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improvement: Extend generation of source debug information with Class…
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… field layouts (#3620)

* Add initial implementation for providing extended type information for non-trivial types (classes, arrays,etc)
* Initial support for class inheritence
* Allow to emit DISubprogram retainedNodes, cleanup
* Fix compilation on LLVM < 15 without opaque pointers
* Add LLDB formatter for Strings and Arrays
  • Loading branch information
WojciechMazur committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent f43d26a commit 6150d76
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263 changes: 263 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
# Custom LLDB formatter dedicated for Scala types, allowing to present data requring more information then available by default in DWARF.
# Usage: from LLDB console run `command script import`

# Based on CodeLLBD Rust formatters

from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys
import logging
import lldb
import weakref

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
# python2-based LLDB accepts utf8-encoded ascii strings only.
def to_lldb_str(s): return s.encode('utf8', 'backslashreplace') if isinstance(s, unicode) else s
range = xrange
to_lldb_str = str

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

module = sys.modules[__name__]
scala_category = None

max_string_summary_langth = 1024

def initialize_category(debugger, internal_dict):
global module, scala_category, max_string_summary_langth

scala_category = debugger.CreateCategory('Scala')

attach_synthetic_to_type(StringSynthProvider, 'java.lang.String', False)

attach_synthetic_to_type(ArraySynthProvider, r'^scala.scalanative.runtime.(\w+Array)&', True)
attach_synthetic_to_type(ArraySynthProvider, r'^(scala.Array)\[.*\]$', True)

def attach_synthetic_to_type(synth_class, type_name, is_regex=False):
global module, scala_category
log.debug('attaching synthetic %s to "%s", is_regex=%s', synth_class.__name__, type_name, is_regex)
synth = lldb.SBTypeSynthetic.CreateWithClassName(__name__ + '.' + synth_class.__name__)
scala_category.AddTypeSynthetic(lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier(type_name, is_regex), synth)

def summary_fn(valobj, dict): return get_synth_summary(synth_class, valobj, dict)
# LLDB accesses summary fn's by name, so we need to create a unique one.
summary_fn.__name__ = '_get_synth_summary_' + synth_class.__name__
setattr(module, summary_fn.__name__, summary_fn)
attach_summary_to_type(summary_fn, type_name, is_regex)

def attach_summary_to_type(summary_fn, type_name, is_regex=False):
global module, scala_category
# log.debug('attaching summary %s to "%s", is_regex=%s', summary_fn.__name__, type_name, is_regex)
summary = lldb.SBTypeSummary.CreateWithFunctionName(__name__ + '.' + summary_fn.__name__)
scala_category.AddTypeSummary(lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier(type_name, is_regex), summary)

# 'get_summary' is annoyingly not a part of the standard LLDB synth provider API.
# This trick allows us to share data extraction logic between synth providers and their sibling summary providers.
def get_synth_summary(synth_class, valobj, dict):
obj_id = valobj.GetIndexOfChildWithName('$$object-id$$')
summary = ScalaSynthProvider.synth_by_id[obj_id].get_summary()
return to_lldb_str(summary)
except Exception as e:
log.exception('%s', e)

# Chained GetChildMemberWithName lookups
def gcm(valobj, *chain):
for name in chain:
idx = valobj.GetIndexOfChildWithName(name)
valobj = valobj.GetChildAtIndex(idx)
return valobj

# Get a pointer out of core::ptr::Unique<T>
def array_as_pointer(arrayObj):
element_type = arrayObj.GetType().GetArrayElementType()
asPointer = arrayObj.address_of.Cast(element_type.GetPointerType())
return asPointer

def string_from_ptr(pointer, length,encoding = 'utf-16', bytesPerChar = 2):
if length <= 0:
return u''
error = lldb.SBError()
process = pointer.GetProcess()
data = process.ReadMemory(pointer.GetValueAsUnsigned(), length * bytesPerChar, error)
if error.Success():
return data.decode(encoding, 'replace')
raise Exception('ReadMemory error: %s', error.GetCString())

def get_template_params(type_name):
params = []
level = 0
start = 0
for i, c in enumerate(type_name):
if c == '<':
level += 1
if level == 1:
start = i + 1
elif c == '>':
level -= 1
if level == 0:
elif c == ',' and level == 1:
start = i + 1
return params

def obj_summary(valobj, unavailable='{...}'):
summary = valobj.GetSummary()
if summary is not None:
return summary
summary = valobj.GetValue()
if summary is not None:
return summary
return unavailable

def sequence_summary(childern, maxsize=32):
s = ''
for child in childern:
if len(s) > 0:
s += ', '
s += obj_summary(child)
if len(s) > maxsize:
s += ', ...'
return s

def tuple_summary(obj, skip_first=0):
fields = [obj_summary(obj.GetChildAtIndex(i)) for i in range(skip_first, obj.GetNumChildren())]
return '(%s)' % ', '.join(fields)

# ----- Summaries -----

def tuple_summary_provider(valobj, dict={}):
return tuple_summary(valobj)

# ----- Synth providers ------

class ScalaSynthProvider(object):
synth_by_id = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
next_id = 0

def __init__(self, valobj, dict={}):
self.valobj = valobj
self.obj_id = ScalaSynthProvider.next_id
ScalaSynthProvider.synth_by_id[self.obj_id] = self
ScalaSynthProvider.next_id += 1

def update(self):
return True

def has_children(self):
return False

def num_children(self):
return 0

def get_child_at_index(self, index):
return None

def get_child_index(self, name):
if name == '$$object-id$$':
return self.obj_id

return self.get_index_of_child(name)
except Exception as e:
log.exception('%s', e)

def get_summary(self):
return None

class ArrayLikeSynthProvider(ScalaSynthProvider):
'''Base class for providers that represent array-like objects'''

def update(self):
self.ptr, self.len = self.ptr_and_len(self.valobj) # type: ignore
self.item_type = self.ptr.GetType().GetPointeeType()
self.item_size = self.item_type.GetByteSize()

def ptr_and_len(self, obj):
pass # abstract

def num_children(self):
return self.len

def has_children(self):
return True

def get_child_at_index(self, index):
if not 0 <= index < self.len:
return None
offset = index * self.item_size
return self.ptr.CreateChildAtOffset('[%s]' % index, offset, self.item_type)
except Exception as e:
log.exception('%s', e)

def get_index_of_child(self, name):
return int(name.lstrip('[').rstrip(']'))

def get_summary(self):
return '(%d)' % (self.len,)

class ArraySynthProvider(ArrayLikeSynthProvider):
def ptr_and_len(self, arr):
return (
array_as_pointer(gcm(arr, 'values')),
gcm(arr, 'scala.scalanative.runtime.ArrayHeader', 'length').GetValueAsUnsigned()

def get_summary(self):
return 'Array[%d](%s)' % (self.len, sequence_summary((self.get_child_at_index(i) for i in range(self.len))))

# Base class for *String providers
class StringLikeSynthProvider(ArrayLikeSynthProvider):
def get_child_at_index(self, index):
ch = ArrayLikeSynthProvider.get_child_at_index(self, index)
return ch

def get_summary(self):
strval = string_from_ptr(self.ptr, min(self.len, max_string_summary_langth))
if self.len > max_string_summary_langth:
strval += u'...'
return u'"%s"' % strval

class StringSynthProvider(StringLikeSynthProvider):
def ptr_and_len(self, valobj):
offset = gcm(valobj, "offset").GetValueAsUnsigned()
count = gcm(valobj, "count").GetValueAsUnsigned()
arrayUnsized = gcm(valobj, "value", "values")
# Quick, hot path
if(offset == 0):
return (array_as_pointer(arrayUnsized),count)
elementType = arrayUnsized.GetType().GetArrayElementType()
arrayAddr = arrayUnsized.GetLoadAddress()
offsetAddr = arrayAddr + offset * elementType.GetByteSize()
pointerToOffset = arrayUnsized.CreateValueFromAddress("data", offsetAddr, elementType.GetPointerType())
return (pointerToOffset, count)

def __lldb_init_module(debugger_obj, internal_dict): # pyright: ignore'Initializing')
initialize_category(debugger_obj, internal_dict)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions nir/src/main/scala/scala/scalanative/nir/Rt.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,4 +77,7 @@ object Rt {
val sig = Sig.Method("alloc", Seq(Int, Ref(cls))).mangled
sig -> cls
val RuntimeObjectMonitor = Ref(
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class CommonMemoryLayouts(implicit meta: Metadata) {
def this(types: nir.Type*) = this(types.toList)

val layout: nir.Type.StructValue = nir.Type.StructValue(types.toList)
def fields: Int = layout.tys.size
def size: Long = MemoryLayout.sizeOf(layout)(meta.platform)

private object Common {
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,11 @@ class FieldLayout(cls: Class)(implicit meta: Metadata) {
val struct = nir.Type.StructValue(
val size = layout.size
val referenceOffsetsValue = nir.Val.StructValue(
Seq(nir.Val.Const(nir.Val.ArrayValue(nir.Type.Long, layout.offsetArray)))
nir.Val.ArrayValue(nir.Type.Long, layout.referenceFieldsOffsets)

6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions tools/src/main/scala/scala/scalanative/codegen/Lower.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ object Lower {
Seq(rtti(cls).const, nir.Val.Size(size.toInt))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1758,8 +1758,10 @@ object Lower {


val allocSig =
val allocSig: nir.Type.Function =
nir.Type.Function(Seq(nir.Type.Ptr, nir.Type.Size), nir.Type.Ptr)
def allocSig(clsType: nir.Type.RefKind): nir.Type.Function =
allocSig.copy(ret = clsType)

val allocSmallName = extern("scalanative_alloc_small")
val alloc = nir.Val.Global(allocSmallName, allocSig)
Expand Down
19 changes: 17 additions & 2 deletions tools/src/main/scala/scala/scalanative/codegen/MemoryLayout.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,18 +15,33 @@ final case class MemoryLayout(
size: Long,
tys: Seq[MemoryLayout.PositionedType]
) {
def offsetArray(implicit meta: Metadata): Seq[nir.Val] = {

/** A list of offsets pointing to inner fields of reference types excluding
* object header from the address of memory directly after the object header
* end expresed as number of words. Used by the GC for scanning objects.
* Terminated with offset=-1
def referenceFieldsOffsets(implicit meta: Metadata): Seq[nir.Val.Long] = {
val sizeOfHeader = meta.layouts.ObjectHeader.size
val ptrOffsets =
tys.collect {
// offset in words without object header
case MemoryLayout.PositionedType(_: nir.Type.RefKind, offset) =>
offset / MemoryLayout.BYTES_IN_LONG - meta.layouts.ObjectHeader.fields
(offset - sizeOfHeader) / MemoryLayout.BYTES_IN_LONG

ptrOffsets :+ nir.Val.Long(-1)

/** A list of offsets pointing to all inner reference types excluding object
* header from the start of the object address.
def fieldOffsets(implicit meta: Metadata): Seq[Long] =
.dropWhile(_.ty == meta.layouts.ObjectHeader.layout)

object MemoryLayout {
Expand Down

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