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How to dump logs

Mike Szymaniak edited this page Jul 17, 2020 · 3 revisions

From user interface

  1. From menu (button with three dots) select Settings and go to the Debug tab.
  2. Check log to file and choose where to save logs.
  3. Set Logging level to all.
  4. Click OK and restart subsync.


Now everything you do will be logged to file selected in step 2.

Don't forget to disable logging after your done or the file will grow every time you use subsync.

From command line

Run subsync with following arguments:

subsync --loglevel=DEBUG --logfile=/path/to/subsync.log

Logs will be saved to /path/to/subsync.log. --logfile argument could be omitted, in that case logs will be printed on terminal.

This method could be used to log both GUI and headless runs.

If you are already using some command line arguments, make sure that --loglevel and --logfile goes before command (sync, batch or settings argument), e.g. put it in front of the arguments list.

For complete list of arguments see command line options or run subsync --help.

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