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Sample project utilizing the Scaife Viewer frontend and backend

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Scaife Stack

The scaife-stack project demonstrates an implementation of the Scaife Viewer frontend and backend. The Scaife Viewer dev team hopes to continue to evolve this repository to serve as a template for sites that wish to utilize the Scaife Viewer.

Site Components

Local Development using Docker Compose

The following Dockerfiles are configured to build environments / install dependencies for the frontend and backend:

  • frontend-dev.dockerfile
  • backend-dev.dockerfile

docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml are set up to mount the appropriate component to the appropriate service:

To bring up the stack:

docker-compose up

To rebuild images used by the stack:

docker-compose up --build

(you may also use docker-compose up -d to run the stack in the background)

To bring down the stack and remove data volumes:

docker-compose down --rmi all -v

To run a one-off container for the atlas service:

docker-compose run atlas sh

To connect to the running container for the atlas service:

docker-compose exec atlas sh

Loading data into ATLAS

By design, the ATLAS data ingestion process is designed as an atomic process:

  • New texts or annotations are staged into the SV_ATLAS_DATA_DIR directory
  • ATLAS ingestion scripts are used to ingest the data into the ATLAS SQlite database

If a new annotation was to be added into ATLAS, the entire SQLite database would be destroyed and all data re-ingested. Please note that the Scaife Viewer dev team does plan on supporting incremental updates in the future.

Here are two approaches that can be used to manage ATLAS data for a project:

1) Commit data into the repostory

  • The data sets for explorehomer-atlas are commited directly into Git
  • After checking out the repo, the prepare_db script is ran against the data/ directory
  • The resulting SQLite database is excluded from VCS

2) Manage data externally

  • The data sets for scaife-stack use data tracked in explorehomer-atlas
  • The fetch-explorehomer-data script is used to retrieve data to a temporary directory
  • The stage_atlas_data management command is used to stage the data for ingestion

The script can be used to load the explorehomer-atlas data into scaife-stack:

docker-compose exec atlas ./scripts/


For convenience, heroku.yml and heroku.dockerfile can be used to deploy the stack as a Heroku application.

  • Heroku's GitHub integration is used to trigger a deployment when commits are made against the main branch.
  • Review apps can be used to spin up a copy of the application when pull requests are opened on GitHub.
  • heroku.dockerfile is used to build the frontend and backend into a single image. Frontend static assets are served via Django and Whitenoise at the application root (/). See Building docker images with heroku.yml for more information.

Customize app.json and herok.yml as-needed for projects derived from this repo.