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Jedd Haberstro edited this page Aug 2, 2013 · 37 revisions

The Play2 plug-in provides first-class support for Play2 Route and Template files in Eclipse, for both Java and Scala projects. In practice, what this means is that some of the features your are used to having in the Scala or Java Editor (e.g., syntax highlighting, errors-as-you-type reporting, code completion, hyperlinking) are also available when editing Play2 files.



Installing the Play2 plug-in (Recommended)

  • Install the Scala IDE 3.0 for Scala 2.10 (if you have any doubt, have a look at the Scala IDE Getting Started guide). Even if you plan on using Play2 from Java, installing the Scala IDE is a requirement.

  • The latest stable release of the Play2 plug-in can be installed via the same update-site that you used to install the Scala IDE (yes, the one that you used just above). The Play2 plug-in is listed under the Scala IDE plugins group.

FIXME: Add image here as soon as the plug-in is available in the ecosystem

Installing the Play2 plug-in Nightly (for real Hackers)

Alternatively, if you like to stay on the cutting edge, you can install the nightly build of the Play2 plug-in.


If you are new to Play2, or you have any doubt about what's the best configuration for Play2 development in Eclipse, make sure not to miss the Setup and use Play framework 2.1 in Scala IDE 3.0 step-by-step guide.

Supported Features

Check our the Features page.

Report Issues

Please, make sure to file tickets for any issue you may experience in the project's issue tracker.

Get Involved

The Play2 plug-in could certainly use your help. Get involved now! Just pick a ticket you would like to work on, and drop us a note in the scala-ide-dev Mailing List. We'll be glad to have you in the Team!