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Getting started with WebdriverIO + Mocha


  • OSX Ventura with Git and Brew
  • Linux with bash curl and git
  • Windows with NodeJS 18 (untested)
  • Sauce Labs Account

Run the demo

  • Install Node.js 18 on Mac:
brew install node@18
  • Install Node.js 18 on Linux:
curl -fsSLO
chmod +x
./ 18
apt-get install nodejs -y
  • Clone the repo:
git clone
cd visual-examples/wdio
  • install npm dependencies:
npm install
# to change the region you are testing in please change the `hostname property in the wdio.conf.ts file
  • Run the test


npm run sauce-visual

or mobile

npm run sauce-visual-mobile


npm run sauce-visual-check

or mobile

npm run sauce-visual-check-mobile

NOTE: By default the tests will be executed on the US DC, if you want to run them on the EU DC then please run the following command

REGION=eu npm run sauce-visual


REGION=eu npm run sauce-visual-check

How to add visual testing to your setup

  • Add sauce visual dependency
npm install --save @saucelabs/wdio-sauce-visual-service
  • Add the SauceVisualService to your wdio.conf.(js|ts):
    Build name can be set through the buildName attribute.
export const config: Options.Testrunner = {
    services: [
        // This service is needed for WDIO to make sure it can connect to Sauce Labs to:
        // - automatically update the names
        // - automatically update the status (passed/failed)
        // - automatically send the stacktrace in case of a failure
        // Install it with `npm install --save-dev @wdio/sauce-service`
        // This service is needed for the Sauce Visual service to work
                buildName: 'Sauce Demo Test',
  • Add a check to one of your tests:
    describe('Login Flow', () => {
        it('should login with valid credentials', async () => {
            await browser.sauceVisualCheck('My Login Page')
  • Run the test the way you are used to.

Advanced Usage

Test results summary

browser.sauceVisualResults() can be used to obtain a summary of test results. The command will make the test wait until the results are calculated and return a summary in format:

  QUEUED: number; // Diffs that are pending for processing. Should be 0 in case the test is completed without any timeouts
  EQUAL: number; // Diffs that have no changes detected
  UNAPPROVED: number; // Diffs that have detected changes and waiting for action
  APPROVED: number; // Diffs that have detected changes and have been approved
  REJECTED: number; // Diffs that have detected changes and have been rejected

browser.sauceVisualResults() is particularly useful for composing assertions on the result of each visual test.



expect((await browser.sauceVisualResults()).UNAPPROVED).toBe(

Build attributes

buildName, branch and project can be defined when adding SauceVisualService to your WebdriverIO project, through the options parameter.


    services: [
                buildName: 'Sauce Demo Test',
                branch: 'main',
                project: 'WDIO examples'

Ignored regions

Component-based ignored region

Sauce Visual provides a way to ignore a list of components.

An ignored component can be a specific element from the page.

Those ignored components are specified when requesting a new snapshot.


await browser.sauceVisualCheck('Inventory Page', {
  regions: [
    // All changes will be ignored for addBackPackToCartButton
      element: InventoryPage.addBackPackToCartButton,
      enableOnly: [],

User-specified ignored region

Alternatively, ignored regions can be user-specified areas. A region is defined by four elements.

  • x, y: The location of the top-left corner of the ignored region
  • width: The width of the region to ignore
  • height: The height of the region to ignore

Note: all values are pixels


await browser.sauceVisualCheck('Before Login', {
  regions: [
      element: { x: 100, y: 100, width: 200, height: 200 },
      enableOnly: [],

Follow me to see a complete working example