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Is a vite based too to assist in developing, testing and deploying self embedding vue components. The latest version is based on js import maps. This greatly reduces build complexity elimination the need for a separate browser build and server/tooling build.

The caveat is that browsers only permit one import map loaded. This posses a problem for multiple independent components. Thus dist-build is dependant on the package es-module-shims.

dist-builder utilizes es-module-shims in shim mode. This permits the import of external and multiple import maps currently not supported by any browser. Further, will polyfill what is needed for the 5% of browsers that do not support ES Modules presently. As a result 72% us users are passed through utilizing the browsers native functions. Usage results in ~5ms extra initialization time over native for ES Module Shims fetching, execution and initialization with an 10kb additional download.


CLI Commands


${ yarn | npx} dist-builder build

Will build a self embedding vue component utilizing vite, building from 2 entry points widget.js and the default. Build will transpiles to the dist folder. Do to complexity all other build formats were removed and now only builds in es format. A dev folder inside dist also builds an es version not minified for preview and preview widget testing.

releaseDev [-f]

${ yarn | npx} dist-builder releaseDev

Will release a package to scbd's dev component host${packageName}@${packageVersion}/dist/widget/index.js.

-f options will overwrite an existing version if it exists.

Test the widget released on dev:

      type = "module"
      src  = ""
      options = "{ 
                    debug      : true,
                    baseApiUrl : '',
                    accountsUrl: '',
                    year       : 2023,
                    view       : 'IdbActionsAdmin',
                    editUrl    : ''


import  DistBuilder from '@scbd/dist-builder';

const { viteConfig,  external:deps, getPackageVersion } = DistBuilder;

export const debug   =  true; // see errors when building
export const minify  =  true; // minify production version
export const globals = { vue: 'Vue', 'vue-i18n': 'VueI18n'}; // global within the module scope

export const cdnUrl  = '';  //cdn url where replaced excluding import maps

export const widget           = true; // will this component have a widget entry?
export const testWidget       = true; // build a test widget to for preview 
export const includeInBuild   = [  ]; //  all deps that should be bushed into build and not retrieved from cdn

// point to a different location in import map other than
export const importMapOverRide = {
    'pinia'                                         : `${getPackageVersion('pinia')}/dist/pinia.esm-browser.js`

// include extra deps in the import map not seen in package
export const importExtras = {
    '': ``,
    '@vue/devtools-api'                             : `^6.5.0`,
    'json5'                                         : ``

const external = deps.filter((item)=>!includeInBuild.includes(item)); // everything is external except specified

// main config export used by the dist builder, cannot be in vit config ... calling it  self
export const distBuilderConfig = {
    widget, testWidget, cdnUrl, external, debug, minify, globals, importMapOverRide, importExtras

// format it for vite yet called multiple times
export const makeViteConfig = () => viteConfig(distBuilderConfig)

export default makeViteConfig


vite based dist builder supporting widgets (embeddable vue components )






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