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sbe201-final-project-team20 created by GitHub Classroom

Fat Grinder APP project

First Phase

  • Collecting data and building the data base files as accurate as it could be.

  • Brain storming on how the main algorithms gonna work, drawing outlines and principle equations.

  • Trying but failing on using .XSL as our database file, yet managing to transforming it into .CSV that's more programmer's friendly file type.

  • Reaching out for professionals and experienced personnel to assist on building a friendly GUI.

Second Phase

  • Spending most of the time on building the GUI using QT software application.

  • Achieving first milestone by delivering the Menu Header file and testing it successfully.

  • Redirected to use the knapsack problem and its solution as our main application algorithm.

  • Rethinking strategies and passing already built parameters to its equivalent parameters in the knapsack algorithm.

  • Successfully testing the algorithm.

Third Phase

  • Re-modifying Menu.hpp to fit with the knapsack algorithm and building more functions to make the file easier to use and to understand.

  • Test the knapsack and successfully run it.

  • Finally building up the application.

Problems faced

  • Calling out files in .xsl didn't work out, we had to find another type of files which looks similar to .xsl in structure and arrangement.

  • The functions built to call data from the files didn't work as it should, so we had to replicate the calling code lines a couple more times to call all the data which made the Menu.hpp very large regarding code lines.

  • The knapsack arrays wouldn't work due to very large capacities needed to work out the problem, so we had to use the heap and build a dynamic array.

  • Cmake failed us due to an error at the last minute, add_excutables() number of arguments is invalid.

Crucial code segments

#include <fstream>  //To access files
std::ifstream bfone("Breakfast1.csv");
// ifstream is for inputing data from the file

Crucial code segments

while (bfone >> index >> meal >> protein >> calorie)
// To loop the file and pass data to variables

Crucial code segments

// pushing variables into vectors of the same type

Crucial code segments

void displayBreakfast()
 void displayLunch()
  void displayDinner()
   void displayVegetables()
    void displayFruits()
     void displayDrinks()

Crucial code segments

void selectedFood(int x)

Crucial code segments

 void preparedData(int x, int y, int z)

Crucial code segments

void knapsack(double **arrray, std::vector<double> val, std::vector<int> w, int items, int capacity)


sbe201-final-project-team20 created by GitHub Classroom






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