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Merge pull request #3367 from sjrd/parse-double-hex
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Fix #3348: Support hexadecimal notation in Double.parseDouble.
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sjrd committed May 23, 2018
2 parents e4eae66 + 2175de9 commit 1e0bf01
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Showing 2 changed files with 371 additions and 36 deletions.
151 changes: 139 additions & 12 deletions javalanglib/src/main/scala/java/lang/Double.scala
Expand Up @@ -63,22 +63,149 @@ object Double {

@inline def valueOf(s: String): Double = valueOf(parseDouble(s))

private[this] lazy val doubleStrPat = new js.RegExp("^" +
"[\\x00-\\x20]*" + // optional whitespace
"[+-]?" + // optional sign
"(NaN|Infinity|" + // special cases
"(\\d+\\.?\\d*|" + // literal w/ leading digit
"\\.\\d+)" + // literal w/o leading digit
"([eE][+-]?\\d+)?"+ // optional exponent
")[fFdD]?" + // optional float / double specifier (ignored)
"[\\x00-\\x20]*" + // optional whitespace
private[this] lazy val doubleStrPat = new js.RegExp(
"^" +
"[\\x00-\\x20]*(" + // optional whitespace
"[+-]?" + // optional sign
"(?:NaN|Infinity|" + // special cases
"(?:\\d+\\.?\\d*|" + // literal w/ leading digit
"\\.\\d+)" + // literal w/o leading digit
"(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?" + // optional exponent
")[fFdD]?" + // optional float / double specifier (ignored)
")[\\x00-\\x20]*" + // optional whitespace

private[this] lazy val doubleStrHexPat = new js.RegExp(
"^" +
"[\\x00-\\x20]*" + // optional whitespace
"([+-]?)" + // optional sign
"0[xX]" + // hex marker
"([0-9A-Fa-f]*)" + // integral part
"\\.?([0-9A-Fa-f]*)" + // fractional part
"[pP]([+-]?\\d+)" + // binary exponent
"[fFdD]?" + // optional float / double specifier (ignored)
"[\\x00-\\x20]*" + // optional whitespace

def parseDouble(s: String): scala.Double = {
if (doubleStrPat.test(s))[scala.Double]
def fail(): Nothing =
throw new NumberFormatException(s"""For input string: "$s"""")

// (Very) slow path for hexadecimal notation
def parseHexDoubleImpl(match2: js.RegExp.ExecResult): scala.Double = {
// scalastyle:off return

val signStr = match2(1).asInstanceOf[String]
val integralPartStr = match2(2).asInstanceOf[String]
val fractionalPartStr = match2(3).asInstanceOf[String]
val binaryExpStr = match2(4).asInstanceOf[String]

if (integralPartStr == "" && fractionalPartStr == "")

/* We concatenate the integral part and fractional part together, then
* we parse the result as an integer. This means that we need to remember
* a correction to be applied to the final result, as a diff to the
* binary exponent
val mantissaStr0 = integralPartStr + fractionalPartStr
val correction1 = -(fractionalPartStr.length * 4) // 1 hex == 4 bits

/* Remove leading 0's in `mantissaStr`, because our algorithm assumes
* that there is none.
var i = 0
while (i != mantissaStr0.length && mantissaStr0.charAt(i) == '0')
i += 1
val mantissaStr = mantissaStr0.substring(i)

/* If the mantissa is empty, it means there were only 0's, and we
* short-cut to directly returning 0.0 or -0.0. This is important because
* the final step of the algorithm (multiplying by `correctingPow`)
* assumes that `mantissa` is non-zero in the case of overflow.
if (mantissaStr == "") {
if (signStr == "-")
return -0.0
return 0.0

/* If there are more than 15 characters left, we cut them out. They will
* never influence the result because of the limited precision of
* doubles. Note that the 15th character itself gets lost too, but can
* influence the *rounding* applied to the 14th character.
* We need to cut them out for corner cases where the full `mantissaStr`
* would parse as Infinity because it is too large, but where the binary
* exponent can "fix it" by being sufficiently under 0.
* Of course, we remember that we need to apply a correction to the
* exponent of the final result.
val needsCorrection2 = mantissaStr.length > 15
val truncatedMantissaStr =
if (needsCorrection2) mantissaStr.substring(0, 15)
else mantissaStr
val correction2 =
if (needsCorrection2) (mantissaStr.length - 15) * 4 // one hex == 4 bits
else 0

val fullCorrection = correction1 + correction2

/* Note that we do not care too much about overflows and underflows when
* manipulating binary exponents and corrections, because the corrections
* are directly related to the length of the input string, so they cannot
* be *that* big (or we have bigger problems), and the final result needs
* to fit in the [-1074, 1023] range, which can only happen if the
* `binaryExp` (see below) did not stray too far from that range itself.

val mantissa =, 16).asInstanceOf[scala.Double]
assert(mantissa != 0.0 && mantissa != scala.Double.PositiveInfinity)

val binaryExpDouble =, 10).asInstanceOf[scala.Double]
val binaryExp = binaryExpDouble.toInt // caps to [MinValue, MaxValue]

val binExpAndCorrection = binaryExp + fullCorrection

/* If `baseExponent` is the IEEE exponent of `mantissa`, then
* `binExpAndCorrection + baseExponent` must be in the valid range of
* IEEE exponents, which is [-1074, 1023]. Therefore, if
* `binExpAndCorrection` is out of twice that range, we will end up with
* an overflow or an underflow anyway.
* If it is inside twice that range, then we need to multiply `mantissa`
* by `Math.pow(2, binExpAndCorrection)`. However that `pow` could
* overflow or underflow itself, so we cut it in 3 parts. If that does
* not suffice for it not to overflow or underflow, it's because it
* wasn't in the safe range to begin with.
val binExpAndCorrection_div_3 = binExpAndCorrection / 3
val correctingPow = Math.pow(2, binExpAndCorrection_div_3)
val correctingPow3 =
Math.pow(2, binExpAndCorrection - 2*binExpAndCorrection_div_3)

val r = ((mantissa * correctingPow) * correctingPow) * correctingPow3

if (signStr == "-") -r
else r

// scalastyle:on return

val match1 = doubleStrPat.exec(s)
if (match1 != null) {[scala.Double]
} else {
val match2 = doubleStrHexPat.exec(s)
if (match2 != null)

@inline def toString(d: scala.Double): String =
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