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Android like circular progress bar in react-native that works on both Android and IOS.



  • Android and iOS capable
  • Android like circular progress bar in react native
  • cusomized text color and subtext color
  • size of spinner large or small
  • can set to cancelable
  • add subtext/no issues if no subtext
  • works in any orientation


Make sure that you are in your React Native project directory and run:

$ npm install react-native-loading-spinner-modal --save


$ yarn add react-native-loading-spinner-modal


    1. Import the react-native-loading-spinner-modal package
import {
} from "react-native-loading-spinner-modal";
    1. Add the LoadingModal to your render function Note: Add it at the very end of your render function, the alert will then be displayed over any component of the view
// Within your render function.
// Include the LoadingModal once within your top View element
<LoadingModal ref="loadingmodal" />
    1. Register and Release your Loading Modal as the current main alert
componentDidMount() {
  // Register the alert located on this master page
  // This LoadingModal will be accessible from the current (same) component, and from its child component
  // The LoadingModal is then declared only once, in your main component.

componentWillUnmount() {
  // Remove the LoadingModal located on this master page from the manager
    1. Display the Loading Modal on demand
// Call this method after registering your LoadingModal as the current loadingModal
// By calling this method the registered loadingModal will be displayed
// This is useful to show the loadingModal from your current page or a child component
  text: 'your text goes here', //default as `loading...`
  subText: 'Your alert message goes here',  //default ""

Hide the Loading modal

// You can force the current loadingmodal to be hidden through the Manager


Prop Type Default Description
text String Loading... heading text of the loading dialog
subText String SubText for the loading Modal
spinnerSize String large large or small
textColor String #000 Any hex color code can be passed
subTextColor String #000 Any hex color code can be passed
spinnerColor String #098 Any hex color code can be passed