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When building CLIs that output to the console, it's useful to be able to record and validate the console output for subsequent verification. Doing so requires a few useful helpers:

  • A console replacement to record the actual console output
  • A fixture mechanism to store the expected output
  • An assertion mechanism, whereby you can assert actual output against expected fixtures

console-test-helpers provides all of the above.


yarn add console-test-helpers --dev

# or

npm install console-test-helpers --save-dev


console-test-helpers replaces the real console with a fake, which stores the output in addition to acting as a proxy for all console calls. This means the console will behave the same, but will gather output for later validation. Validation can be performed using fixtures that can be asserted against.

Below is an example using qunit-console-test-helpers, the sister package to console-test-helpers.

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupMockConsole } from 'qunit-console-test-helpers';

// ...
module('With mocked console', function(hooks) {
  setupMockConsole(hooks, { fixturePath: './tests/fixtures' });

  test('Something that mocks the console', function(assert) {



See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.