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Liquidsoap 2.0.3

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@github-actions github-actions released this 12 Feb 00:21
· 2364 commits to main since this release


This is the third Liquidsoap bugfix release of the 2.0.x release branch. This release was focused on long-term concerns regarding memory consumptions, crossfade transitions and metadata issues. Overall, it follows a trend of stabilization of the 2.0.x features and we're happy to see adoption expanding and users reporting issues and usages that are more and more specialized.

Specific things to focus on for this release:

  • We spent quite a while investigating issues related to memory consumption. It turns out that those seem to be mostly related to finer-tweaking of the OCaml memory management unit, called the garbage collector (GC). Details about our findings with some hints about how to change the settings there are here and here
  • The default buffer size for input.harbor has been increased to 12s to make it possible to use it with crossfade transition out of the box. Make sure to drop if while upgrading if you rely on a smaller buffer.
  • The API for fetching and manipulating date and time has been cleaned up to make it more user friendly. Details are here. Make sure to check out this link if you are using time.utc() or
  • The logic behind metadata being passed when switching between sources has been fixed. This could impact your running code if you relied on a broken implementation before. See #2138

This is mostly it! 🎉 Again, we want to thank all our users, contributors and supporters. We would never be able to keep improving the quality of the software without y'all patient testing, reporting and follow-ups! Merci!