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Contributing to the Project

This document contains and defines the rules that have to be followed by any contributor to the project, in order for any change to be merged into the stable branches.


The worklow we define here has multiple purposes, and this document will go over what rule is here to ensure each of these purposes:

  • Define one and only one path to add code into the codebase
  • Allow the maintenance of multiple releases at the same time
  • Work efficiently as a team
  • Streamline all the development in one rolling-release branch

First, have a cookie, and look at this magnificient ASCII workflow representation. It should help you identify how contributions are made, where and what does the code pass through, and how we maintain releases.

   WIP Branches         master        Release Branches
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      X
          dev/FT/color  / |
        +<---<----<---<+  |
        |          |      |
        |          +>->+  |
        X               \ |
        |                 X
        X  dev/BF/flow  / |
    +<--|-<---<---<---<+  |
    |   X                 |
    X   |  Pull Request   |
    |   +>---->---->-->+  |
    X  code review + CI \ |
    |     -> merge PR     X
    |                     | \   stable/1.0
    X                     |  +>--->--->--->+
    |    Pull Request     |                |
    +>--->---->--->--->+  |                |
      code review + CI  \ |                |
                          X>--->---->-->-->X # Bump version to 1.0.1
                          | cherry-pick -x |
                          |                |
                          |                |
                          v                v

As you can see, we have three main types of branches, each with a specific responsibility and its specific rules.

Restrictions of the master branch

The master branch is a very specific branch in our workflow. No commit must ever go directly into the master branch, and the code shall follow one and only one path to get into the master branch.

Coding for the project

Branching Guidelines

In order to work on the Project, any contributor will be asked to create separate branches for each task. Theses branches are part of the "Work In Progress" aka WIP branches. A contributor must thus create a branch, that he can push into the project's repository. He can then start working, and commit following the guidelines.

The branch name shall follow a very concise naming scheme, in order for an automatic CI system to be able to start builds on every development branch:


The WIP branch name must start by a branch type, on which depends the rest of the naming scheme for the branch. The following branch types are currently defined:

  • dev: Development work
  • proto: Prototype development (is not exempted from following the contributing guidelines, except for the testing aspect, as it provides only prototypes and not production-ready code)

The dev WIP branch names must start by the branch type (dev/, followed by a tag defined to describe the type of task the branch is associated with, then followed by a self-explanatory name for the branch. The following Tags are currently allowed:

  • FT: Feature branch
  • BF: Bugfix branch
  • HF: Hotfix branch (fundamentaly an emergency Bugfix branch)
  • DOC: Documentation branch
  • CLEANUP: Code Cleanup/Refactoring branch
  • ...

For instance, if contributor A was going to work on the feature adding squeaking sounds to his favourite VCS, he could name his branch:


This would mean that it is a working branch for a Feature called "Squeak On Push".

In the same fashion, the prototype branch names must start by the branch type (proto/, followed by a self-explanatory name for the branch's explorated feature. For instance, if contributor A was going to experiment on a new algorithm, he could name his branch:


When the contributor's work (feature/bugfix/hotfix) is complete, he can create a pull request from his branch into the master branch. Then, the code merging process described in Merging code into the master starts.

Development Guidelines

With his own WIP branch, contributor A can now manage the branch's code as he wishes, as the branch is his own responsibility, within the constraints of the project. These constraints include:

In order for the project to be as stable as possible, every piece of code must be tested. This means that any code submission must be associated with related tests or changes on the existing tests, depending on the type of code you submitted.

The different types of tests

Please see our testing guidelines

Documenting the Integration Test Plan

The integration tests scenarios must be documented into a proper .md document called That's what we call the Test Plan of the project. This document must describe and explain properly the following elements for each scenario:

  • The architecture of the software components taking part in the test (where do the components run, in the same host? different hosts? other?)
  • What feature is being tested?
  • If relevant, what aspect/mechanism of the feature is being tested/proved?
  • How is the feature tested? With what behavior?
  • Why is it being tested this way?

This document needs not go into the detail of how the test is implemented, and shall not explicitly name third-party software used as the test's implementation, but describe the required functionalities from the third party tools and libraries. This should allow to switch any third-party tools without impacting the Test Plan itself.

Naming and organizing the tests

For harmonization purposes, every portion of the project shall follow the following naming scheme for the tests, as well as the directory schema to store them.

All the tests shall lie in a tests directory, in which one shall find one directory per type of test, and utilities used only in the tests in an utils directory:


Within the unit test directory, all tests shall be independent, as any unit test should not depend on any other feature than the logic it is testing. As such, it is not required that the tests bear any number to force any kind or order in their listing or execution. Now, a proper semantic naming shall still be of great help to identify the meaning and the aim of each test. Thus, the test's names shall bear the meaning of what they are actually testing, in terms of component and scenario, as much as possible. For instance, a test on one component called 'Marble', for the API function that defines the users, and that tries to use an invalid name would be called marble_api_user_def_name_invalid. The names are expected to be a bit long, but they have to be clear about what the file tests.

Within the functional test directory, some tests might have a dependency over other tests. Because of this, the naming scheme includes a number, allowing to list the tests in an orderly fashion, and taking into account the dependencies. For instance, similarly to the previous example, a test could be called 01_marble_api_user_def, while another test depending on that one could be called 02_marble_api_user_group_add, which would use part of the code tested by the previous test.

Inside the performance test directory, the tests shall be independant, as any performance test will put the accent on a specific functionality, and shall be runnable without depending on the other tests. The names shall follow the same naming rules as the unit tests, which is bear the meaning of what's being tested, including the module, the function, and the specific case tested.

Committing Guidelines

With his own WIP branch, contributor A can commit and manage the branch's history as he wishes, as the branch is his own responsibility, within the constraints of the project. These constraints for the commits include:

  • Commit Message Formatting Policy
  • Peer validation of the commit's atomicity and meaningfulness

It is asked of every contributor to provide commit messages as clear as possible, while attempting to make one commit comply to the following conditions:

  • Provide one and only one feature/bugfix/meaningful change
  • Provide working unit and functional tests associated to the change.

The commit message shall follow a standardized formatting, that will be checked automatically by a VCS hook on the commit.

The first line of the commit message (often called the one-liner) shall provide the essential information about the commit itself. It must thus provide a tag describing the type of development task accomplished and a short imperative sentence to describe the essence of the commit. Then, if more details seem necessary or useful, one line must be left empty (to follow the consensual git commit way), and either a paragraph, a list of items, or both can be written to provide insight into the details of the commit. Those details can include describing the workings of the change, explain a design choice, or providing a tracker reference (issue number or bugreport link).

Sticking with the earlier example of the Squeak-On-Push mobile app feature, we could have a commit formatted such as:

FT: Provide an API (hook) to add custom actions on VCS push

Related to issue #245
* Provide a simple way to hook a callback into the new OnPush API
* The hook is called whenever the history is pushed to the central system
* Multiple callbacks can be registered for one hook

The tags used in the commit message shall follow the same scheme as the tags present in the WIP branch names, described in the Branching Scheme.

Merging code into the master

Once the work on his WIP branch is complete, contributor A can submit a Pull-Request to merge his branch into the master branch. At this point, every contributor can review the PR, and comment on it. Once at least two contributors validate the PR through an ostensible "+1" comment, we deem the code change validated by enough peers to assume it is valid. Then, the core members of the project can act on the PR by merging the given commits into the master branch.

The code reviews must include the following checks:

  • Ensuring the compliance to the coding style guidelines
  • Ensuring the presence and coverage of tests (unit, functional and performance)
  • Ensuring the code is functional and working, through the tests
  • Ensuring the commit messages were properly formatted and as atomic as possible

Managing and Maintaining Releases

Any merge into the master branch yields a potential Release Candidate. This does not mean that every merge into the master branch will automatically generate a release, though. When the team deems the state of the project worthy of a release (be it due to a specific set of features making it into the master branch or anything else), A specific release branch is created starting from the specific merge commit bringing in the last relevant change.

   WIP Branches         master        Release Branches
                          | \   stable/1.0
                          |  +>--->---->-->+
                          |                |
                          v                v

In order to distinguish release branches from the WIP branches, they also follow a concise naming scheme. As such, every release branch shall be named after the version (major and minor) they embody. Indeed, the name shall begin with "stable/", then followed by the version's major number, a dot, and finally the version's minor number. This way, we can follow the semantic versionning scheme, increasing the version's patch number for each bugfix brought into the release branch. For instance, for the 2.4.X version of the product, the branch would be named:


In order to bring specific bugfixes or hotfixes into the release branch, the patch has to go through the whole process of being reviewed before it's merged into the master branch, and only then can it be cherry-picked (using the -x option, in order to keep a reference to the original commit in the new commit message) from the master branch to the given release branch. Then the maintainer can bump the patch version of the given release branch.

   WIP Branches         master        Release Branches
           dev/BF/flow  / |
    +<-----<-----<---<-+  |
    |                     |
    X                     |
    |                     X
    X                     | \   stable/1.0
    |  merge bufix into   |  +>--->--->--->+ # Set version to 1.0.0
    +->---->---->----->+  |                |
        master branch   \ |                |
                          X--->---->---->--X # Bump version to 1.0.1
                          | cherry-pick -x |
                          |                |
                          v                v

Coding Style Guidelines

This Coding Style guidelines exist for one simple reason: working together. This means that by following those, the different contributors will naturally follow a common style, making the project unified in this aspect. This will prove to be a good way to minimize the time waste due to trying to read and understand a code with completely different standards.

If any rule seems out-of-bounds, any contributor is welcome to discuss it, as long as he/she follows the rules set for the project. A configuration file for ESLint shall accompany this Coding Style Guidelines in order to help enforce as much as possible of it.

As a first note, the rules for this project rely on AirBnB's coding style guidelines.

Following are the amendments that we chose to bring on top of the quoted guidelines, in order to better fit our project.

Irrelevant Sections

Sections 3.2, 3.3 and 25 of AirBnB's guidelines are irrelevant for our nodejs use, as they relate to Jquery code, and to features relating to some specific web browsers. They shall be ignored.

Modified Sections and Rules

  • 18.1 Use soft tabs set to 4 spaces for the indentation of the code. Although this will reduce the efficient line length, this rule will result in easier readability.
    // bad
    function() {
    ∙∙const name;
    // bad
    function() {
    ∙const name;
    // good
    function() {
    ∙∙∙∙const name;

Additional Rules


  • 16.3 Do not use one-line blocks for conditions. This reduces readability by deviating from the usual way people read code, interfering with both their habits and their reading flow.
    // bad
    if (test)
       return false
    // bad
    if (test) return false;
    // bad
    if (test) { return false; }
    // good
    if (test) {
        return false;


  • 17.6 Even though single line comments are accepted, try to minimize them, as they are often forgotten when updating the code, and can thus easily get out of sync with the code itself.

  • 17.7 No commented code shall find its way to the codebase, as it is useless visual clutter with limited meaning most of the time, and is often outdated when it has a meaning. Prefer using TODO markers within comments to explain something instead.

  • 17.8 API functions must be preceded by a small doxygen/jsdoc-formatted explanatory comment: What is the role of the function, what are the parameters, what are the possible return values, and whether it can throw exceptions:

    // bad
     * The blipMyFunc function takes one function in parameter and returns
     * true only when the given function fits a random criteria using the
     * parameter string.
    function blipMyFunc(func, str) {
    // good
     * This function blips a function using the parameter string str.
     * @function
     * @param {function} func  the function to blip
     * @param {String} str     the string to blip the function with
     * @return {boolean} true if func fits a random criteria using str
     * @return {boolean} false if func does not fit a random criteria using str
     * @throws {Error} Invalid Parameters
    function blipMyFunc(func) {

    Complex internal functions shall also be described through such a comment.

  • 17.9 Complex parts of the code shall be preceded by a comment block explaining the WHY, the HOW, and the WHAT FOR. This also includes explaining the choice of the method or tool in a similar manner.

  • 17.10 Avoid paraphrasing the code through the comments, as it is not useful and generates noise for code reading (reviews included)

ECMAScript 6 Styles

  • 27.2 In order to use the full power of ES6 with nodeJS v4, the use of the npm module Babel is required. It provides a seamless way to translate code written in ES6 to ES5 without the intervention of the developer. It will provide all the missing ES6 features to nodeJS which ES6 support is currently incomplete. Using Babel within your NodeJS code:

    'use strict';
    var MainClass = require('../mainClass.js');
    var prog = MainClass();

    Using Babel for mocha tests:

    Prompt> mocha test.js --compiler js:babel/register

    Only the entry points of the programs are exempted from being written in ES6, due to the way Babel is used.

Coding Style General Rules

  • 29.1 The usage of the use strict directive is required at the start of each file of code:

    'use strict';
  • 29.2 No line shall be longer than 80 characters, as such a length can provide, within modern working setups, the possibility to work on multiple files at the same time on one screen.

  • 29.3 When naming Types, functions and variables, use semantically correct names that describe their use and objective.

    // bad
    let test = true;
    // bad
    let human = true;
    // good
    let userIsHuman = true;

Avoiding the Callback Hell

  • 30.1 No nested callback shall be longer than 5 lines. Any nested callback longer than this deserves its own proper function. Any such function that requires the binding of arguments from the parent function, should use Currying. This is a functionnal programming technique that allows the binding of arguments to a function, and is available in NodeJS. Those currying functions should have a name explicitly telling the developer that they are generating functions, otherwise it might become easily confusing for the reader of the code.
    // Bad (too many lines/nestings for a nested function definition)
    function do_step1(err, value) {
        var name = 'step 1';
        do_async_call(data, function do_step2(status, data) {
                         console.log(`${name} : ${status} -> ${data}`);
                         if (data) {
                           writeFile(data, function writeDone(err) {
                               if (err) {
                                   throw new Error(`Could not write data to file: ${err.message}`);
                               console.log("Wrote file successfully");
    // Good (Arrow syntax is not prefered, but it's okay)
    function do_step2(name, status, data) {
        console.log(`${name} : ${status} -> ${data}`);
        ... // A number of operations here, making the function too long to fit.
    function do_step1(err, value) {
        var name = 'step 1';
        do_async_call(data, (status, data) => { do_step2(name, status, data); });
    // Good (Less than 5 lines, so it's ok)
    function do_step1(err, status, data) {
        var name = 'step 1';
        do_async_call(data, function do_step2(status, data) {
                         console.log(`${name} : ${status} -> ${data}`);
    // Best (Fully using Currying, the async call is easy to read)
    // Also, the name is explicit in the way it says it generates something)
    function generateStep2(name) {
        let step2 = function do_step2(status, data) {
            console.log(`${name} : ${status} -> ${data}`);
            ... // A number of operations here, making the function too long to fit.
        return step2;
    function do_step1(err, value) {
        var name = 'step 1';
        do_async_call(data, generateStep2(name));

Strict equality

  • 31.1 In the same manner === should be used instead of ==, defaulting missing variables should not be done using || unless there is a specific and good reason.


    // bad
    function f(arg, optionalArg, opts = {}) {
        const message = optionalArg || 'not set';  // what if arg === ''?
        const rate = opts.rate || 0.1;             // what if arg === 0.0?
    // bad
    const useUnicode = ENV['USE_UTF8'] || true;    // what if arg === false?
    // good
    function f(arg, optionalArg = 'not set', opts = {}) {
        const rate = opts.rate !== undefined ? opts.rate : 0.1;
    // good, with some input checking
    function f(opts = {}) {
        if (opts.msg !== undefined)
            assert(typeof opts.msg === 'string', 'opts.msg must be a string');
        const message = opts.msg !== undefined ? opts.msg : 'not set';
    // good
    const useUnicode = ENV['USE_UTF8'] !== undefined : ENV['USE_UTF8'] || true;

    Why? Because || does not check for strict equality. So if an user passes 0, false, null, '', etc. as an argument, it will be defaulted while it shouldn't be. Try this in a node prompt:

    > 43 || 'DEFAULT'     // 43
    > 0 || 'DEFAULT'      // 'DEFAULT'
    > false || 'DEFAULT'  // 'DEFAULT'
    > null || 'DEFAULT'   // 'DEFAULT'
    > '' || 'DEFAULT'     // 'DEFAULT'


The logging framework used is werelogs which provides per-request logging in addition to module logging. This part of the guidelines attempts to standardize log messages across the whole product to ease reading, understanding and troubleshooting by being systematic.

Request Tracking

When a new request is received, a new per-request logger can be instantiated. The X-Scal-Request-Uids HTTP header can be used to transmit request identifiers from this logger across all the daemons involved when HTTP is the chosen protocol. When there is no process barrier crossed or when the protocol used is not HTTP, the request identifier can be serialized and carried by whatever means necessary (eg. an optional field in protobuf messages or an extra argument in APIs).

Usually the request logger is directly used for the whole lifecycle of the request. Externally-maintained client libraries can take a serialized request identifier as an argument to instanciate their own logger, which can be useful for log searching purposes.

Components receiving such request identifiers to participate in per-request product-wide logging must be robust to null or undefined or missing request identifiers.


FATAL: logs errors that will abort the process

ERROR: logs errors that are not recoverable (other than errors due to user input)

WARN: logs errors that are recoverable (other than errors due to user input)

INFO: logs info about each request received

DEBUG: logs the high level steps and component interactions while processing a request and any details of user input errors

TRACE: logs variables, parsed data, etc.

Note that an error log triggers a full log buffer dump by werelogs (in a typical configuration).


Log messages are short phrases (fewer than 10 words), starting with a lowercase letter. They should use past tense to indicate that something already happened and is finished, and present continuous to indicate that something is ongoing. No punctuation is needed at the end of the phrase as formatters can later append more information to the line.

To avoid string building as much as possible, especially for messages that will never be printed, the extra-fields form of werelogs methods can be used, giving context outside of phrases. On top of being computationally lighter, this approach has the advantage of leaving the formatting to the presentation layer (freeing the developer from it), and producing semantically-annotated messages that can be analyzed and searched by specialized tools.

Obviously no sensitive information such as access key secrets can make it to the logs.

// bad`compute signature for ${accessKeyId} (${algorithm})`);
// good
log.debug('computing request signature', { accessKeyId, date, algorithm });

// bad`host ${server} is down!`);
// good
log.error('bucket metadata update failed',
          { bucketName, server, error: errorObject });


Fields added as context to log messages should use consistent names across the product to ease searching, matching and building health dashboards. Here is a non-exhaustive list of field names to use:

  • Generic
    • bucketName
    • objectKey
    • partId
    • accessKeyId
    • attemptsLeft
    • totalAttempts (for the number of times we tried something before deciding to fail)
    • duration (in microsecs)
    • date
    • endpoint (can be any service endpoint formatted as address:port for remote service such as bucketd, vaultd, repd, etc)
    • method (method being called in an API)
    • error (as an arsenal.errors.ArsenalError object)
  • S3 specific
    • clientIP
    • namespace
    • sproxydObjectKey
  • Metadata specific
    • raftSession
  • Vault specific
    • algorithm
    • entityType
    • entityContent
    • authenticationDetails
    • stringToSign

This list will grow as logging context needs are explored.