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vrancurel edited this page Jul 29, 2014 · 59 revisions

Welcome to the Droplet, a Swiss army knife for cloud storage!

Scality Droplet is a high perfomance client library that provides an extensive set of high-level features for cloud storage administration.

Current release (v0.5 beta):

  • Multiprofile system
  • Objects
  • Containers
  • System metadata: ACL, atime, mtime …
  • User metadata
  • REST access
  • ID based access
  • VFS style access
  • Server-side copy
  • On-the-fly encryption/decryption and buffered I/O
  • Storage price management
  • Thread safe
  • Connection pooling

Supported backends:

  • Droplet is a CDMI C client library (Cloud Data Management Interface)
  • Droplet is a S3 C client library (Simple Storage Service)
  • Droplet is a SRWS C client library (Scality Simple Rest Web Service)
  • Droplet is a Posix C client library (Standard File System)
  • Droplet is a Swift C client library (OpenStack)

Supported architectures:

  • Linux x86_32 and 64 bit architectures
  • MacOS/X


  • Additional backend support
  • Read cache for files and virtual directories
  • On-the-fly compression/uncompression
  • Automatic splitting of big files
  • Multipart upload
  • Support for Solaris, MacOS/X, BSD, etc
  • Support for different languages
  • File hierarchy sync
  • Range support for both plain text and encrypted files (it is why we use CFB mode)


Please report bugs and comments to droplet at or join us on #droplet at

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