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MuRunner is an axillary tool to run your tests against your mutants (which have been manually or automatically created). After blending each mutant with your project, the tool builds the faulty version and runs your tests. Finally it reports the mutation killed ratio.

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MuRunner: a Java Mutants Runner

Seed a bug in one of your java class files (called a mutant). Then, make a list of these buggy java classes (mutants). Now you can use java-mutant-runner for compiling and running tests:

  • java-mutant-runner replaces each buggy file (mutant) with original java source file.
  • After replacing a buggy file, java-mutant-runner compiles our project.
  • Now java-mutant-runner runs your JUnit test suites.
  • At the end, java-mutant-runner reports you, which buggy class is discovered by your tests (killed by your tests)


Download the jar of the project with name of To use this tool do as follow:

  • Create a folder named mutants which contains your buggy java classes. each file should be name with full package-name. also at the end of the name of file you should add type of mutant and number of mutant for this class, for example these are a valid mutants:
    • package.className_<typeOfMutant:String>_<Number>.java
  • Create a folder named project-src which contains all of original src files of your project.
  • Create a folder named project-test-classes which contains compiled tests. the test should be use JUnit4.
  • [optional] A folder called jars contains all JAR file dependencies which need for running your tests.
  • now run the tool like this:
    java -jar mu-runner.jar -tests org.exmple.tests.TestClass1 org.exmple.tests.TestClass2
  • The output of the tool is something like this:


Command Parameters

The command options and parameters are as follow:

Usage: <MuRunner.jar> 
                    [-maven=<maven home directory>]
                    [-module=<your maven module directory relative path>]
                    [-project=<your maven project directory>]
                    [-src-dir=<your src directory relative path>] 
                    [-tests=<your compiled tests directory] 
                    [-jars=<jars dependencies directories needed for tests run>]... 

The following table shown the descriptions of these parameters and options:

Option abv. Option in long format Description
[Tests...] - One ore more test class to run. You should specify the Name of the test class in Junit.
-jars --test-dependencies-jars A list of directories containing Jars file dependency for running tests
-m --mutants The mutants directory. A mutant is a java file with the following name use [type] and [number] in the file name for categorize and number your mutants.
-maven --maven-home The Maven home directory
-module --maven-module Your maven module directory relative path. In multi-module maven project you can specify just one of the module as your project
-project --maven-project Your maven-based project directory.
-src-dir --source-directory src directory relative to root of maven project (or maven module) like /src/main/java/
-tests --compiled-tests Your compiled tests directory.The directory containing compiled test classes

Example and case study

To find out more details on how we use OCov4J and Murunner in some real example and case studies, you can refer to OCov4 on Real Cases contining many examples.


MuRunner is an axillary tool to run your tests against your mutants (which have been manually or automatically created). After blending each mutant with your project, the tool builds the faulty version and runs your tests. Finally it reports the mutation killed ratio.







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