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First batch of exercises regarding Streams
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Javier de Silóniz Sandino committed Aug 9, 2016
1 parent 4026f3f commit d482144
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Showing 5 changed files with 651 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/main/scala/fpinscalalib/FPinScalaLibrary.scala
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ object FPinScalaLibrary extends Library {
override def sections = scala.collection.immutable.List(
331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/fpinscalalib/StrictnessAndLazinessSection.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
package fpinscalalib

import fpinscalalib.customlib.laziness._
import fpinscalalib.customlib.laziness.Stream
import fpinscalalib.customlib.laziness.Stream._
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import fpinscalalib.customlib.laziness.ExampleHelper._

/** @param name sctriness_and_laziness
object StrictnessAndLazinessSection extends FlatSpec with Matchers with org.scalaexercises.definitions.Section {

* = Strict and non-strict functions =
* Non-strictness is a property of a function. To say a function is `non-strict` just means that the function may
* choose not to evaluate one or more of its arguments. In contrast, a `strict` function always evaluates its
* arguments. Unless we tell it otherwise, any function definition in Scala will be strict. As an example, consider
* the following function:
* {{{
* def square(x: Double): Double = x * x
* }}}
* When you invoke `square(41.0 + 1.0)`, the function `square` will receive the evaluated value of `42.0` because
* it's strict. If you invoke `square(sys.error("failure"))`, you’ll get an exception before square has a chance to do
* anything, since the `sys.error("failure")` expression will be evaluated before entering the body of square.
* For example, the short-circuiting Boolean functions `&&` and `||`, found in many programming languages including
* Scala, are non-strict. You can think of them as functions that may choose not to evaluate their arguments. The
* function `&&` takes two `Boolean` arguments, but only evaluates the second argument if the first is `true`:
* {{{
* false && { println("!!"); true } // does not print anything
* }}}
* And `||` only evaluates its second argument if the first is `false`:
* {{{
* true || { println("!!"); false } // doesn't print anything either
* }}}
* Another example of non-strictness is the `if` control construct in Scala. It can be thought of as a function
* accepting three parameters: a condition of type `Boolean`, an expression of some type `A` to return in the case that
* the condition is `true`, and another expression of the same type `A` to return if the condition is `false`. We'd
* say that the if function is strict in its condition parameter, since it’ll always evaluate the condition to
* determine which branch to take, and non-strict in the two branches for the `true` and `false` cases,
* since it’ll only evaluate one or the other based on the condition. We can re-implement it the following way:
* {{{
* def if2[A](cond: Boolean, onTrue: () => A, onFalse: () => A): A =
* if (cond) onTrue() else onFalse()
* }}}
* Play a little bit with it, note what happens when you force a `true` or a `false` condition on the `if2` call:

def if2Assert(res0: Boolean): Unit = {
if2(res0, () => true, () => { sys.error("Exception occurred: if2 call went through the false branch") })

* The arguments we’d like to pass unevaluated have a `() =>` immediately before their type. A value of type
* `() => A` is a function that accepts zero arguments and returns an `A`. In general, the unevaluated form of an
* expression is called a `thunk`, and we can force the thunk to evaluate the expression and get a result. We do
* so by invoking the function, passing an empty argument list, as in `onTrue()` or `onFalse()`. Likewise, callers
* of `if2` have to explicitly create thunks, and the syntax follows the same conventions as the function literal
* syntax we’ve already seen. But this is such a common case that Scala provides some nicer syntax:
* {{{
* def if2[A](cond: Boolean, onTrue: => A, onFalse: => A): A =
* if (cond) onTrue else onFalse
* if2(false, sys.error("fail"), 3)
* }}}
* With either syntax, an argument that’s passed unevaluated to a function will be evalu- ated once for each place
* it’s referenced in the body of the function. That is, Scala won’t (by default) cache the result of evaluating an
* argument:
* {{{
* def maybeTwice(b: Boolean, i: => Int) = if (b) i+i else 0
* scala> val x = maybeTwice(true, { println("hi"); 1 + 41 })
* hi
* hi
* x: Int = 84
* }}}
* Here, i is referenced twice in the body of maybeTwice, and we’ve made it particularly obvious that it’s evaluated
* each time by passing the block `{ println("hi"); 1+41 }`, which prints hi as a side effect before returning a
* result of `42`. The expression `1 + 41` will be computed twice as well. We can cache the value explicitly if we
* wish to only evaluate the result once, by using the `lazy` keyword:
* {{{
* def maybeTwice2(b: Boolean, i: => Int) = {
* lazy val j = i
* if (b) j + j else 0
* }
* scala> val x = maybeTwice2(true, { println("hi"); 1 + 41 })
* hi
* x: Int = 84
* }}}
* Adding the `lazy` keyword to a `val` declaration will cause Scala to delay evaluation of the right-hand side of that
* `lazy val` declaration until it’s first referenced. It will also cache the result so that subsequent references to
* it don’t trigger repeated evaluation.
* = Lazy lists =
* We’ll explore how laziness can be used to improve the efficiency and modularity of functional programs using lazy
* lists, or streams, as an example.
* {{{
* sealed trait Stream[+A]
* case object Empty extends Stream[Nothing]
* case class Cons[+A](h: () => A, t: () => Stream[A]) extends Stream[A]
* object Stream {
* def cons[A](hd: => A, tl: => Stream[A]): Stream[A] = {
* lazy val head = hd
* lazy val tail = tl
* Cons(() => head, () => tail)
* }
* def empty[A]: Stream[A] = Empty
* def apply[A](as: A*): Stream[A] =
* if (as.isEmpty) empty else cons(as.head, apply(as.tail: _*))
* }
* }}}
* This type looks identical to our List type, except that the Cons data constructor takes `explicit` thunks
* `(() => A and () => Stream[A])` instead of regular strict values. If we wish to examine or traverse the Stream,
* we need to force these thunks as we did earlier in our definition of `if2`. For example:
* {{{
* def headOption: Option[A] = this match {
* case Empty => None
* case Cons(h, t) => Some(h()) // explicit forcing of h using h()
* }
* }}}
* Now let's write a few helper functions to make inspecting streams easier, starting with a function to convert a
* `Stream` to a `List` (which will force its evaluation):

def streamToListAssert(res0: List[Int]): Unit = {
def toList[A](s: Stream[A]): List[A] = s match {
case Cons(h,t) => h() :: t().toListRecursive
case _ => List()

val s = Stream(1, 2, 3)
toList(s) shouldBe res0

* Let's continue by writing the function `take` for returning the fist `n` elements of a `Stream`. Note that in the
* following implementation we're using `Stream`'s smart constructors `cons` and `empty`, defined as follows:
* {{{
* def cons[A](hd: => A, tl: => Stream[A]): Stream[A] = {
* lazy val head = hd
* lazy val tail = tl
* Cons(() => head, () => tail)
* }
* def empty[A]: Stream[A] = Empty
* }}}

def streamTakeAssert(res0: Int): Unit = {
def take[A](s: Stream[A], n: Int): Stream[A] = s match {
case Cons(h, t) if n > 0 => cons[A](h(), t().take(n - res0))
case Cons(h, _) if n == 0 => cons[A](h(), Stream.empty)
case _ => Stream.empty

take(Stream(1, 2, 3), 2).toList shouldBe List(1, 2)

* `drop` is similar to `take`, but instead skips the first `n` elements of a `Stream`:

def streamDropAssert(res0: Int): Unit = {
def drop[A](s: Stream[A], n: Int): Stream[A] = s match {
case Cons(_, t) if n > 0 => t().drop(n - res0)
case _ => s

drop(Stream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 2).toList shouldBe List(3, 4, 5)

* We can also implement `takeWhile` for returning all starting elements of a `Stream` that match the given predicate:

def streamTakeWhileAssert(res0: List[Int], res1: List[Int]): Unit = {
def takeWhile[A](s: Stream[A], f: A => Boolean): Stream[A] = s match {
case Cons(h,t) if f(h()) => cons(h(), t() takeWhile f)
case _ => Stream.empty

takeWhile(Stream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), (x: Int) => x < 3).toList shouldBe res0
takeWhile(Stream(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), (x: Int) => x < 0).toList shouldBe res1

* = Separating program description from evaluation =
* Laziness lets us separate the description of an expression from the evaluation of that expression. This gives us
* a powerful ability — we may choose to describe a “larger” expression than we need, and then evaluate only a portion
* of it. As an example, let’s look at the function exists that checks whether an element matching a `Boolean`
* function exists in this Stream:
* {{{
* def exists(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = this match {
* case Cons(h, t) => p(h()) || t().exists(p)
* case _ => false
* }
* }}}
* Note that `||` is non-strict in its second argument. If `p(h())` returns `true`, then exists terminates the
* traversal early and returns true as well. Remember also that the tail of the stream is a `lazy val`. So not only
* does the traversal terminate early, the tail of the stream is never evaluated at all!
* We can implement a `foldRight` similar to that of `List`, but expressed in a lazy way:
* {{{
* def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = this match {
* case Cons(h,t) => f(h(), t().foldRight(z)(f))
* case _ => z
* }
* }}}
* This looks very similar to the `foldRight` we wrote for `List`, but note how our combining function `f` is
* non-strict in its second parameter. If `f` chooses not to evaluate its second parameter, this terminates the
* traversal early. We can see this by using `foldRight` to implement `exists`:
* {{{
* def exists(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = foldRight(false)((a, b) => p(a) || b)
* }}}
* Let's use this to implement `forAll`, which checks that all elements in the `Stream` match a given predicate. Note
* that the implementation will terminate the traversal as soon as it encounters a nonmatching value.

def streamForAllAssert(res0: Boolean): Unit = {
def forAll[A](s: Stream[A], f: A => Boolean): Boolean =
s.foldRight(res0)((a, b) => f(a) && b)

forAll(Stream(1, 2, 3), (x: Int) => x % 2 == 0) shouldBe false
forAll(Stream("a", "b", "c"), (x: String) => x.size > 0) shouldBe true

* Let's put `foldRight` to good use, by implementing `takeWhile` based on it:
* {{{
* def takeWhile_1(f: A => Boolean): Stream[A] =
* foldRight(empty[A])((h,t) =>
* if (f(h)) cons(h,t)
* else empty)
* }}}
* We can also do the same with `headOption`:
* {{{
* def headOption: Option[A] = foldRight(None: Option[A])((h,_) => Some(h))
* }}}
* Implementations for `map`, `filter`, `append` and `flatMap` using `foldRight` should sound familiar already:
* {{{
* def map[B](f: A => B): Stream[B] = foldRight(empty[B])((h,t) => cons(f(h), t))
* def filter(f: A => Boolean): Stream[A] = foldRight(empty[A])((h,t) =>
* if (f(h)) cons(h, t)
* else t)
* def append[B>:A](s: => Stream[B]): Stream[B] = foldRight(s)((h,t) => cons(h,t))
* def flatMap[B](f: A => Stream[B]): Stream[B] = foldRight(empty[B])((h,t) => f(h) append t)
* }}}
* Note that these implementations are incremental — they don’t fully generate their answers. It’s not until some
* other computation looks at the elements of the resulting `Stream` that the computation to generate that `Stream`
* actually takes place. Let's look at a simplified program trace for the next piece of code.
* {{{
* Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).map(_ + 10).filter(_ % 2 == 0)
* }}}
* We'll convert that expression to a `List` to force evaluation. Try to follow what's happening in each step:

def streamTraceAssert(res0: Int, res1: Stream[Int], res2: Stream[Int], res3: Int, res4: Stream[Int], res5: Int): Unit = {
val startingPoint = Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).map(_ + 10).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList

// Apply map to the first element:
val step1 = cons(res0, Stream(2,3,4).map(_ + 10)).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList
// Apply filter to the first element:
val step2 = + 10).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList
// Apply map to the second element:
val step3 = cons(12, + 10)).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList
// Apply filter to the second element. Produce the first element of the result:
val step4 = 12 :: Stream(3,4).map(_ + 10).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList
val step5 = 12 :: cons(res3, + 10)).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList
val step6 = 12 :: Stream(4).map(_ + 10).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList
val step7 = 12 :: cons(res5, Stream[Int]().map(_ + 10)).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList
// Apply filter to the fourth element and produce the final element of the result.
val step8 = 12 :: 14 :: Stream[Int]().map(_ + 10).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList
// map and filter have no more work to do, and the empty stream becomes the empty list.
val finalStep = 12 :: 14 :: List()

startingPoint shouldBe step1
step1 shouldBe step2
step2 shouldBe step3
step3 shouldBe step4
step4 shouldBe step5
step5 shouldBe step6
step6 shouldBe step7
step7 shouldBe step8
step8 shouldBe finalStep
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package fpinscalalib.customlib.laziness

object ExampleHelper {
def if2[A](cond: Boolean, onTrue: () => A, onFalse: () => A): A = if (cond) onTrue() else onFalse()

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