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Code for "Annotation-free learning of plankton for classification and anomaly detection"

Vito Paolo Pastore, Thomas Zimmerman, Sujoy K. Biswas and Simone Bianco.

Plankton contains the code to implement the Plankton Classifier pipeline.

The code is organized as a class (Plankton classifier). The main class allows to perform test and evaluate the results, as discussed in the paper, for both the lensless microscope (or in general, video data) or the WHOI dataset (static data).

The data is accessible at:

Data folder contains both the lensless and WHOI dataset. The datasets contain a 'TRAINING_IMAGE', 'BIN_TRAINING IMAGE' and a 'TRAINING_FEATURES' folders, same for test. Lensless dataset contain also the folder 'TRAINED DETECTORS' with the DEC-detectors models saved in format 'h5' together with the model of a trained neural network for classification (for testing as reported in the paper).

For details about the total number of image per class and correspondent dataset, please refer to the paper. 'BIN_TRAIN_IMAGE' Segmentation resulting image 'TRAIN_FEATURES' Features extracted.

The initialization module to instantiate the class and performing the tests is:

Test = PLANKTON_CLASSIFIER(address=address, image_segmentation_processing=0, feature_recomputing=0, unsupervised_partitioning=1, classification=1, DEC_testing=1, oneclassSVM=1)

Where address is the folder DATA downloaded from the provided links.

Image_segmentation_processing: if ==1 -> calls the image_processor module and performs image segmentation (creates folder 'BIN_TRAIN_IMAGE')

feature_recomputing: if == 1 -> calls the features extraction module and performs feature extraction (creates folder 'TRAIN_FEATURES')

Unsupervised_partitioning: if == 1 -> calls the unsupervised partitioning module and performs the unsupervised partitioning based on Fuzzy K-means

Classification: if ==1 -> classification based on Neural network on test data, if ==2 -> classification based on Random Forest on test data

DEC_testing: if ==1 -> DEC detectors test on single classes, and one-out test for detection of new species

oneclassSVM: if ==1 -> One class SVM test for anomaly detection.

In order to run the tests and replicate the results described in the manuscript, it is necessary to: install python and the following set of packages:

Recommended requirements: python 3.6.0 Keras 2.2.4 Tensorflow-gpu 1.9.0 openCV 3.4.1 scipy 1.1.0 sklearn 0.20.0 numpy 1.15.3 h5py 2.8.0

Substitute the address at line (1329) with the address of the downloaded dataset in your PC. Choose and set the modules as explained before. Run the module.

In the next section, we will describe all the included modules:

normalize_test_train_for_newclasses -> normalization needed for test set with respect to the training data

class local binary patterns -> implementation for local binary patterns

adjust_gamma -> gamma correction for image

image_processor -> segmentation module.

feature_extractor -> Feature extraction module

euclidian_distance -> euclidian distance between two arrays

normalize_test_train -> normalization needed for test set with respect to the training data using both test and train data.

normalize -> normalize between 0 and 1.

reading -> code for reading the data

evaluate_purity -> customized version of the classic definition of purity

evaluate_purity_OVERLAP -> revised version of the classic definition of purity

isdifferente -> number of repetitions in array

PCA_custom -> performs the PCA analysis

clusters_comp -> code for computing clusters

unsupervised_partitioning -> clustering module

GMM -> mixture of gaussians customized algorithm

oneclassSVM -> one class SVM algorith

randomforest -> random forest based classification

neuralnet_for_classification -> neural net based classification

DEC_test_and_newspeciescomputation -> all the test using the DEC detectors as described into the paper.


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