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Experiment Meta Data

Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience edited this page Jul 21, 2015 · 2 revisions

This page specifies the meta-data for the experiment.

This information may be added to any recording.

<experiment>       # information about the experiment 
  <id>             # experiment identifier

  <session>        # information about the experiment session
    <id>           # session identifier or sequence number
    <permutation>  # permutation code, if any
    <pilot>        # whether this is a pilot session (Yes/No)
    <role>         # role of the session in the experiment (e.g., training, baseline)

  <task>           # information about the experimental task, if any
    <label>        # label of the task (e.g. Flanker)
    <description>  # verbal task description
    <citation>     # citation for the task design

  <script>         # information about the experiment script
    <location>     # external location of the experiment script
    <code>         # actual code of the script, if available
    <language>     # language that the script was written in (e.g., Python, E-Prime, ...)

  <investigator>          # information about the responsible investigator
    <name>                # name
    <title>               # title/salutation (Mr., Dr., etc.)
    <affiliation>         # affiliation of the investigator
    <contact>             # contact information
      <email>             # email address
      <phone>             # work phone number
      <mailing_address>   # mailing address

  <project>               # information about the project under which this experiment is performed
    <funding>             # information about the project funding
      <organization>      # funding organization
      <grant_id>          # grant ID
