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This role is abandoned.


Performs installation and configuration of Fail2ban service.

Provides an action plugin to facilitate configuration of jails. See below for details.

This role is Work In Progress. See TODO file for some details.

This role doesn't touch any upstream provided files. All configuration parts are placed in fail2ban's .local files.

In RedHat systems, jail.local is shipped with some goodies picked from Debian's jail.conf, to ease management of actions.

Leverages sbitmedia.monit and sbitmedia.munin roles when available.

For in-depth explanation of action plugins in roles please see sbitmedia.monit's README.


Since Ansible doesn't support action plugins in roles, it is needed to explicitly add the path to this role's action plugins in ansible.cfg.


action_plugins     = ./contrib/roles/sbitmedia.monit/action_plugins

Happily, action_plugins supports relative paths. Paths are separated by colon (:).

Role Variables

Default variables are documented in defaults/main.yml.

Role variables are set per OS. See: vars/*.yml.

See also the args accepted by fail2ban_jail in library/fail2ban_jail.

Example Usage

Using the role is straightforward, just include it and set overrides as needed.

Following playbook shows several examples of fail2ban_jail usage.

- hosts: servers
    - sbitmedia.fail2ban

    # Define a jail.
    - fail2ban_jail:
        name: ssh-test-jail
        enabled: true
        filter: sshd
        port: ssh
        logpath: /var/log/secure
        maxretry: 3
        bantime: 3600

    # Enable a jail defined in jail.conf but disabled.
    - fail2ban_jail:
        name: ssh-tcpwrapper
        enabled: true

Leverage Fail2ban in your roles

There's two ways to leverage this role in your own roles.

  • Hard dependency: add sbitmedia.fail2ban as a dependency in your role and start ruling your own checks with no drawbacks at all.

  • Soft dependency: use sbitmedia.fail2ban when it is available. For this to work, several thing need to happen:

  1. the role must be included before yours.
  2. calls to fail2ban must be done this way, to avoid syntax errors in Ansible:
- name: Configure fail2ban service in Munin
  action: fail2ban_jail
    name: ssh
    enabled: true
  when: fail2ban_service is defined



Author Information

Jonathan Araña Cruz - SB IT Media, S.L.