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This ansible playbook will deploy company projects via helm of Kubernetes. OS platform can support CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04.


Don't forget to put ~/.kube/config and ~/.docker/config.json

Clone this repo:

git clone
cd ansible-k8s-deploy-proj
cp -a inventory/example inventory/your_server

To modify:


For external network environment installation

Install pygit2

ansible-playbook -i inventory/your_server/inventory -b pygit2.yml

Deploy projects:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/your_server/inventory -b --ask-vault-pass deploy.yml

Upgrade projects:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/your_server/inventory -b upgrade.yml

For internal network environment installation

Prepare docker images and helm tgz:

This is in your ansible controller, so you should use local

ansible-playbook -i inventory/your_server/local prepare.yml

Copy to customer server:

scp -r . remote_server:~/ansible-k8s-deploy-proj

Deploy projects:

ssh remote_server
cd ansible-k8s-deploy-proj
ansible-playbook -i inventory/your_server/local -b --ask-vault-pass local-deploy.yml

Upgrade projects:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/your_server/local -b local-upgrade.yml

Delete projects:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/your_server/inventory -b delete.yml

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below. (see inventory/example/group_vars/all.yml, example is your server name):

chart_repo_name variable is helm chart repo name, it is used by the command below.

chart_repo_name variable

chart_repo_name: example


helm repo add example https://example/helm-repository

customer variable is your customer name. Kubernetes helm deploy projects in example namespace and load helm values.yaml files in files/values/example.

customer: example

This is your helm repo URL

location: https://example/helm-repository

projects variable put your helm project list.

  - { chart: postgres, release: postgres, namespace: default, version: 10.3-alpine, enabled: True }
  - { chart: k8s-hostpath-provisioner, release: k8s-hostpath-provisioner, namespace: default, version: 0.1.0, enabled: True }

The directory files/values/example content put each helm project values.yml. Tips: example is your namespace(customer variable). In other words, Kubernetes will create the name example namespace.

For example postgres:

pullPolicy: IfNotPresent


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