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Add flamegraph for macros
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jvican committed May 26, 2018
1 parent 956e981 commit 6000f5e
Showing 1 changed file with 196 additions and 70 deletions.
266 changes: 196 additions & 70 deletions plugin/src/main/scala/ch/epfl/scala/profilers/ProfilingImpl.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](

case class MacroExpansion(tree: Tree, tpe: Type)

* Represents the profiling information about expanded macros.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,14 +146,28 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](

def generateGraphData(outputDir: AbsolutePath): List[AbsolutePath] = {
val graphName = s"implicit-searches-${java.lang.Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis())}"
val randomId = java.lang.Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis())
val implicitGraphName = s"implicit-searches-$randomId"
val macroGraphName = s"macros-$randomId"
/* val dotFile = outputDir.resolve(s"$")
ProfilingAnalyzerPlugin.dottify(graphName, dotFile.underlying)*/
val flamegraphFile = outputDir.resolve(s"$graphName.flamegraph")
val implicitFlamegraphFile = outputDir.resolve(s"$implicitGraphName.flamegraph")
val macroFlamegraphFile = outputDir.resolve(s"$macroGraphName.flamegraph")
List(implicitFlamegraphFile, macroFlamegraphFile)

private val registeredQuantities = QuantitiesHijacker.getRegisteredQuantities(global)
def registerTyperTimerFor(prefix: String): statistics.Timer = {
val typerTimer = statistics.newTimer(prefix, "typer")

private def typeToString(`type`: Type): String =

// Moving this here so that it's accessible to the macro plugin
private type Entry =
(global.analyzer.ImplicitSearch, statistics.TimerSnapshot, statistics.TimerSnapshot)
Expand All @@ -167,16 +179,10 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](
private val searchIdsToTargetTypes = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, Type]()
private val stackedNanos = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, (Long, Type)]()
private val stackedNames = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, String]()
private val registeredQuantities = QuantitiesHijacker.getRegisteredQuantities(global)
private val searchIdsToTimers = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, statistics.Timer]()
private val implicitsDependants = new mutable.AnyRefMap[Type, mutable.HashSet[Type]]()
private val searchIdChildren = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, List[analyzer.ImplicitSearch]]()

private def typeToString(`type`: Type): String =
def logType(t: Type): Unit = => t.underlying.typeOfThis).toLongString)

def foldImplicitStacks(outputPath: Path): Unit = {
// This part is memory intensive and hence the use of java collections
val stacksJavaList = new java.util.ArrayList[String]()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,8 +284,7 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](
// Create non-cumulative timer for the search and unregister it too
val searchId = search.searchId
val searchPrefix = s" implicit search ${searchId}"
val searchTimer = statistics.newTimer(searchPrefix, "typer")
val searchTimer = registerTyperTimerFor(searchPrefix)
searchIdsToTimers.+=(searchId -> searchTimer)

// Start the timer as soon as possible
Expand All @@ -296,7 +301,7 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](

searchIdsToTargetTypes.+=((search.searchId, targetType))

/* // Add dependants once we hit a concrete node
/* // Add dependants once we hit a concrete node
search.context.openImplicits.headOption.foreach { dependant =>
.getOrElseUpdate(targetType, new mutable.HashSet())
Expand All @@ -321,6 +326,10 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](
def missing(name: String): Nothing =
sys.error(s"Missing $name for $searchId ($targetType).")

val forcedExpansions =
ProfilingMacroPlugin.searchIdsToMacroStates.getOrElse(searchId, Nil).size
val expandedStr = s"(expanded macros $forcedExpansions)"

// Detect macro name if the type we get comes from a macro to add it to the stack
val macroName = {
val errorTag = if (result.isFailure) " _[j]" else ""
Expand All @@ -329,10 +338,11 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](
val expandeeSymbol = treeInfo.dissectApplied(expandee).core.symbol
analyzer.loadMacroImplBinding(expandeeSymbol) match {
case Some(a) =>
s"(id ${searchId}) from `${a.className}.${a.methName}` _[i]"
case None => errorTag
val l = if (errorTag.isEmpty) " _[i]" else errorTag
s" (id ${searchId}) $expandedStr (tree from `${a.className}.${a.methName}`)$l"
case None => s" $expandedStr $errorTag"
case None => errorTag
case None => s" $expandedStr $errorTag"

Expand All @@ -349,24 +359,11 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](

if (config.printSearchIds.contains(searchId)) {
s"""Showing tree of implicit search ${searchId} of type `${typeForStack}`:"""Showing tree of implicit search ${searchId} of type `${typeForStack}`:

val cause = {
if (result.isAmbiguousFailure) "ambiguous"
else if (result.isDivergent) "divergent"
else if (result.isFailure) "failure"
else ""

if (!cause.isEmpty) {
val forcedExpansions = searchesToMacros.getOrElse(searchId, Nil)"$cause search forced ${forcedExpansions.mkString(", ")}")

val thisStackName = s"${typeToString(typeForStack)}$macroName"
stackedNames.update(searchId, thisStackName)
children.foreach { childSearch =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,7 +398,28 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](

private[ProfilingImpl] val searchesToMacros = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, List[MacroExpansion]]
sealed trait MacroState {
def pt: Type
def tree: Tree

case class DelayedMacro(pt: Type, tree: Tree) extends MacroState
case class SkippedMacro(pt: Type, tree: Tree) extends MacroState
case class SuppressedMacro(pt: Type, tree: Tree) extends MacroState
case class FallbackMacro(pt: Type, tree: Tree) extends MacroState
case class FailedMacro(pt: Type, tree: Tree) extends MacroState
case class SucceededMacro(pt: Type, tree: Tree) extends MacroState

case class MacroEntry(
id: Int,
originalPt: Type,
start: statistics.TimerSnapshot,
state: Option[MacroState]

private var macrosStack: List[MacroEntry] = Nil
private var macroCounter: Int = 0

object ProfilingMacroPlugin extends global.analyzer.MacroPlugin {
type Typer = analyzer.Typer
private def guessTreeSize(tree: Tree): Int =
Expand All @@ -412,70 +430,177 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](
//private final val EmptyRepeatedValue = RepeatedValue(EmptyTree, EmptyTree, 0)
//private[ProfilingImpl] val repeatedTrees = perRunCaches.newMap[RepeatedKey, RepeatedValue]

private[ProfilingImpl] val macroInfos = perRunCaches.newAnyRefMap[Position, MacroInfo]
val macroInfos = perRunCaches.newAnyRefMap[Position, MacroInfo]
val searchIdsToMacroStates = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, List[MacroState]]
private val macroIdsToTimers = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, statistics.Timer]()
private val macroChildren = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, List[MacroEntry]]()
private val stackedNanos = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, Long]()
private val stackedNames = perRunCaches.newMap[Int, String]()

def foldMacroStacks(outputPath: Path): Unit = {
// This part is memory intensive and hence the use of java collections
val stacksJavaList = new java.util.ArrayList[String]()
stackedNanos.foreach {
case (id, nanos) =>
val stackName =
stackedNames.getOrElse(id, sys.error(s"Stack name for macro id ${id} doesn't exist!"))
stacksJavaList.add(s"$stackName ${nanos / 1000}")
Files.write(outputPath, stacksJavaList, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE)

override def pluginsMacroExpand(t: Typer, expandee: Tree, md: Mode, pt: Type): Option[Tree] = {
val macroId = macroCounter
macroCounter = macroCounter + 1

object expander extends analyzer.DefMacroExpander(t, expandee, md, pt) {
private var alreadyTracking: Boolean = false

* Overrides the default method that expands all macros.
* We perform this because we need our own timer and access to the first timer snapshot
* in order to obtain the expansion time for every expanded tree.

/** The default method that expands all macros. */
override def apply(desugared: Tree): Tree = {
val shouldTrack = statistics.enabled && !alreadyTracking
val start = if (shouldTrack) {
alreadyTracking = true
} else null
val prevData = { prev =>
sys.error(s"fatal error: missing timer for ${}")
) -> prev

// Let's first stop the previous timer to have consistent times for the flamegraph
prevData.foreach {
case (prevTimer, prev) => statistics.stopTimer(prevTimer, prev.start)

// Let's create our own timer
val searchPrefix = s" macro ${macroId}"
val macroTimer = registerTyperTimerFor(searchPrefix)
macroIdsToTimers += ((macroId, macroTimer))
val start = statistics.startTimer(macroTimer)

val entry = MacroEntry(macroId, pt, start, None)

// We add ourselves to the child list of our parent implicit search
prevData.foreach {
case (_, entry) =>
val prevId =
val prevChilds = macroChildren.getOrElse(prevId, Nil)
macroChildren.update(prevId, entry :: prevChilds)

macrosStack = entry :: macrosStack
try super.apply(desugared)
finally if (shouldTrack) {
alreadyTracking = false
updateExpansionTime(desugared, start)
} else ()
finally {
// Complete stack names of triggered implicit searches
val children = macroChildren.getOrElse(macroId, Nil)
prevData.foreach {
case (_, p) =>
val prevChildren = macroChildren.getOrElse(, Nil)
macroChildren.update(, children ::: prevChildren)

// We need to fetch the entry from the stack as it can be modified
val parents = macrosStack.tail
macrosStack.headOption match {
case Some(head) =>
val thisStackName = head.state match {
case Some(FailedMacro(pt, _)) => s"${typeToString(pt)} [failed]"
case Some(DelayedMacro(pt, _)) => s"${typeToString(pt)} [delayed]"
case Some(SucceededMacro(pt, _)) => s"${typeToString(pt)}"
case Some(SuppressedMacro(pt, _)) => s"${typeToString(pt)} [suppressed]"
case Some(SkippedMacro(pt, _)) => s"${typeToString(pt)} [skipped]"
case Some(FallbackMacro(pt, _)) => s"${typeToString(pt)} [fallback]"
case None => sys.error("Fatal error: macro has no state!")

stackedNames.update(macroId, thisStackName)
children.foreach { childSearch =>
val id =
val childrenStackName = stackedNames.getOrElse(id, sys.error("no stack name"))
stackedNames.update(id, s"$thisStackName;$childrenStackName")

def updateExpansionTime(desugared: Tree, start: statistics.TimerSnapshot): Unit = {
statistics.stopTimer(preciseMacroTimer, start)
val (nanos0, _) = start
val timeNanos = (preciseMacroTimer.nanos - nanos0)
val callSitePos = desugared.pos
// Those that are not present failed to expand
macroInfos.get(callSitePos).foreach { found =>
val updatedInfo = found.copy(expansionNanos = timeNanos)
macroInfos(callSitePos) = updatedInfo
statistics.stopTimer(macroTimer, head.start)
// TODO: Why are we getting the previous nanos first?
val previousNanos = stackedNanos.getOrElse(macroId, 0L)
stackedNanos.+=((macroId, macroTimer.nanos + previousNanos))
prevData match {
case Some((prevTimer, prev)) =>
// Let's restart the timer of the previous macro expansion
val newStart = statistics.startTimer(prevTimer)
// prev is the head of `parents`, so let's replace it on stack with the new start
macrosStack = prev.copy(start = newStart) :: parents.tail
case None => macrosStack = parents
case None => sys.error(s"fatal error: expected macro entry for macro id $macroId")

def mapToSearch(exp: MacroExpansion): Unit = {
def mapToCurrentImplicitSearch(exp: MacroState): Unit = {
implicitsStack.headOption match {
case Some(i) =>
val id = i._1.searchId
val currentMacros = searchesToMacros.getOrElse(id, Nil)
searchesToMacros.update(id, exp :: currentMacros)
val currentMacros = searchIdsToMacroStates.getOrElse(id, Nil)
searchIdsToMacroStates.update(id, exp :: currentMacros)
case None => ()

def updateStack(state: MacroState): Unit = {
macrosStack.headOption match {
case Some(entry) =>
macrosStack = entry.copy(state = Some(state)) :: macrosStack.tail
case None => sys.error("fatal error: stack cannot be empty while updating!")

override def onFailure(expanded: Tree) = {
mapToSearch(MacroExpansion(expanded, NoType))
val state = FailedMacro(pt, expanded)

override def onSkipped(expanded: Tree) = {
val state = SkippedMacro(pt, expanded)

override def onFallback(expanded: Tree) = {
val state = FallbackMacro(pt, expanded)

override def onSuppressed(expanded: Tree) = {
val state = SuppressedMacro(pt, expanded)

override def onDelayed(expanded: Tree) = {
mapToSearch(MacroExpansion(expanded, NoType))
val state = DelayedMacro(pt, expanded)

override def onSuccess(expanded0: Tree) = {
val expanded = super.onSuccess(expanded0)
val expandedType = concreteTypeFromSearch(expanded, pt)
mapToSearch(MacroExpansion(expanded, expandedType))
val state = SucceededMacro(expandedType, expanded)

// Update macro counter per type returned
val macroTypeCounter = macrosByType.getOrElse(expandedType, 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,13 +629,14 @@ final class ProfilingImpl[G <: Global](

trait ProfilingStats {
val global: Global
import global.statistics.{newTimer, newSubCounter, macroExpandCount, implicitSearchCount}
import global.statistics.{newSubCounter, macroExpandCount, implicitSearchCount}

final val preciseMacroTimer = newTimer("precise time in macroExpand")
final val failedMacros = newSubCounter(" of which failed macros", macroExpandCount)
final val delayedMacros = newSubCounter(" of which delayed macros", macroExpandCount)

final val suppressedMacros = newSubCounter(" of which suppressed macros", macroExpandCount)
final val fallbackMacros = newSubCounter(" of which fallback macros", macroExpandCount)
final val skippedMacros = newSubCounter(" of which skipped macros", macroExpandCount)
final val implicitSearchesByMacrosCount = newSubCounter(" from macros", implicitSearchCount)

import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
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