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Changes From 8.2.6 To 8.2.7

Rahul Padigela edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • improvement: S3C-3512 add bucket/obj names in logs
  • improvement: S3C-3475 add s3 actions in logs
  • bugfix: ZENKO-2866 update arsenal dependency
  • bugfix: ZENKO-2905 update arsenal dependency
  • bugfix: S3C-2687 update acl id regex
  • bugfix: S3C-2687 acl invalid id tests
  • bugfix: S3C-3350 avoid throwing exception for legacy objects
  • bugfix: S3C-3482 skip object copy tests
  • bf(S3C-3460): Increment numberOfObjects only on MPU completion
  • bugfix: S3C-3428 skip obj copy tests in e2e
  • bugfix: S3C-3465 fix ms difference is tests
  • bugfix: S3C-3350 avoid throwing exception for legacy objects
  • bugfix: S3C-3330 bucket policy action mapping
  • S3C-1801 update arsenal
  • feature: S3C-1801 policy tag condition keys
  • ZENKO-2810 upload docker image with short version tag
  • bugfix: S3C-3042 prevent suspending version on replication buckets
  • bugfix: S3C-2775 update logic for counting object replicas
  • bf(S3C-1232): Validate passed account ids for list_metrics.js
  • bugfix: S3C-3303 allow empty notif config
  • bugfix: S3C-3301 bucket notif config fix
  • update arsenal
  • feature: S3C-2798 get bucket notification
  • feature: S3C-2797 update BucketInfo ModelVersion doc
  • feature:S3C 2797 update Arsenal
  • feature: S3C-2797 put bucket notification
  • bf(S3C-3263): Fix objectDelta field values
  • bugfix: ZENKO-2729 fix routeBackbeat mixed use of Promise and callback
  • bugfix: ZENKO-2729 async raw-node headObject test before/after
  • revert yarn mongo update
  • feature: S3C-3238 add bucket notification config
  • bugfix: ZENKO-2729 remove .only from raw-node tests
  • bugfix: S3C-3246 getObject pushMetric missing key
  • feature: S3C-3229 update arsenal
  • feature: S3C-3229 add originOp objMD
  • bugfix: S3C-2801 mpu tagging tests
  • feature: S3C-3132 update apis with new metric info
  • feature: S3C-3132 Support utapi pushmetric v2
  • feature: S3C-3196 update node
  • chore: add dependabot config
  • bugfix: S3C-2513 use joi to parse sproxyd config
  • bugfix: S3C-2513 fix a typo parsing locationConfig.json sproxyd chordCos/path
  • improvement: S3C-3119 add func test to get head obj
  • bugfix: S3C-3130 update arsenal to pass put config without rule
  • bugfix: S3C-3130 put config without rule throws exception
  • bugfix: S3C-3145 change log to trace
  • bugfix: S3C-3145 - add objectLocked field to AccessDenied errors
  • bluebird error
  • bugfix: S3C-3121 should create bucket without object lock
  • bugfix: S3C-3106 multiobj delete obj lock error
  • removeObjLock func to changeObjLock
  • improvement: S3C-3120 bucket get object lock use setter
  • feature: S3C-3118 flatten objmd retention
  • bugfix: S3C-3115 skip ext. backend tests for Integration
  • feature: S3C-3112 update arsenal
  • feature: S3C-2945 get object legal hold functional tests
  • feature: S3C-2944 put object legal hold functional tests
  • feature: S3C-2788 put/get obj retention func tests
  • feature: S3C-2802 add func test for head obj header
  • feature: S3C-2960 update utapi for object lock metrics
  • feature:S3C-2974 update existing tests for locked delete
  • feature: S3C-2974 object lock delete apis
  • feature: S3C-3040 add obj lock actions to bucket policy
  • feature:S3C-2792-mpu-object-retention
  • feature: S3C-2791 extend copy object for object lock
  • feature: S3C-2946 get and head object support object lock
  • improvement: S3C-3044-update-arsenal-hash
  • feature: S3C-2791 extend put object api for object lock
  • bugfix: S3C-3062 fix tests in Integration
  • feature: S3C-2788-get-object-retention
  • bugfix: S3C-3018 multiobjdel enable utapi
  • feature:S3C-2787 update arsenal
  • feature: S3C-2787 put object retention
  • feature: S3C-2945 get object legal hold api
  • feature: S3C-2944 put object legal hold api
  • bugfix: ZENKO-2564 non-proxied request for metrics
  • feature: S3-2777 object lock test plan
  • feature: S3C-2790 get object lock configuration
  • bugfix:S3C-2959 fix objectLock and NFSEnabled locations
  • update ModelVersion readme
  • update Arsenal
  • feature: S3C 2789 put obj lock config api
  • feature: S3C-2785 extend putBucket api for object lock
  • Add suffix param in Promisify call
  • bugfix: S3C-2880 update aws-sdk
  • bugfix: S3C-2726 update arsenal dependency
  • improvement: S3C-2508 remove mongodb backend
  • bugfix: S3C-2408 update Utapi package
  • bugfix: S3C-2408 MPU overwrite
  • bugfix: S3C-2571 enable accept ranges header
  • bugfix: S3C 2668 Fix broken tests from regex changes
  • bugfix: S3C-2668 Update arsenal for downstream fix
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