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Raising Issues

sawilde edited this page Dec 8, 2010 · 1 revision

When raising issues please remember that we are not sitting in front of your screen and we cannot see what you are seeing so the more information you give us the better. i.e. issues containing - "it doesn't work" will receive little attention without a bit more elaboration.

Assume that we have actually tested the profiler and that it works for us in our test scenarios and that the issue is more than likely to do with how you are using it.

Common gotchas

64-bit - Currently PartCover does not handle 64-bit .NET processes (working on it) so you need to make sure your .NET process is running as 32-bit - you can set this in your compiler or you can use the CorFlags utility e.g. corflags /32BIT+ /Force.

PDBs - PartCover uses PDBs to help instrument the build and get line information it does however require that they are alongside the process during profiling ; it is also handy when using the browser to have the source files in the same location as pointed to by the PDB files.

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