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jamiemccarthy committed Aug 1, 2008
1 parent e710cdd commit 9149d3b
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Showing 5 changed files with 391 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tagboxes/Metamod/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
'NAME' => 'Slash::Tagbox::Metamod',
'PM' => { '' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/' },
366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions tagboxes/Metamod/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This code is a part of Slash, and is released under the GPL.
# Copyright 1997-2005 by Open Source Technology Group. See README
# and COPYING for more information, or see

package Slash::Tagbox::Metamod;

=head1 NAME
Slash::Tagbox::Metamod - update user values based on metamoderation of their mods
my $tagbox_tcu = getObject("Slash::Tagbox::Metamod");
my $feederlog_ar = $tagbox_tcu->feed_newtags($users_ar);

use strict;

use Slash;
use Slash::DB;
use Slash::Utility::Environment;
use Slash::Tagbox;

use Data::Dumper;

our $VERSION = $Slash::Constants::VERSION;

use base 'Slash::DB::Utility'; # first for object init stuff, but really
# needs to be second! figure it out. -- pudge
use base 'Slash::DB::MySQL';

sub new {
my($class, $user) = @_;

return undef if !$class->isInstalled();

# Note that getTagboxes() would call back to this new() function
# if the tagbox objects have not yet been created -- but the
# no_objects option prevents that. See getTagboxes() for details.
my($tagbox_name) = $class =~ /(\w+)$/;
my %self_hash = %{ getObject('Slash::Tagbox')->getTagboxes($tagbox_name, undef, { no_objects => 1 }) };
my $self = \%self_hash;
return undef if !$self || !keys %$self;

bless($self, $class);
$self->{virtual_user} = $user;

my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
my $tagsdb = getObject('Slash::Tags');
$self->{upvoteid} = $tagsdb->getTagnameidCreate($constants->{tags_upvote_tagname} || 'nod');
$self->{downvoteid} = $tagsdb->getTagnameidCreate($constants->{tags_downvote_tagname} || 'nix');
$self->{metanodid} = $tagsdb->getTagnameidCreate('metanod');
$self->{metanixid} = $tagsdb->getTagnameidCreate('metanix');
$self->{care_ids} = [ $self->{upvoteid}, $self->{downvoteid}, $self->{metamodid}, $self->{metanixid} ];
$self->{modup_ids} = [ ];
$self->{moddown_ids} = [ ];
$self->{metamodup_ids} = [ $self->{upvoteid}, $self->{metanodid} ];
$self->{metamoddown_ids} = [ $self->{downvoteid}, $self->{metanixid} ];
my $reasons = $constants->{reasons};
for my $id (sort keys %$reasons) {
next unless $reasons->{$id}{val}; # skip 'Normal'
my $name = lc $reasons->{$id}{name};
my $nameid = $tagsdb->getTagnameidCreate($name);
push @{$self->{care_ids}}, $nameid;
if ($reasons->{$id}{val} > 0) {
push @{$self->{modup_ids}}, $nameid;
} else {
push @{$self->{moddown_ids}}, $nameid;

return $self;

sub isInstalled {
my($class) = @_;
my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
my($tagbox_name) = $class =~ /(\w+)$/;
return $constants->{plugin}{Tags} && $constants->{tagbox}{$tagbox_name} || 0;

sub feed_newtags {
my($self, $tags_ar) = @_;
my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
if (scalar(@$tags_ar) < 9) {
main::tagboxLog("Metamod->feed_newtags called for tags '" . join(' ', map { $_->{tagid} } @$tags_ar) . "'");
} else {
main::tagboxLog("Metamod->feed_newtags called for " . scalar(@$tags_ar) . " tags " . $tags_ar->[0]{tagid} . " ... " . $tags_ar->[-1]{tagid});
my $tagsdb = getObject('Slash::Tags');

# We care about nod and nix (the precursors to metamod and metanix),
# metanod and metanix, and all moderations.

my $ret_ar = [ ];
for my $tag_hr (@$tags_ar) {
next unless grep { $_ == $tag_hr->{tagnameid} } @{$self->{care_ids}};
my $ret_hr = {
affected_id => $tag_hr->{globjid},
importance => 1,
# We identify this little chunk of importance by either
# tagid or tdid depending on whether the source data had
# the tdid field (which tells us whether feed_newtags was
# "really" called via feed_deactivatedtags).
if ($tag_hr->{tdid}) { $ret_hr->{tdid} = $tag_hr->{tdid} }
else { $ret_hr->{tagid} = $tag_hr->{tagid} }
push @$ret_ar, $ret_hr;
return [ ] if !@$ret_ar;

# Tags applied to globjs that have a firehose entry associated
# are important (because only comments in the hose are eligible
# to be metamodded). Other tags are not.
my %globjs = ( map { $_->{affected_id}, 1 } @$ret_ar );
my $globjs_str = join(', ', sort keys %globjs);
my $fh_globjs_ar = $self->sqlSelectColArrayref(
"globjid IN ($globjs_str)");
return [ ] if !@$fh_globjs_ar; # if no affected globjs have firehose entries, short-circuit out
my %fh_globjs = ( map { $_, 1 } @$fh_globjs_ar );
$ret_ar = [ grep { $fh_globjs{ $_->{affected_id} } } @$ret_ar ];

main::tagboxLog("Metamod->feed_newtags returning " . scalar(@$ret_ar));
return $ret_ar;

sub feed_deactivatedtags {
my($self, $tags_ar) = @_;
main::tagboxLog("Metamod->feed_deactivatedtags called: tags_ar='" . join(' ', map { $_->{tagid} } @$tags_ar) . "'");
my $ret_ar = $self->feed_newtags($tags_ar);
main::tagboxLog("Metamod->feed_deactivatedtags returning " . scalar(@$ret_ar));
return $ret_ar;

sub feed_userchanges {
my($self, $users_ar) = @_;
my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
main::tagboxLog("Metamod->feed_userchanges called: users_ar='" . join(' ', map { $_->{tuid} } @$users_ar) . "'");

# XXX need to fill this in

return [ ];

sub run {
my($self, $affected_id, $options) = @_;
my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
my $tagsdb = getObject('Slash::Tags');
my $tagboxdb = getObject('Slash::Tagbox');
my $firehose_db = getObject('Slash::FireHose');

# Make sure the globjid indeed has a firehose entry.
my $fhid = $firehose_db->getFireHoseIdFromGlobjid($affected_id);
if (!$fhid) {
warn "Metamod->run bad data, no fhid for '$affected_id'";
return ;

# Get some basic information about the tag array we're processing.

my $tag_ar = $tagboxdb->getTagboxTags($self->{tbid}, $affected_id, 0);
my $prev_max = $self->get_maxtagid_seen($affected_id);
my $new_max = $tag_ar->[-1]{tagid};

# Do the hard work: process the tag array twice, once for the
# previous time (if any) this tagbox was run on this globj,
# and once for now. Calculate the difference between the two runs:
# that is what must be applied this time around.

my $new_delta = $self->get_delta($tag_ar, $new_max);
if (!defined($new_delta)) {
main::tagboxLog("Metamod->run no consensus yet on $fhid ($affected_id)");
# Don't bother setting maxtagid seen. When consensus is
# achieved, it'll run from the start anyway.
return ;
my $old_delta = $self->get_delta($tag_ar, $prev_max);
my $change_delta = $self->get_change($old_delta, $new_delta);

if ($options->{return_only}) {
return $change_delta;

# Apply the change and get a textual description of what was done;
# mark it as having been done, and log it.

my $change_str = $self->apply_change($change_delta);
main::tagboxLog("Metamod->run change for $fhid ($affected_id) from $prev_max to $new_max: $change_str");

sub get_maxtagid_seen {
my($self, $globjid) = @_;
return 0 if !$globjid;
return $self->sqlSelect('max_tagid_seen', 'tagbox_metamod_history',
"globjid=$globjid") || 0;

sub set_maxtagid_seen {
my($self, $globjid, $max_tagid) = @_;
return 0 if !$globjid;
return $self->sqlReplace('tagbox_metamod_history', {
globjid => $globjid,
max_tagid_seen => $max_tagid,
-last_update => 'NOW()',

# Given a tag array, and some basic information about how to process it,
# figure out which users require which values in their accounts changed.
# Note that this may be called before consensus is achieved in which
# case an empty delta is returned.

sub get_delta {
my($self, $tag_ar, $max) = @_;
my @tags = grep { $_->{tagid} <= $max } @$tag_ar;
my($upfrac, $dissenters) = $self->calc_agreement(\@tags);
return undef if !defined($upfrac);

my $delta = { };

my $metamod_reader = getObject('Slash::Metamod::Static', { db_type => 'reader' });
my $up_csq = $metamod_reader->getM2Consequences($upfrac);
my $down_csq = $metamod_reader->getM2Consequences(1 - $upfrac);
for my $tag_hr (@tags) {
my $id = $tag_hr->{tagnameid};
next unless grep { $_ == $id } @{$self->{care_ids}};
next if $tag_hr->{inactivated}; # XXX should check how long it was active, penalties may still apply
my $uid = $tag_hr->{uid};
for my $key (qw(
tokens karma
up_fair down_fair up_unfair down_unfair
m2voted_majority m2voted_lonedissent
)) {
$delta->{$uid}{$key} ||= 0;
if (grep { $_ == $id } @{$self->{modup_ids}}) {
$delta->{$uid}{tokens} += $up_csq->{m1_tokens};
$delta->{$uid}{karma} += $up_csq->{m1_karma};
if ($upfrac > 0.5) { ++$delta->{$uid}{up_fair} }
elsif ($upfrac < 0.5) { ++$delta->{$uid}{up_unfair} }
} elsif (grep { $_ == $id } @{$self->{moddown_ids}}) {
$delta->{$uid}{tokens} += $down_csq->{m1_tokens};
$delta->{$uid}{karma} += $down_csq->{m1_karma};
if ($upfrac > 0.5) { ++$delta->{$uid}{down_unfair} }
elsif ($upfrac < 0.5) { ++$delta->{$uid}{down_fair} }
} elsif (grep { $_ == $id } @{$self->{metamodup_ids}}) {
if ($upfrac > 0.5) { $delta->{$uid}{tokens} += $up_csq->{m2_fair_tokens};
++$delta->{$uid}{m2voted_majority} }
elsif ($upfrac < 0.5) { $delta->{$uid}{tokens} += $down_csq->{m2_fair_tokens};
++$delta->{$uid}{m2voted_lonedissent} if $dissenters < 2 }
} elsif (grep { $_ == $id } @{$self->{metamoddown_ids}}) {
if ($upfrac < 0.5) { $delta->{$uid}{tokens} += $down_csq->{m2_fair_tokens};
++$delta->{$uid}{m2voted_majority} }
elsif ($upfrac > 0.5) { $delta->{$uid}{tokens} += $up_csq->{m2_fair_tokens};
++$delta->{$uid}{m2voted_lonedissent} if $dissenters < 2 }
return $delta;

# Taken from plugins/Metamod/Static/

sub getM2Consequences {
my($self, $frac) = @_;
my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
my $c = $constants->{m2_consequences};
for my $ckey (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$c) {
if ($frac <= $ckey) {
my $retval = { };
my @vals = @{$c->{$ckey}};
for my $key (qw( m2_fair_tokens m2_unfair_tokens m1_tokens m1_karma )) {
$retval->{$key} = shift @vals;
return $retval;
return undef;

# Given two deltas, get the change between them.

sub get_change {
my($self, $old_delta, $new_delta) = @_;
my $change_delta = { };
$old_delta ||= { };
$new_delta ||= { };
my %all_uids = map { $_, 1 } (keys(%$old_delta), keys(%$new_delta));
for my $uid (keys %all_uids) {
my $old = $old_delta->{$uid} || { };
my $new = $new_delta->{$uid} || { };
my %all_fields = map { $_, 1 } (keys(%$old), keys(%$new));
for my $field (keys %all_fields) {
my $diff = ($new->{$field} || 0) - ($old->{$field} || 0);
if ($diff) {
$change_delta->{$uid} ||= { };
$change_delta->{$uid}{$field} = sprintf("%+.6f", $diff);
return $change_delta;

sub apply_change {
my($self, $change_delta) = @_;
$change_delta ||= { };
for my $uid (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$change_delta) {
my $update_hr = { };
# No fancy random application of rounding (yet).
for my $field (qw( tokens karma
up_fair down_fair up_unfair down_unfair
m2voted_up_fair m2voted_down_fair
m2voted_up_unfair m2voted_down_unfair
m2voted_majority m2voted_lonedissent
)) {
next unless $change_delta->{$uid}{$field};
$update_hr->{"-$field"} = "ROUND($field $change_delta->{$uid}{$field})";
my $rows = $self->setUser($uid, $update_hr);
main::tagboxLog("Metamod->run changed $rows rows for $uid: " . join(" ", sort keys %$update_hr));

# Return two numbers: the fraction of upvotes (0.0 = total agreement on down,
# 1.0 = total agreement on up, 0.5 = exactly split) and the number of dissenters
# in the minority. If not enough votes have been cast yet, return (undef,undef).

sub calc_agreement {
my($self, $tag_ar) = @_;
my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
my $adminmult = $constants->{tagbox_metamod_adminmult} || 10;
my $admins = $self->getAdmins();
my($modc, $metac) = (0, 0);
my($upc, $downc) = (0, 0);
my($upvotes, $downvotes) = (0, 0);
for my $tag_hr (@$tag_ar) {
next if $tag_hr->{inactivated};
my $user = $self->getUser($tag_hr->{uid});
my $is_admin = $admins->{$tag_hr->{uid}} ? 1 : 0;
next if !$is_admin && $user->{tokens} < $constants->{m2_mintokens};
my $mult = $is_admin ? $adminmult : 1;
my $modfrac = $constants->{tagbox_metamod_modfrac} || 0.1;
my $tnid = $tag_hr->{tagnameid};
# A metamod up or down counts as 1 full vote in that direction.
if (grep { $tnid == $_ } @{$self->{metamodup_ids}} ) { ++$metac; ++$upc; $upvotes += $mult }
elsif (grep { $tnid == $_ } @{$self->{metamoddown_ids}}) { ++$metac; ++$downc; $downvotes += $mult }
# A regular mod up or down counts as some fraction of a vote in
# that direction.
elsif (grep { $tnid == $_ } @{$self->{modup_ids}} ) { ++$modc; ++$upc; $upvotes += $mult * $modfrac }
elsif (grep { $tnid == $_ } @{$self->{moddown_ids}}) { ++$modc; ++$downc; $downvotes += $mult * $modfrac }
# If there aren't enough votes, there's no agreement.
return (undef,undef) if $upvotes+$downvotes < 3;
my $upfrac = $upvotes/($upvotes+$downvotes);
my $dissenters = ($upfrac >= 0.5) ? $downc : $upc;
return ($upfrac, $dissenters);


7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tagboxes/Metamod/TAGBOX
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
description=Update user values based on metamoderation of their mods
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tagboxes/Metamod/mysql_dump.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
INSERT INTO tagboxes (tbid, name, affected_type, clid, weight, last_run_completed, last_tagid_logged, last_tdid_logged, last_tuid_logged) VALUES (NULL, 'Metamod', 'globj', 3, 1, '2000-01-01 00:00:00', 0, 0, 0);

INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tagbox_metamod_adminmult', '10', 'Admin metamods count as this many regular-user metamods');
INSERT IGNORE INTO vars (name, value, description) VALUES ('tagbox_metamod_modfrac', '0.1', 'A mod counts as this much of a metamod for purposes of determining consensus');

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tagboxes/Metamod/mysql_schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
CREATE TABLE tagbox_metamod_history (
max_tagid_seen int UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
last_update timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

0 comments on commit 9149d3b

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