modules with CSS
  • ln 259 added override:modules to the gulp build task.

OCT 10 – Casey

Added navigation element for landing pages

  • In site/app/elements/navigation.html you'll find the navigation that mimics the corporate site
  • Commented out code in site/app/views/default/index.html and replaced with index cards to page Categories
  • Added site/app/styles/overrides.scss to eventually inject into site/build/codelabes course modules to alter css. Built the gulp task. Make sure to create a styles folder when you generate a new codelabs module otherwise the overrides.css doesn't get injected

Sept 24 – Lindsay

Added colors & icons to Module Cards

  • In tools/site/app/images added in some small images to use as icons as codelab card.
  • in tools/site/app/styles/_categories.scss Added in to the very bottom;
@include codelab-card(['beginner'], $pantoneRed, 'magGlass.png');
@include codelab-card(['intermediate'], $pantoneRed, 'seleniumSml.png');
@include codelab-card(['advanced'], $pantoneRed, 'checkSml.png');
  • Finally, went into tools/site/images/icons and added in the small icons I used in the above code e.g. seleniuumSml.png

Sept 17 2020 – Lindsay

Updated the markdown/ view files

In each of the markdown files in the codelabs directory, I made the tag and categories lowercase. Example from Module1_SeleniumJS

summary: Module 1 of the Selenium Java Test Automation. Learn to write Selenium tests in Java language using the JUnit framework, IntelliJ, and Jenkins.
id: Module1-SeleniumJava
categories: beginner
tags: java

updated the views as well. for app/views/default/view.json:

"title": "Sauce School Training",
"description": "Sauce School is the training portal for Sauce Labs. The courses here provide how-to tutorials with best practices for both beginners and experienced automation test developers. Courses cover topics including Selenium, JavaScript and Java, with how-tos and instructions on using different tools and test runners such as Mocha, JUnit, Jenkins, Sauce Labs, SauceConnect, SauceOnDemand, npm, Maven, and more.",
"tags": ["java, javascript"],
"categories": ["beginner, intermediate, advanced"],

an as an example, for app/views/seleniumjs/view.json:

"title": "Selenium JavaScript",
"description": "In this course, you will learn to use JavaScript with the Mocha test runner to develop an automated testing suite. Both beginners and advanced testers will create autonomous, easy to maintain test code, and use npm, Jenkins, SauceConnect, and SauceOnDemand along with Selenium, JavaScript, and Mocha to write a test suite and to gain the skills using tools you need as a test automation engineer.",
"logoUrl": "/SeleniumJS/logo.png",
"tags": ["javascript"],

Dropdowns and Categories

Note that none of the modules are showing on the main page, and that the dropdown seems to be picking up the "title" from view.json and not the tag. The URL for each landing page (JS, or Java) seems to contain the name of the folder in /app/views e.g. URL/seleniumjs

within the Javascript landing page, the categories are being picked up (all were changed to lowercase). also,

Sept 1 2020 – Lindsay

Added Museo Sans

Updated files in tools/site/app/styles _materials.scss and _typography.scss to include Museo Sans and sans-serif. May need to further change the _materials.scss to modify font weight, width, spacing etc for h1, h2 etc defined in _typography

Views & Categories

Views are added in each markdown file at the top located in tools/site/codelabs. If you add (only one) item to 'categories:' it will populate in list, though I also added something in the "categories" in tools/site/app/views/default/view.json. Note that these categories will all show up lowercase

Views Define the separate landing pages that groups of modules (i.e. a course) can have. First, in any markdown files in the tools/site/codelabs add something in the 'tags:' in the header. (i.e. tags:Java). Next, go into the view you want it to appear in tools/site/app/views/SeleniumJava/view.json and add the "tags":[Java]. Now the "title": from that json file will show up Selenium Java and it will appear in the menu that says 'choose your language', and show all .md modules with the Java "tags:"

Aug 24, 2020 – Lindsay

Added Sauce School Info for 'Course' Page

in tools/site/app/views/default I updated view.json with new title and course description, as well as the same info in index.HTML

To add links in, in index.html lines 245-257 added in the links to pop up in a new window with href="" target="_blank"

Created variables for Sauce Color Palatte

in tools/site/styles/variables.scss created the following variables:

  • $coolGrey10C25 #EDEDEF
  • $coolGrey10C10 #C1C3C7
  • $pureWhite #FFFFFF
  • $pantoneRed #E2231A
  • $pantoneGrey #474C55
  • $pantoneLightBlue #57C1E8
  • $pantoneDarkBlue #003A70

the following variables were also changed:

  • $backgroundColor : $coolGrey10C10
  • $mainColor: $pantoneRed
  • $accentColor: $pantoneDarkBlue

Added Sauce Logo to Course page and Resized

in tools/site/app/images/ replaced logo.png with sauce's logo.png, then in tools/site/style/_toolbar.scss added in .logo-devs{width: 15em; height:auto;}, #mainToolbar{background-color: $coolGrey10C5}, #searchbar{background-color:$coolGrey10C10 &hover{background-color:$pantoneGrey}}

Footer changes

In app/styles/footer.scss changed #footer {background-color:$pantoneGrey}, .footerbar{background-color: $coolGrey10C10}