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this is my first project of 30 javascript project challenge In this challenge i am going to commit daily on github and recall the javascript concept by deploying many js projects. clock

  • use of setInterval(function_name,millisecond) //this function help to call function in periodic inteval of time

  • use of (let current_time = new Date() ) //Date() return the object which constist of current date ,time, hour, minute,second many more informations.

  • current_time.getHours() |current_time.getMinutes() |current_time.getSecond() many more..

  • in css use of after and before

  • use of backdrop-filter : blur(40px) ; //The backdrop-filter property is used to apply a graphical effect to the area behind an element. Tip: To see the effect, the element or its background must be at least partially transparent.