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Hi, I'm Saugat Rimal


Hi, I'm Saugat Rimal,👨‍💻 Web Designer who is exploring Frontend Development while facilitating the world🌍 with User Experience with my Design Thinking Skills 🧐 and Enthusiast about Cyber. I have always loved creating something out of nothing.😉

Working💼 as a Wordpress Developer | Frontend Developer at Swivt Technologies.

🤓 I have a keen interest in 🤝 collaborating with others and empowering others to build digital solutions that solve real-world 🌍 problems. I'm also a Design Thinking facilitator and a Creative Technologist who believes that the merger between Design Thinking and Digital Technologies will lead to the building of user-centered solutions that are impactful toward the betterment of society.

Saugat Rimal's Dev Card

A little more about me...

  • 🔭 I’m love exploring🔭 the world🌍 inside the computer💻.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Frontend Development📝 & Cyber Security👨‍💻.
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on crafting great web experiences🤝.
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with my Front-End Designing🤙.
  • 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy😁 to help👯.
  • 😄 Nickname: Dark Demon 🏴‍☠️
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I love building🧱 and occasionally designing✍️ exceptional digital experiences.
  • 📝 Writings: You can checkout✔️ some of my awesome🥳 blogs
  • ☕ 👇 We can have coffee too 😄

Tech & Tools Preference

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap Tailwindcss JavaScript React JQuery C & C++ Git Github Linux VsCode Heroku Gitkraken Sentry Netlify Gatsby Vercel Wordpress Woocommerce Ghost

My GitHub Status📈:

Saugat Rimal's streak

Saugat Rimal's Github StatsSaugat Rimal's Top Languages
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.

You can find in me in the web 🌍

Twitter: saugatrimal60 Portfolio Hashnode Instagram Linkedin: saugatrimal Mail GitHub saugat-rimal Portfolio Facebook CodePen

@saugatrimal's Holopin board

Let's connect 👨‍💻 and forge the future together. 😁✌

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