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This repo contains an example of how to use the Skiguard application. It also contains an example Kustomize base to deploy the application to a Kubernetes cluster.


Quick Start

  1. Sign up for a Skiguard trial account. You will receive an email with your license key. No payment required for trial.

  2. Create a Snowflake user for Skiguard. Example script.

  3. Configure your environment variables. You can use the .env.example file as a template.

  4. Create a Slackbot and get the token and channel ID. Slack API. App manifest example. (Optional)

  5. Run the Skiguard application.

    docker run -it --rm \
    -p 8088:8088 \
  6. Access the Skiguard account health dashboard at http://localhost:8088. The default username is admin and the default password is admin.

Snowflake Configuration

You will need to create a Snowflake user for Skiguard. The user will need the following permissions on the SNOWFLAKE database. You can read more about database roles in the Snowflake documentation. It is also recommended to use a network policy to restrict access to the server where Skiguard is running.

create user skiguard;
alter user skiguard set password = '<password_here>';
create role skiguard;

grant role skiguard to user skiguard;
grant usage on warehouse compute_wh to role skiguard;

use snowflake;

grant database role usage_viewer to role skiguard;
grant database role security_viewer to role skiguard;

-- All password accounts should use a network policy to restrict access.
create network rule skiguard_ingress
  mode = INGRESS
  type = IPV4
  value_list = ('<skiguard server IP>');

create network policy skiguard
  allowed_network_rule_list = ('skiguard_ingress');

alter user skiguard set network_policy = skiguard;

Slackbot Configuration

You can optionally create a Slackbot to receive notifications from Skiguard. The app manifest below will create a bot with the name Skiguard. You can use the Skiguard logo as the bot avatar.

    "display_information": {
        "name": "Skiguard",
        "description": "Snowflake security monitoring app",
        "background_color": "#0f0f0f",
        "long_description": "Skiguard monitors Snowflake for abnormal activity and posts alerts to slack for awareness. The following Snowflake activity is monitored.\r\n\r\n* User Deletion\r\n* User Creation\r\n* Number of rows copied out of Snowflake\r\n* Number of copy actions out of Snowflake\r\n* Failed Logins\r\n* Total Logins"
    "features": {
        "bot_user": {
            "display_name": "Skiguard",
            "always_online": true
    "oauth_config": {
        "redirect_urls": [
        "scopes": {
            "bot": [
    "settings": {
        "org_deploy_enabled": false,
        "socket_mode_enabled": false,
        "token_rotation_enabled": false

Kubernetes Deployment

You can deploy the Skiguard application to a Kubernetes cluster using the Kustomize base in the k8s directory. You will need to create a secret with the environment variables for the Skiguard application. An example secret is provided in the k8s directory.

Docker Compose

You can also run the Skiguard application using Docker Compose. An example docker-compose.yaml file is provided here.


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