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toots committed Sep 13, 2022
1 parent b66cbd9 commit 2e91ac1
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Showing 16 changed files with 451 additions and 128 deletions.
23 changes: 7 additions & 16 deletions src/core/harbor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -804,26 +804,18 @@ module Make (T : Transport_t) : T with type socket = T.socket = struct
let handler, _ = find_handler port in
let f (verb, rex, handler) =
if (verb :> verb) = hmethod && Lang.Regexp.test ~rex base_uri then (
let subs = Lang.Regexp.exec ~rex base_uri in
let matches =
(fun name ->
(name, Lang.Regexp.get_named_substring rex name subs))
(Lang.Regexp.names rex)))
let { Lang.Regexp.groups } = Lang.Regexp.exec ~rex base_uri in
log#info "Found handler '%s %s' on port %d%s." smethod
(Lang.descr_of_regexp rex) port
(match matches with
(match groups with
| [] -> ""
| matches ->
| groups ->
Printf.sprintf " with matches: %s"
(String.concat ", "
(fun (lbl, v) -> [%string "%{lbl}: %{v}"])
raise (Handled (verb, matches, handler)))
raise (Handled (verb, groups, handler)))
else ()
Expand All @@ -839,16 +831,15 @@ module Make (T : Transport_t) : T with type socket = T.socket = struct
| s when is_admin s -> ans_400 "unrecognised command"
| _ -> ans_404 ()
| Handled (meth, matches, handler) ->
| Handled (meth, groups, handler) ->
let protocol =
match hprotocol with
| `Http_10 -> "1.0"
| `Http_11 -> "1.1"
| _ -> assert false
let query =
@ Hashtbl.fold (fun lbl k query -> (lbl, k) :: query) args []
groups @ Hashtbl.fold (fun lbl k query -> (lbl, k) :: query) args []
Duppy.Monad.Io.exec ~priority:`Maybe_blocking h
(handler ~protocol ~meth ~data ~headers
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33 changes: 23 additions & 10 deletions src/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ module Regexp = struct
open Liquidsoap_lang.Regexp

type t += Regexp of Pcre.regexp
type sub += Sub of Pcre.substrings

type sub = Lang.Regexp.sub = {
matches : string option list;
groups : (string * string) list;

let cflags_of_flags (flags : flag list) =
Expand All @@ -37,17 +41,26 @@ module Regexp = struct
Regexp (Pcre.regexp_or ~iflags l)

let get_rex = (function Regexp r -> r | _ -> assert false)
let get_sub = function Sub s -> s | _ -> assert false
let split ?pat ?rex s = Pcre.split ?pat ?rex:(get_rex rex) s
let exec ?pat ?rex s = Sub (Pcre.exec ?pat ?rex:(get_rex rex) s)
let names = function Regexp r -> Pcre.names r | _ -> assert false
let test ?pat ?rex s = Pcre.pmatch ?pat ?rex:(get_rex rex) s
let num_of_subs sub = Pcre.num_of_subs (get_sub sub)
let get_substring sub pos = Pcre.get_substring (get_sub sub) pos

let get_named_substring = function
| Regexp r -> fun name sub -> Pcre.get_named_substring r name (get_sub sub)
| _ -> assert false
let exec ?pat ?rex s =
let rex = get_rex rex in
let sub = Pcre.exec ?pat ?rex s in
let matches = Array.to_list (Pcre.get_opt_substrings sub) in
let groups =
match rex with
| None -> []
| Some rex ->
(fun groups name ->
try (name, Pcre.get_named_substring rex name sub) :: groups
with _ -> groups)
(Array.to_list (Pcre.names rex))
{ Lang.Regexp.matches; groups }

let test ?pat ?rex s = Pcre.pmatch ?pat ?rex:(get_rex rex) s

let substitute ?pat ?rex ~subst s =
Pcre.substitute ?pat ?rex:(get_rex rex) ~subst s
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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/core/lang.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -287,4 +287,11 @@ val descr_of_regexp : regexp -> string
(** Return a string description of a regexp value i.e. r/^foo\/bla$/g *)
val string_of_regexp : regexp -> string

module Regexp : Liquidsoap_lang.Regexp.T with type t := regexp
module Regexp : sig
include Liquidsoap_lang.Regexp.T with type t := regexp

type sub = Liquidsoap_lang.Regexp.sub = {
matches : string option list;
groups : (string * string) list;
38 changes: 29 additions & 9 deletions src/js/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,13 @@ open Js_of_ocaml
open Liquidsoap_lang.Regexp

type t += Regexp of Js.regExp Js.t
type sub += Sub of Js.match_result Js.t

type sub = Liquidsoap_lang.Regexp.sub = {
matches : string option list;
groups : (string * string) list;

let get_regexp = function Regexp r -> r | _ -> assert false
let get_sub = function Sub s -> s | _ -> assert false
let string_of_flag = function `i -> "i" | `g -> "g" | `s -> "s" | `m -> "m"

let flags_of_flags flags =
Expand All @@ -28,24 +31,41 @@ let split ?pat ?rex s =
let split = Js.str_array split in
Array.to_list ( Js.to_string (Js.to_array split))

class type match_result =
inherit Js.match_result
method groups : Js.Unsafe.any Js.optdef Js.readonly_prop

let exec ?pat ?rex s =
let rex = pat_of_rex rex pat in
let s = Js.string s in
let ret = (rex##exec s) (fun () -> raise Not_found) (fun x -> x)
Sub (Js.match_result ret)
let sub : match_result Js.t = Js.Unsafe.coerce (Js.match_result ret) in
let matches =
List.init sub##.length (fun pos -> Js.to_string (Js.Optdef.to_option (Js.array_get sub pos)))
let groups = sub##.groups
(fun () -> [])
(fun groups ->
let names = Js.to_array (Js.object_keys groups) in
(fun cur key -> (Js.Unsafe.get groups key)
(fun () -> cur)
(fun value -> (Js.to_string key, Js.to_string value) :: cur))
[] names)
{ matches; groups }

let test ?pat ?rex s =
let rex = pat_of_rex rex pat in
Js.to_bool (rex##test (Js.string s))

let num_of_subs sub = (get_sub sub)##.length

let get_substring sub pos =
(Option.get (Js.Optdef.to_option (Js.array_get (get_sub sub) pos)))

let substitute ?pat ?rex ~subst s =
let rex = pat_of_rex rex pat in
let subst a = Js.string (subst (Js.to_string a)) in
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62 changes: 34 additions & 28 deletions src/lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,42 +99,48 @@ let split_fun ~flags:_ rex =
Lang_core.list ( Lang_core.string (Regexp.split ~rex string)))

let exec_t =
let matches_t =
Lang_core.list_t (Lang_core.product_t Lang_core.int_t Lang_core.string_t)
[(false, "", Lang_core.string_t)]
(Lang_core.list_t (Lang_core.product_t Lang_core.int_t Lang_core.string_t))
(Lang_core.method_t matches_t
( "groups",
( [],
(Lang_core.product_t Lang_core.string_t Lang_core.string_t) ),
"Named captures" );

let exec_fun ~flags:_ regexp =
Lang_core.val_fun [("", "", None)] (fun p ->
let string = Lang_core.to_string (List.assoc "" p) in
let sub = Regexp.exec ~rex:regexp string in
let names = Regexp.names regexp in
let n = Regexp.num_of_subs sub in
let rec extract acc i =
if i < n then (
((string_of_int i, Regexp.get_substring sub i) :: acc)
(i + 1)
with Not_found -> extract acc (i + 1))
else List.rev acc
let l = extract [] 1 in
let rec extract_named acc = function
| [] -> acc
| name :: names -> (
((name, Regexp.get_named_substring regexp name sub) :: acc)
with Not_found -> extract_named acc names)
let { Regexp.matches; groups } = Regexp.exec ~rex:regexp string in
let matches =
(fun matches (pos, value) ->
match value with
| None -> matches
| Some value ->
Lang_core.product ( pos)
(Lang_core.string value)
:: matches)
(List.mapi (fun pos v -> (pos, v)) matches))
let l = extract_named l (Array.to_list names) in
(fun (x, y) ->
Lang_core.product (Lang_core.string x) (Lang_core.string y))
Lang_core.meth matches
( "groups",
(fun (name, value) ->
Lang_core.product (Lang_core.string name)
(Lang_core.string value))
groups) );
with Not_found -> Lang_core.list [])

let replace_t =
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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/lang/lang.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -208,4 +208,11 @@ val descr_of_regexp : regexp -> string
(** Return a string description of a regexp value i.e. r/^foo\/bla$/g *)
val string_of_regexp : regexp -> string

module Regexp : Regexp.T with type t := regexp
module Regexp : sig
include Regexp.T with type t := regexp

type sub = Regexp.sub = {
matches : string option list;
groups : (string * string) list;
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions src/lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ let descr_of_regexp { Builtins_regexp.descr; _ } = descr
let string_of_regexp = Builtins_regexp.string_of_regexp

module Regexp = struct
type sub = Regexp.sub = {
matches : string option list;
groups : (string * string) list;

let get_rex = (fun { Builtins_regexp.regexp } -> regexp)

let regexp ?(flags = []) s =
Expand All @@ -22,13 +27,6 @@ module Regexp = struct
let split ?pat ?rex = Regexp.split ?pat ?rex:(get_rex rex)
let exec ?pat ?rex = Regexp.exec ?pat ?rex:(get_rex rex)
let test ?pat ?rex = Regexp.test ?pat ?rex:(get_rex rex)
let names { Builtins_regexp.regexp } = Regexp.names regexp
let num_of_subs = Regexp.num_of_subs
let get_substring = Regexp.get_substring

let get_named_substring { Builtins_regexp.regexp } name sub =
Regexp.get_named_substring regexp name sub

let substitute ?pat ?rex = Regexp.substitute ?pat ?rex:(get_rex rex)

let substitute_first ?pat ?rex =
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -327,8 +327,8 @@ module Version = struct
let of_string s : t =
let rex = Regexp.regexp "([\\.\\d]+)([^\\.]+)?" in
let sub = Regexp.exec ~rex s in
let num = Regexp.get_substring sub 1 in
let str = try Regexp.get_substring sub 2 with Not_found -> "" in
let num = Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 1) in
let str = Option.value ~default:"" (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 2) in
let num = String.split_on_char '.' num |> int_of_string in
(num, str)

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13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions src/lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ end

let parse_time t =
let g sub n =
let s = Regexp.get_substring sub n in
if s = "" then None
else Some (int_of_string (String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1)))
(fun s -> int_of_string (String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1)))
(List.nth sub.Regexp.matches n)
let pat = "^((?:\\d+w)?)((?:\\d+h)?)((?:\\d+m)?)((?:\\d+s)?)$" in
Expand All @@ -63,7 +63,12 @@ let parse_time t =
let pat = "^((?:\\d+w)?)(\\d+h)(\\d+)$" in
let sub = Regexp.exec ~pat t in
let g = g sub in
[g 1; g 2; Some (int_of_string (Regexp.get_substring sub 3)); None]
g 1;
g 2;
Some (int_of_string (Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 3)));

let skipped = [%sedlex.regexp? Sub (white_space, '\n') | '\r' | '\t']
let decimal_digit = [%sedlex.regexp? '0' .. '9']
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ let parse_comments tokenizer =
let s = Regexp.get_substring sub 2 in
match Regexp.get_substring sub 1 with
let s = Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 2) in
match Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 1) with
| "docof" ->
let doc = Environment.builtins#get_subsection s in
let main_doc = doc#get_doc in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,13 +280,13 @@ let parse_comments tokenizer =
let sub =
Regexp.exec ~pat:"^\\s*([^\\[]+)\\[([^\\]]+)\\]\\s*$" s
let s = Regexp.get_substring sub 1 in
let s = Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 1) in
let args =
(fun s -> s <> "")
( String.trim
(String.split_on_char ','
(Regexp.get_substring sub 2)))
(Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 2))))
let only, except =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ let parse_comments tokenizer =
parse_doc (main, `Flag s :: special, params, methods) lines
| "param" ->
let sub = Regexp.exec ~pat:"^(~?[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\\s*(.*)$" s in
let label = Regexp.get_substring sub 1 in
let descr = Regexp.get_substring sub 2 in
let label = Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 1) in
let descr = Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 2) in
let label =
if label.[0] = '~' then
String.sub label 1 (String.length label - 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,8 +352,8 @@ let parse_comments tokenizer =
| "method" ->
let sub = Regexp.exec ~pat:"^(~?[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\\s*(.*)$" s in
let label = Regexp.get_substring sub 1 in
let descr = Regexp.get_substring sub 2 in
let label = Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 1) in
let descr = Option.get (List.nth sub.Regexp.matches 2) in
(main, special, params, (label, descr) :: methods)
Expand Down

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