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// install packages
npm install

// run in development mode
npm run dev

// start optimized production build
npm start

// start linting
npm run lint

// fix linter
npm run lint:fix

Code guideline

To make code of good quality, we need to agree to follow these code guidelines:

Name conventions

  • All filenames should be written in lowercase with dash for word splitting. Examples: counter.js, my-new-class.js
  • All class names should be written in PascalCalse. Examples: MyClass, Counter
  • All variables should be written in camelCase. Example: myVar, users
  • The commit messages should start from an uppercase letter and phrased to continue the words "when applied, this commit will...". For example: Fix a linting error (when applied, this commit will fix a linting error), Add new functionality
  • The branch names should start with the type of the brahcn divided with slash with the name part that is in lowercase with dashes (-) to separate words. For example: feature/new-page, fix/markup-styling

Proper structure

This part of the guideline inherit the Next.js behavior

  • pages directory is a routing. Each file is a route with name as pathname
  • containers directory contains the logic components. Pages should use only them
  • components directory is for small dummy-components. The don't do the logic - just display some template
  • styles directory contains global css files. They are included in pages/_app.js
  • redux directory containers the Redux store with its actions and reducers to manage the global state
  • constants directory should contain plain js/json files with static objects or arrays declarations
  • static directory should contain images and statiic css that could be included from a template
  • utils directory should containt helper functions that are used im more than one components

Git flow

To properly divide the teamwork, do code reviews and keep it clean we have to follow these standarts (!Important to know). Some notes:

  • master branch for releases only
  • develop branch for testing (staging)
  • feature/* or fix/* or any other conventional name is for your development
  • To merge your branch into develop, create a Pull Request (PR), assign yourself to it and add reviews. Then wait for the review and merge in case of success.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license


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