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Northcoders House of Games API


We will be building an API for the purpose of accessing application data programmatically. The intention here is to mimic the building of a real world backend service (such as reddit) which should provide this information to the front end architecture.

Setting up the repo

1. Clone the repo using git:

$ git clone

2. Install Dependencies

$ npm install

3. Create your databases enviroments

To set-up this repo and run this locally, you will need to create two enviroment files.

  • An '.env.development' file with:
PGDATABASE = nc_games
  • An '.env.test' file with:
PGDATABASE = nc_games_test

4. Seed the local database

The database needs to be seeded and this is achieved by running

$ npm run setup-dbs

End-points Available

GET /api

This endpoint gets a JSON object with all of the endpoints avalible to make.

GET /api/categories

This endpoint gets an array of category objects with a slug and description property.

GET /api/reviews

This endpoint gets an array of review objects with review_id, title, designer, owner, review_img_url, category, created at, votes, and comment count.

Queries that can be made:

  • ?category= - this will filter the array by category given.
  • ?sort_by= - this will sort the array by a given property of the review objects.
  • ?order= - this will sort the array by ascending (asc) or descending (desc).

By default the array returned will be sort by created_at in descending order.

GET /api/reviews/:review_id

This endpoint will get a review object with properties of review_id, title, designer, owner, review_img_url, category, created at, votes, and comment count, when given a specified review id.

GET /api/reviews/:review_id/comments

This endpoint will return an array of comment object that have the specified review id.

GET /api/users

This endpoint will return an array of user objects with the properties of username, name, and avatar_url.

POST /api/reviews/:review_id/comments

This endpoint will add a comment to the comments array and given a pre-specified review id and will return a comment object with comment id, body, review id, author, votes, and created at.

PATCH /api/reviews/:review_id

This enpoint will take an object with a property of inc_vote and will update the votes of the review with the review id specified.

DELETE /api/comments/1

This endpoint will delete a comment

Node.js and Postgres

The project was created using:

  • node --version | v10.19.0
  • psql --version | v12.12

Browser availible version:

This can be accessed at:


No description, website, or topics provided.






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