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Implementation and exploration of transformer models for speech segment classification and language modeling.


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Spring 2024, CSE 256: Statistical Natural Language Processing, UC San Diego



This project aims to deepen the understanding of Transformer architectures by implementing and experimenting with different components, improving model performance, and gaining insights into the nuances of speech segment classification and language modeling tasks.

Tasks Overview

  1. Part 1: Encoder Implementation and Classification

    • Implement a Transformer Encoder from scratch.
    • Train it jointly with a FeedForward Classifier to predict the US President who delivered a given speech segment.
    • Dataset: Speech segments labeled with politicians (Barack Obama, George W. Bush, George H. Bush).
    • Evaluate classifier accuracy.
  2. Part 2: Decoder Implementation and Language Modeling

    • Implement a Transformer Decoder with masked self-attention.
    • Pretrain the Decoder on an autoregressive Language Modeling task to predict the next word in a sequence.
    • Dataset: Unlabeled text from speeches.
    • Report perplexity on test sets from different politicians.
  3. Part 3: Architectural Exploration

    • Experiment with various transformer architecture components such as positional encoding, sparse attention patterns, etc.
    • Aim to improve the classifier’s accuracy or the decoder’s perplexity.

Evaluation Metrics

  • Classification Task:

    • Accuracy on test dataset.
    • Track accuracy across 15 epochs.
  • Language Modeling Task:

    • Perplexity on test sets for different politicians.
    • Track perplexity every 100 iterations up to 500 iterations.


  • Document the implementation process, results, and insights gained.
  • Include plots and visualizations for attention matrices.
  • Summarize performance improvements and architectural exploration findings.

How to Run?

Virtual Environment

It is recommended to run the code inside a virtual environment. You can create one using the following command:

python3 -m venv ./.venv

This will create a virtual environment called .venv. Activate the environment using the following command:

source ./.venv/bin/activate


You will need Python3, PyTorch, tqdm, Pandas, matplotlib, and JSON installed to run the code. Please install any dependencies using the following command:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Code

Once the dependencies are installed, please use the following commands to run different parts of the assignment:

# Classification
python3 part1

# Language Modeling  
python3 part2

# Exploration
python3 part3

In case you want to see the metrics at each iteration, please set --verbose=True. It is False by default. For example:

# Classification
python3 part1 --verbose=True

In case you want to perform sanity check on the attention maps, please set --perform-sanity-check=True. It is False by default. For example:

# Classification
python3 part1 --perform-sanity-check=True

Implementation Details

Part 1: Classification

Here, I implement a transformer encoder and train it jointly from scratch with a feedforward classifier for a downstream task of predicting which politician delivered a given speech segment. Following are steps involved:

  1. Load text from speechesdataset/train_CLS.tsv and speechesdataset/train_LM.txt files using the load_texts() function.

  2. Build a tokenizer using the SimpleTokenizer class, which outputs a vocabulary from the given text and encodes/decodes text into indices.

  3. Run the classification_task() function.

    1. Get an iterable over the train dataset (speechesdataset/train_CLS.tsv) and test dataset (speechesdataset/test_CLS.tsv) using the get_cls_data_loader() function. This uses SpeechesClassificationDataset() and DataLoader() functions.

    2. Define the classifier object using the transformer.Classifier class. This consists of the following:

      • A transformer Encoder which consists of 2 embeddings layers, followed by 4 layers of transformer Blocks.
        • Each Block of the transformer consists of a MultiHeadAttention layer and a FeedForward layer, along with LayerNorm layers and residual connections.
        • Each MultiHeadAttention layer contains 2 AttentionHeads followed by a Linear layer. Each AttentionHead performs the attention operation using the key (k), query (q), and value (v) vectors on the input (x) vector.
        • The FeedForward layer consists of 2 Linear layers along with a ReLU activation function to introduce non-linearity.
      • 2 Linear layers along with a ReLU activation function.
    3. Define the criterion and the optimizer, and train and evaluate the classifier for epochs_cls epochs.

    4. Save and output the train_loss, train_accuracy, and test_accuracy for each epoch.

    5. Perform a sanity check on the attention maps using the Utilities class.

  4. Write the output to a JSON file using the write_output_to_json() function.

Part 2: Language Modeling

Here, I implement a word-level, GPT-like transformer decoder, pretrain it on an autoregressive language modeling task, and report perplexity numbers on speeches from different politicians. Following are steps involved:

  1. Load text from speechesdataset/train_CLS.tsv and speechesdataset/train_LM.txt files using the load_texts() function.

  2. Build a tokenizer using the SimpleTokenizer class, which outputs a vocabulary from the given text and encodes/decodes text into indices.

  3. Run the language_modeling_task() function.

    1. Get an iterable over the train dataset (speechesdataset/train_LM.txt) and test datasets (speechesdataset/test_LM_hbush.txt, speechesdataset/test_LM_obama.txt, and speechesdataset/test_LM_wbush.txt) using the get_lm_data_loader() function. This uses LanguageModelingDataset() and DataLoader() functions.

    2. Define the decoder object using the transformer.Decoder class. This consists of the following:

      • A transformer Decoder which consists of 2 embeddings layers, 4 layers of transformer Blocks, a final LayerNorm layer, and a Linear layer.
        • Each Block of the transformer consists of a MultiHeadAttention layer and a FeedForward layer, along with LayerNorm layers and residual connections.
        • Each MultiHeadAttention layer contains 2 AttentionHeads followed by a Linear layer. Each AttentionHead performs the attention operation using the key (k), query (q), and value (v) vectors on the input (x) vector.
        • The FeedForward layer consists of 2 Linear layers along with a ReLU activation function to introduce non-linearity.
    3. Define the optimizer and train the decoder for max_iters epochs, evaluating after every eval_interval interval.

    4. Save and output the train_perplexity, hbush_test_perplexity, obama_test_perplexity and wbush_test_perplexity at each interval.

    5. Perform a sanity check on the attention maps using the Utilities class.

  4. Write the output to a JSON file using the write_output_to_json() function.

Part 3: Exploration

Part 3.1: Architectural Exploration

This involves running the classification_task() and language_modeling_task() functions by setting the use_alibi argument to be True. The steps are the same as Parts 1 and 2. The only difference is that the transformer now uses ALiBi positional embeddings instead of absolute positional embeddings. This means the following:

  • The Classifier and Block classes are unchanged.
  • The Encoder and the Decoder have only 1 embedding layer (instead of 2, as in Parts 1 and 2) each.
  • The MultiHeadAttention class has a new parameter called m which has a different constant value (power of 2) for each transformer head.
  • The AttentionHead class now implements ALiBi where it adds a bias matrix to the attention weights to encode position of the key (k) vectors relative to the position of the query (q) vector. The value (v) vectors do not encode position information.

Part 3.2: Performance Improvement

This involves running the classification_task() and language_modeling_task() functions by setting the use_init_weights argument to be True. The steps are the same as Parts 1 and 2. The only difference is that the transformer now initializes the weights by sampling from a normal distribution with mean of 0 and standard deviation of 0.05. This is different from Parts 1 and 2 where the weights are initialized randomly.


The outputs are written to JSON files. Each file contains the following details:

  1. task: The task, whether classification or language modeling
  2. num_params: The number of model parameters
  3. use_alibi: Whether the model uses absolute positional embeddings or ABiLi positional embeddings
  4. use_init_weights: Whether the model weights are initialized randomly or from a normal distribution
  5. history: Rhe model history, which includes train and test metrics for each training epoch.

Following are the JSON files generated:

  • Part 1: part1_classification_task.json
  • Part 2: part2_language_modeling_task.json
  • Part 3:
    • part3_architectural_exploration_classification_task.json
    • part3_architectural_exploration_language_modeling_task.json
    • part3_performance_improvement_classification_task.json
    • part3_performance_improvement_language_modeling_task.json

Project Report, Tables, Plots, and Visualizations

To regenerate the tables, plots, and other visualizations used in the Project Report, please refer to the visualize.ipynb Jupyter notebook.

Code References

  1. Transformer Architecture:
  2. ALiBi Positional Embeddings:


Implementation and exploration of transformer models for speech segment classification and language modeling.





