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JavaScript Questions

JavaScript(Easy - Medium) Theory/Output Based Interview Questions.

Here's the list of topics that will be covered :

  • Normal Functions & Arrow Functions,
  • Polyfills of map, filter and reduce,
  • Closures,
  • Currying in JavaScript,
  • Objects in JavaScript,
  • this-keyword,
  • call, bind and apply,
  • Polyfills of call, bind and apply.
  • Promises,
  • Debouncing and throttling implementation,
  • Event Propogation(Event capturing, event bubbling, event target and event Delegation).


1. What is function definition or function declaration or function statement?

function definition or function declaration or function statement means defining a function using normal function syntax.

function name(){

2. What are function expressions?

A function assigned to a variable is called as function expression.

const name = function (){
let about = () => {
  console.log("Frontend engineer");

3. What's the difference between function definition and function expression?

function statements can be called before initialization. function expression can not be called before initialization, they behave as normal variables syntax(const, let and var).

// behaves normally
function funcStatement(){

// behaves as let var const
let funcExpression = function (){
    console.log("this will give ReferenceError");

14 What is TDZ(temporal dead zone)?

This is what the TDZ is: the term to describe the state where variables are un-reachable. They are in scope, but they aren't declared.

The let and const variables exist in the TDZ from the start of their enclosing scope until they are declared.

// This is the temporal dead zone for the name and age variable!
// ReferenceError: cannot acccess name before initialization.
let name = "saurabh";
// This is the temporal dead zone for the age variable!
// This is the temporal dead zone for the age variable!
let age = 25; // Whew, we got there! No more TDZ

5. What are first class functions?

Functions which can be treated as value(passing function as arguments or return them as value) is called as first class functions.

function square(num){
  return num*num;

function display(callback){
  console.log('square is a first class function: '+ callback(4));


6. What is IIFE(Immediately invoked function expression)?

IIFE is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined.

(function (num){
7. What's the output?
(function (x){
    return (function(y){
  • A: 2
  • B: 1
  • C: ReferenceError
  • D: undefined

Answer: B

When the outer function is called with the argument 1, it immediately calls the inner function with the argument 2. The inner function then logs the value of x to the console, which is 1.

8. What's the output?
let count = 0;
(function () {
    if(count === 0){
        let count = 1;
  • A: 1 and 1
  • B: 0 and 1
  • C: 1 and 0
  • D: 0 and 0

Answer: C

9 What's the output?

Hint: variable hoisting

var name = 'javascript';
var display = function () {
  var name = 'saurabh';

  • A: javascript
  • B: saurabh
  • C: undefined
  • D: ReferenceError

Answer: C

When the display function is called, it first tries to log the value of the local variable name. However, since there is a declaration of a new variable name within the function, it creates a new local variable name that shadows the outer variable.

Since the new local variable name is declared but not yet assigned a value at the time of the console.log statement, it will output undefined.

10. What's the output?
function display(a, b, {
  console.log(a, b, rest);

display(23, 3, 4, 7, 8);
  • A: 23 3 [4, 7, 8]
  • B: ReferenceError
  • C: 23 3 4, 7, 8
  • D: 23 3 4

Answer: A

last parameter used with ... is called rest operator. Rest operator stores rest of the params in array.

11. What's the output?
function display(a, b) {

let values = [5, 6]
display(values[0], values[1]);
  • A: 11 and ReferenceError
  • B: ReferenceError and 11
  • C: 5 and 6
  • D: 11 and 11

Answer: D

Here ... is used as spread operator. Spread operator spreads the array/object values.

12. What's the output?
function display(a,, b) {
  console.log(a, rest, b);

display(23, 3, 4, 7, 8);
  • A: 23 [3, 4, 7] 8
  • B: SyntaxError: Rest parameter must be last formal parameter
  • C: 23 3 4, 7, 8
  • D: 23 3 8

Answer: B

... Rest parameter must be last formal parameter

13. What's the output?
function display(...nums) {
  let ans = 0;
  for(const i of nums)ans += i;
  return ans;

console.log(display(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
  • A: 0
  • B: 15
  • C: 10
  • D: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Answer: B

we are looping through the nums array and adding all the elements then returning the sum

map, filter and reduce method.

14. Polyfill of map.

// !NOTE: this-keyword is covered later
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
Array.prototype.myMap = function(callback){
  let res = [];
  for(let i=0;i<this.length;++i){
    res.push(callback(this[i], i, this));
  return res;

const ans = arr.myMap((item, index, ar) => item * 2);
console.log(ans);  // [2, 4, 6, 8]

15. Polyfill of filter.

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
Array.prototype.myFilter = function(callback){
  let res = [];
  for(let i=0;i<this.length;++i){
    if(callback(this[i], i, this))res.push(this[i]);
  return res;

const ans = arr.myFilter((item, index, ar) => item > 2);
console.log(ans);  // [3, 4]

16. Polyfill of reduce.

Array.prototype.myReduce = function(callback, initialVal) {
  if (!this) throw new Error("myReduce is called on null or undefined");
  if (typeof callback !== 'function') throw new Error("callback is not a function");
  let len = this.length,
    k = 0,
    value = undefined;
  if (initialVal !== undefined) value = initialVal;
  else {
    while(k<len && !(k in this)){
    if(k >= len)throw new Error("reduce is called on empty array with no initial value")
    value = this[k++];
  for (; k < len; ++k) {
    value = callback(value, this[k], k, this);
  return value;
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
console.log(arr.myReduce((acc, cur, ind, arr) => acc + cur, 0)); // 15

16. Write a function that returns only name of students in Upper case.
let students = [
    { name: "saurabh", age : 22, marks: 80},
    { name: 'jenny', age:15, marks:69},
    { name: 'Rinku', age:16, marks:35},
    { name: 'preet', age:7, marks:55},

const students = [
    { name: "saurabh", age : 22, marks: 80},
    { name: 'jenny', age:15, marks:69},
    { name: 'Rinku', age:16, marks:35},
    { name: 'preet', age:7, marks:55},

function upperCaseNames(students){
  let ans =>
  return ans;
console.log(upperCaseNames(students)) // ['SAURABH', 'JENNY', 'RINKU', 'PREET']

17. Write a function which returns only details of those wo scored more than 60 marks.
let students = [
    { name: "saurabh", age : 22, marks: 80},
    { name: 'jenny', age:15, marks:69},
    { name: 'Rinku', age:16, marks:35},
    { name: 'preet', age:7, marks:55},

const students = [
    { name: "saurabh", age : 22, marks: 80},
    { name: 'jenny', age:15, marks:69},
    { name: 'Rinku', age:16, marks:35},
    { name: 'preet', age:7, marks:55},

function toppers(students){
  let ans = students.filter((item)=> item.marks >= 60)
  return ans;
//  [{ name: "saurabh", age : 22, marks: 80}, { name: 'jenny', age:15, marks:69}]


18. What is closure?

A closure is the combination of a function bundled together(enclosed) with references to its surrounding state(the lexical environment).

19. Write a createBase function that allow you to do this.
var addSix = createBase(6);
addSix(10); //16
addSix(21); //27

function createBase(a){
  return function(b){
var addSix = createBase(6);
addSix(10); //16
addSix(21); //27

20. What's the output?
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 1);

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  setTimeout(() => console.log(i), 1);
  • A: 0 1 2 and 0 1 2
  • B: 0 1 2 and 3 3 3
  • C: 3 3 3 and 0 1 2

Answer: C

Because of the event queue in JavaScript, the setTimeout callback function is called after the loop has been executed. Since the variable i in the first loop was declared using the var keyword, this value was global. During the loop, we incremented the value of i by 1 each time, using the unary operator ++. By the time the setTimeout callback function was invoked, i was equal to 3 in the first example.

In the second loop, the variable i was declared using the let keyword: variables declared with the let (and const) keyword are block-scoped (a block is anything between { }). During each iteration, i will have a new value, and each value is scoped inside the loop.

21. Write a function to increment private counter variable.

Hint: use closure

function counter(){
    // write your logic here...
    return { add, retrive };
const { add, retrive } = counter();
console.log(retrive()); // 10

function counter(){
    let _counter = 0;
    function add(i) {
        _counter += i;
    function retrive(){
        return "Counter value is: "+_counter;
    return { add, retrive };
const { add, retrive } = counter();
console.log(retrive()); // 10

22. Write function that runs only once, if called more than once than print "cannot call more than once" in console.
function l(){
    return function(){
let closure = l();
closure() // final execution
closure() // cannot call more than once
closure() // cannot call more than once
closure() // cannot call more than once

function l(){
    let called=0;
    return function(){
        if(called > 0){
            console.log("cannot call more than once")
            console.log('final execution.');
let closure = l();
closure() // final execution.
closure() // cannot call more than once
closure() // cannot call more than once
closure() // cannot call more than once


23. What is currying.

Currying a function is a technique, in which a function accept one argument at a time and return a new function that accept the next argument

NOTE: In currying number of argument should be equal to number of function returned.

24. Implement the sum function.
function sum(a){
  // write your logic here...
sum(2)(6)(1) // 9

function sum(a){
  return function(b){
    return function(c){
sum(2)(6)(1) // 9

25. Evaluate.


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