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439 lines (352 loc) · 25 KB

File metadata and controls

439 lines (352 loc) · 25 KB


scenery-0.6.2 to scenery-0.7.0-beta-1

Additions and Changes

  • introduces preliminary support for rendering BigDataViewer volumetric datasets
  • ShaderProperty/Node: Add support to store shader properties in HashMap
  • OpenGLObjectState: add getUBO() and getBackedUBO() methods
  • OpenGLRenderer: Cut down on non-null asserted alls
  • VulkanRenderer/OpenGLRenderer: Support rendering to Swing windows via SceneryJPanel
  • VulkanRenderer: Add AWTSwapchain for drawing via lwjgl3-awt
  • SceneryBase: Only show REPL after renderer initialisation is complete
  • SceneryBase: Call XInitThreads on Linux when running X11
  • Renderer: Use ACES tonemapping operator for HDR rendering
  • OpenGLRenderer/VulkanRenderer: Add support for GenericTexture's incremental updates
  • VulkanShaderModule: Improve detection of inconsistencies
  • Renderer: Add DeferredShadingLowEnd.yml pipeline configuration for better performance on low-end GPUs
  • VulkanRenderer: Remove nullability of various members that do not require to be null
  • VulkanShaderModule: Store type of UBO
  • Camera: store projection type, and viewport sizes, add aspectRatio() function
  • PupilEyeTracker: Improve calibration routine
  • EyeTrackingExample: Improve feedback on failed/successful calibration
  • ProceduralVolumeExample: Support procedural generation of 16bit volumes


  • OpenGLRenderer: Fix handling of sRGB textures and render targets
  • OpenGLRenderer: Ensure object metadata was created when updating instances
  • VulkanRenderer: Don't fail to initialize if NvidiaGPUStats fail for some reason
  • VulkanRenderer: Correctly determine number of necessary mipmap levels
  • VulkanRenderpass: Mark old DSLs for garbage collection and delete them only upon renderpass closure
  • Shaders: Use correct key for caching ShaderPackages

Dependency Updates

  • bumps jackson to 2.9.8
  • bumps ClearGL to 2.2.5
  • bumps SciJava Parent POM to 24.0.0
  • bumps lwjgl to 3.2.1
  • bumps Kotlin to 1.3.11
  • bumps spirvcrossj to 0.5.0-1.1.85
  • bumps coremem to 0.4.6
  • bumps kotlinx-coroutines to 1.0.0
  • bumps JInput to 2.0.9
  • bumps ffmpeg-platform to 4.0.2-1.4.3
  • bumps msgpack to 0.8.16
  • bumps Kryo to 4.0.2
  • bumps JOCL to 2.0.1
  • bumps jna to 4.5.2

scenery-0.6.1 to scenery-0.6.2


  • Volume: circumvent race condition when updating volumes with improved locking code
  • VulkanRenderer/OpenGLRenderer: initialize spirvcrossj statically (once-per-process)

Additions and Changes

  • POM: Add Sonatype repository before ImageJ Maven
  • VulkanRenderer: revamps JavaFX swapchain handling to enable embedding in JFXPanels
  • VulkanSwapchain/HeadlessSwapchain/JavaFXSwapchain/OpenGLSwapchain: record the number of images presented with this swapchain
  • Renderer: Output exception name in case Vulkan cannot be initialiased, and full stack trace if debug logging is enabled
  • VulkanRenderer/OpenGLRenderer: Determine renderer window size depending on size of embedded component
  • JavaFXMouseAndKeyHandler: Attach event handlers to JavaFX Scene, and not to Stage

Dependency update

  • bumps spirvcrossj to 0.4.2

scenery-0.6.0 to scenery-0.6.1


  • REPL: Fix typo in startup.js launch script that caused graphics.scenery.volumes not getting imported
  • Volume: Fix normalisation for the different rendering modes

Additions and Changes

  • TransferFunction: add rampMax parameter to ramp factory function to set a maximum value to ramp to
  • Volume: Make local maximum intensity projection (LMIP) the default rendering methods due to performance issues with alpha blending

scenery-0.6.0-beta-1 to scenery-0.6.0


  • VulkanRenderer: Do not fail if a descriptor set is not found, but emit strong error message and continue rendering
  • VulkanRenderer: Fix incorrect initialisation of input descriptor sets in case the default shader does not consume the pass' inputs
  • OpenVRHMD: Transition Vulkan input texture to layout required by OpenVR
  • FXSwapchain: Force correct image flipping in SceneryPanels and remove KHRSwapchain remnants not needed anymore due to HeadlessSwapchain
  • REPL: Add backends to REPL startup script, fix issue with object location there, and add SceneryBase object to REPL accessible objects
  • HasGeometry: Refactor material import code for MTL files to prevent output of false positive errors

Additions and Changes

  • adds HBAO as new default AO option, and SSAO as a faster, lower quality option
  • Adds support for on-the-fly renderer switching, closes #106.
  • SceneryBase: Use canonical way to close renderer
  • VulkanRenderer: Support filtering of event types for strict validation, by setting scenery.VulkanRenderer.StrictValidation to a list of event types (e.g. '10,6')
  • Renderer: Update rendering pipelines with single-component render targets for AO
  • Move raycasting code from SelectCommand to Scene.raycast() and Camera.getNodesForScreenSpacePosition()
  • Add EnumCycleCommand for shifting through enums
  • adds the capability to change shaders as part of rendering quality options
  • VulkanRenderer: improves the construction of a pass' input descriptor sets
  • VulkanRenderpass: Improve consistency checks on rendertargets

Dependency Updates

  • bumps Kotlin to 1.2.71

scenery-0.5.1 to scenery-0.6.0-beta-1


  • Renderer: Don't overwrite user-defined settings
  • Fix normalisation bug in DeferredLighting.frag
  • Volume: write depth correctly
  • SceneryPanel: Remove unnecessary texture locking, improving stuttering
  • JavaFXMouseAndKeyHandler: Handle shift-scroll correctly on Windows
  • Renderer: Save screenshots even if push mode is active. Fixes #213.
  • Line: add geometry shader to expected shaders

Additions and Changes

  • Breaking change: This Release changes the way shaders are handled by Nodes. It removes Node.useClassDerivedShader and replaces it with a unified and more flexible system that also allows for shader factories. See Shaders and ShaderFactory (#203)
  • Volume: Add local ambient occlusion
  • Volume: allow for different rendering methods (maximum projection, local maximum projection, and alpha blending)
  • Volume : adds customizable transfer functions
  • Volume: adds alpha blending rendering mode in addition to max projection and local max projection
  • SceneryBase: Set running flag to true directly after initialisation
  • VulkanRenderer: Add options to force Vsync and undecorated windows
  • Settings: add setIfUnset()
  • VulkanDevice: Improve queue creation for multiple queues
  • Renderer: Add option to overwrite existing screenshots. Closes #213.
  • Renderer: add firstImageReady property to indicate first image has been rendered
  • VulkanRenderer: Don't request swapchain extensions if running headless
  • Volume: do not discard fragments that don't need a raycast
  • Volume: use stepSize instead of maxsteps as parameter, and improve local occlusion
  • Volume: Introduce Colormap class, which can be backed by a file or a buffer
  • ReaderExample: support reading of volume files (renamed from ReadModelExample)
  • Hololens: Cache view matrices
  • Preliminary support for directional lights
  • PupilEyeTracker: improves eye tracking calibration routine
  • EyeTrackingExample: Improve feedback on failed/successful calibration
  • Camera: store projection type, and viewport sizes, add aspectRatio() function
  • VulkanRenderer: Preparations for support of asynchronous texture uploads
  • SPIRV: compile shaders, even if they have preprocessor defs, to check their validity (generated SPIRV is deleted afterwards)
  • ArcballCameraControl: Support varying/moving targets
  • Node: Introduce callbacks for Node added, Node removed, Node properties updated
  • Scene: Support handing the Node in onNodePropertiesChanged
  • VulkanBufferAllocation: Add slack to allocations, and keep suballocations sorted by offset
  • ShaderMaterial: allow to specify expected shader types for fromClass()
  • Shaders: Provide JVM constructor overloads for ShadersFromClassName()
  • VulkanBufferAllocation: Add slack to allocations, and keep suballocations sorted by offset
  • Hololens: Subscribe to view transforms via SUB socket, not via REQREP any more
  • The following classes have had their documentation improved: DirectionalLight, Light, ShaderFactory, Shaders, VulkanFramebuffer, VulkanDevice

Dependency updates

  • bumps Kotlin to 1.2.61
  • bumps lwjgl to 3.2.0
  • bumps scijava parent POM to 23.1.1

scenery-0.5.1 to scenery-0.5.2


  • JavaFXMouseAndKeyHandler: Fixes handling of double-click events
  • JavaFXMouseAndKeyHandler: Fixes handling of scrolling events

scenery-0.5.0 to scenery-0.5.1

Additions and Changes:

  • Introduces Renderable/Node.renderScale for global scales, such as coming from physical dimensions of volumes.
  • PointCloud: readFromPALM now automatically detects record separators
  • Volume: use volumetric data as normalised data, and hand data ranges to the shader, instead of using it as unnormalised data, which is not as well supported
  • JavaFXMouseAndKeyHandler: Don't rely on AWT for double-click intervals
  • UBO: Make cached size available as read-only
  • Camera: Add offset parameter to viewportToWorld to set world-space offset
  • DetachedHeadCamera: take HMD presence into account when returning projection matrix
  • VulkanRenderer: uses buffer pooling now, with vertex buffers allocated centrally, and then sub-allocated to scene objects (#199)
  • SceneryBase: Make accumulator, currentTime, t, and shouldClose protected instead of private
  • PupilEyeTracker: Discard first 15 samples from each calibration point to allow for eye movement, and use lower default threshold
  • EyeTrackingExample: Color reference target according to gaze confidence
  • RunAllExamples: Renamed to ExampleRunner
  • Added LotsOfSpheres stresstest
  • Added PickerExample to demonstrate object picking via SelectCommand
  • The following classes have had their documentation improved: ArcballCameraControl, Blending, DemoReelExample, DirectWriteableImage, HasGeometry, MouseAndKeyHandlerBase, Node, OpenCLContext, PupilEyeTracker, Random, SceneryPanel, SelectCommand, SystemHelpers, Volume, VulkanCommandBuffer, VulkanObjectState, VulkanTexture, VulkanUBO


  • fixes bounding grids for Volumes (#195)
  • VulkanRenderer: fixes an issue where the screenshot buffer would contain an old image
  • VulkanRenderer: Do not initialize GLFW unless explicitly needed — this also fixes some issues that occured running on X in conjunction with AWT or JavaFX
  • Volume: don't ignore gamma
  • Volume: apply correct scaling for anisotropic volumes
  • OpenGLRenderer: automatically resize UBO buffers if needed
  • SceneryBase: fix high CPU usage issue when running under JavaFX
  • OpenGLRenderer/VulkanRenderer: Prevent screenshots from being overwritten if taken in short succession (#193)

Dependency updates

  • bumps ClearGL to 2.2.1
  • bumps scijava parent POM to 22.4.0
  • bumps Kotlin to 1.2.51
  • bumps kotlinx-coroutines to 0.23.4

Continuous Integration

  • Appveyor: update Maven version to 3.5.4
  • Travis: collect coverage data via JaCoCo and upload to codacy

scenery-0.4.2 to scenery-0.5.0

Additions and Changes

  • Renderer: introduces push rendering mode that only renders an image if the scene is changed or an input event happens. Activate by setting Renderer's pushMode property to true
  • SDFFontAtlas: Add support for serialisation to and from file, greatly improving load times
  • VulkanRenderer: does not allocate window surfaces in headless mode anymore
  • VulkanRenderer: Refactor FXSwapchain and HeadlessSwapchain, let FXSwapchain inherit from HeadlessSwapchain
  • BoundingGrid: allow for removal from Node by setting BoundingGrid.node = null
  • the default movement speed has been changed to 0.5m/s, the fast movement speed to 1.0m/s
  • The following classes have had their documentation improved: BufferUtils, Camera, FPSCameraControl, FXSwapchain, GPUStats, GamepadCameraControl, GamepadMovementControl, HeadlessSwapchain, LazyLogger, MovementCommand, OpenGLRenderer, OpenGLShaderProgram, OpenGLUBO, ParallelHelpers, ProceduralNoise, RenderConfigReader, Renderdoc, RingBuffer, Scene, SceneryWindow, ScreenConfig, Settings, Statistics, Swapchain, UBO, VU, Volume, VolumeEffector, SlicingVolumeEffector, VulkanBuffer, VulkanRenderpass, VulkanUBO
  • The following classes have been refactored and/or cleaned up: FPSCameraControl, GamepadCameraControl, GamepadMovementControl, MovementCommand, RenderConfigReader, Scene, Settings, VulkanBuffer, VulkanRenderpass
  • added @JvmStatic annotations to companion objects where applicable for better Java compatibility
  • introduces StickyBoolean class for Booleans that stay true™
  • POM: Move ClearGL version to property
  • POM: Inherit scijava component versions from parent POM
  • update SPIRV generator script
  • Renderer: Throw RuntimeException in case renderer initialisation fails completely.
  • RunAllExamples: Don't terminate GLFW after every run
  • Rename's waitForSemaphore to signalSemaphore (which is correct), add correct waitDstStageMask for FXSwapchain.present()


  • Line: Don't cull to produce consistent results between OpenGL and Vulkan (#186)
  • VulkanTexture: Print requested allocation size in debug mode in case allocation fails
  • Volume: prevent unwanted volume deallocation
  • JavaFXMouseAndKeyHandler: Improve Java9/10 compatibility by introducing method to bridge between KeyCode.impl_getCode() and KeyCode.getCode()
  • VulkanRenderer: Don't ignore a material's CullingMode

Dependency updates

  • bumps ClearGL to 2.2.0

scenery-0.4.1 to scenery-0.4.2

Additions and Changes

  • Remove Material.doubleSided, use the more flexible Material.cullingMode as a replacement (breaking change)
  • Hub/SceneryBase: No more global hub storage to support multiple windows, etc.
  • Node: Add Node.runRecursive() to run recursive operations on nodes from both Java and Kotlin
  • Renderer/SceneryBase: decouples renderer from applications state, working towards #106
  • Line: make vertexCount public get/private set
  • Update SPIRV version of shaders, now compiled with Vulkan SDK 1.1.73 version of glslang
  • OpenGLRenderer: In embedded configurations (such as JavaFX), use GL_BACK_BUFFER for reading
  • adds Triangle.yml demo pipeline configuration, to be used as minimum working example for hardware compatibility


  • Correct image flipping when rendering to a JavaFX SceneryPanel from OpenGL (#181)
  • introduces codacy for code style checking, and fixes a few of the issues it found
  • TextBoard: use default value of 12, in case sdf.maxDistance cannot be determined from Settings
  • Line: Use Line.material's colors in the shader instead of ignoring it
  • SystemHelpers: handle Linux/macOS path construction better
  • VulkanRenderer: Bind currentEye push constants only if required by shader and improve push constant support in general
  • VulkanBuffer/VulkanUBO: Guard better against double-closing
  • H264Encoder: handle errors returned from ffmpeg better
  • SceneryBase: Don't ignore custom arcball targets in setupCameraModeSwitching() (#173)
  • OpenGLRenderer: Take image width into consideration when checking memory alignment. (#172)

Dependency updates

  • bumps dokka to 0.9.17
  • bumps scijava-common to 2.74.2
  • bumps pom-scijava to 22.3.0
  • bumps Kotlin to 1.2.50
  • bumps spirvcrossj to 0.4.1
  • bumps javacpp/ffmpeg to 3.4.2-1.4.1

scenery-0.4.0 to scenery-0.4.1

Additions and Changes

  • Volume: use pre-multiplied alpha when rendering volumes
  • Volume: lazily deallocate out-of-use volumes
  • REPL: generate JVM overloads for constructor
  • Renderer: better error messages in case no renderer could be constructed
  • VulkanRenderer: use regular UBOs for LightParameters and VRParameters
  • VulkanDevice: introduce device/driver-specific workarounds and warnings
  • DSSDO: Use zero samples for the moment (algorithm will be changed to HBAO or SAO in an upcoming release)


  • Volume: improved check for near plane before discarding rays
  • OpenGLRenderer: when loading textures, adjust GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT if texture would need to be padded

scenery-0.3.1 to scenery-0.4.0

Additions and Changes

  • adds support for Windows Mixed Reality VR headsets
  • VulkanRenderer: Support for headless rendering
  • InputHandler: getAllBindings() added to query all current key bindings
  • OpenVRHMD: Add determination of controller handedness
  • Allow SceneryBase and REPL to consume an existing SciJava context
  • OpenVR: adds loading of controller etc. models originating from custom OpenVR drivers such as WMR
  • OpenVR: rework eye pose model to support the different coord frames used by the HTC Vive and WMR headsets
  • improves attaching VR controllers to nodes
  • InputHandler/OpenVRHMD: Support adding multiple key bindings at once
  • HasGeometry: Emit warning if MTL file referred by an OBJ is not found, but do not fail
  • introduces BoundingGrid class to show grids around existing nodes
  • introduces Node::getMaximumBoundingBox() to get the maximum bounding box of the node and all children
  • introduces Node intersections via bounding spheres
  • Renderer: Add screenshot() (without parameters) for push-button functionality
  • added ReadModelExample to load STL and OBJ models of the user's choice, remove BoxedProteinExample
  • Node: add scaleUp parameter to fitInto(), to let the user set whether the Node should only be down, or also upscaled
  • introduces an experimental test runner for boosting reproducibility (RunAllExamples)
  • VU: Throw RuntimeExceptions in case Vulkan commands return result codes < 1, indicating an error
  • Update all examples to use the new, radius-based lighting model


  • update GPU compatibility table for Broadwell and Haswell GPUs and fix wrong architecture for GeForce 750M
  • ArcBallCameraControl: Fixed a sign error
  • fixes and issue where Volume rendering in VR could be incorrect due to the volume being culled too early
  • OpenVR: load best possible models for given device type, and adjust interfaces to support that — before, only the HTC Vive type controller modes were loaded
  • VulkanSwapchain: Lazily deallocate old swapchains to prevent deallocation of a in-use swapchain
  • HasGeometry: Use correct byte order when reading binary STL files
  • fixes a mistake in the FXAA shader that caused incorrect sampling leading to no AA at all
  • improves font rendering with transparent background
  • VulkanRenderer: don't create H264Encoder unless really requested
  • FXSwapchain/HeadlessSwapchain: Use correct src/dstStages for layout transitions

Dependency updates

  • bumps ClearGL to 2.1.6
  • bumps Kotlin to 1.2.41

scenery-0.3.0 to scenery-0.3.1

Additions and changes

  • Renderer: fall back to OpenGL in case Vulkan cannot be initialiased


  • OpenGLRenderer: fixes an issue where volume/geometry intersections where incorrect due to wrong depth reconstruction in OpenGL
  • OpenGLRenderer/VulkanRenderer: fixes an issue where the setting Renderer.SupersamplingFactor was not correctly taken into consideration when creating render targets
  • OpenGLRenderer: fixes an issue where Volume appeared to be blank, due to unsigned int volumetric data being sampled linearly, which is unsupported on some platforms (e.g. Nvidia GT750M, AMD Radeon R9 M370X)
  • VulkanTexture: converts RGB textures to RGBA, as RGB formats are not widely supported (#152, thanks for the report to @maarzt)
  • UBO: fixes an issue that could cause incorrect UBO serialisation and adds unit tests to prevent such issues from reoccuring
  • Line: fixes incorrect vertex in/outs in line shader
  • fix lighting in examples: LocalisationExample, TexturedCubeJavaExample, JavaFXTexturedCubeExample, JavaFXTexturedCubeJavaExample

scenery-0.2.3-1 to scenery-0.3.0

Additions and changes

  • Implement graphics quality options, governed by the renderer config file.
  • Added @JvmOverloads annotation to GenericTexture constructor and manual overloads to HasGeometry.readFromOBJ
  • introduces customizable framebuffer attachment sizes, such that e.g. AO can be done at a lower resolution
  • simplifies the framebuffer attachment definition in the render config YAML files
  • VulkanFramebuffer: Refactoring to remove redundant code
  • Support for differently-sized rendertargets, e.g. for lower-resolution ambient occlusion and simplify rendertarget declaration in YAML files
  • TextBoard: Improved font rendering for text boards with background color
  • introduces preliminary AR support (see ARExample)
  • initial support for PupilLabs eye trackers (see PupilEyeTracker and EyeTrackingExample)
  • support for Renderdoc, activate by setting scenery.AttachRenderdoc=true, works with both OpenGL and Vulkan
  • OpenVRHMD: Adds support for handling input from the sticks, and ui-behaviour-based input handling
  • Camera: add viewToWorld and viewportToWorld functions
  • HasGeometry: add option to recalculate OBJ normals upon import
  • Node: add Node.uuid property to uniquely identify nodes
  • adds support for preprocessor directives (like #ifdef), shaders that contain such are exempt from offline compilation
  • compiled shaders are now post-processed using spirv-opt to generate optimised code
  • shader loop unrolling is now supported
  • add DSSDO as default ambient occlusion algorithm
  • new examples: ProceduralVolumeExample and ARExample
  • PointLight: Add a bit of margin to proxy geometry to render high-intensity lights correctly, and fix issue where position was multiplied twice with world matrix
  • introduces a complete PBL implementation (based on Oren-Nayar and Cook-Torrance BRDF models), complete with an example how to use the new material properties (PBLExample): physically-based-lighting
  • introduces a leaner G-Buffer for deferred rendering, and light volumes
  • introduces DSSDO for directional occlusion, see and
  • introduces better instancing in OpenGLRenderer and VulkanRenderer with coroutine-based scene discovery
  • SceneryBase: adds a shutdown hook
  • adds preliminary video streaming support via H264Renderer


  • VulkanRenderer: Fixes an issue where stale command buffers would not be re-recorded in stereo mode
  • VulkanRenderer: Make sure to re-record both eye passes in case one becomes stale
  • Fix bug in FXAA shader that would cause artifacts with small objects
  • Statistics: Asynchronous updates
  • VulkanRenderer: Remove superfluous waitForFence() call
  • VulkanRenderer: Better statistics per renderpass
  • Renderer: VulkanRenderer is now the default renderer on Windows and Linux, override by setting the system property scenery.Renderer to OpenGLRenderer
  • OpenGLRenderer: fix weird window closing behaviour with JOGL throwing exceptions
  • OpenGLRenderer/VulkanRenderer/Display/TrackerInput: Use per-eye view matrices for VR/AR rendering
  • OpenGLRenderer: enable use of linear interpolation for 3D textures
  • VulkanRenderer: fixes determination and allocation for descriptor set layouts for the created renderpasses
  • VulkanRenderer: better determination of a node's pipeline by using Node.uuid
  • VulkanRenderer: reduce per-frame allocations
  • VulkanRenderer: Correct input DSL/DS determination for renderpasses that only require a subset of a given framebuffer
  • SceneryBase: better frame time interpolation
  • TextBoard: move all text rendering infrastructure away from the renderers
  • HasGeometry: Fix face array splitting issue where first item might not be returned
  • Sphere: Improves tessellation for Sphere class and makes it texturable.
  • OpenGLRenderer: fixes issue when rendering stereo with OpenGL where projection matrix instead of inverse were used in UBO for position reconstruction.
  • UBO: fixes issue where UBO buffer might be overstepped.
  • Volume: Correct intersection of volumetric and geometric data.
  • moves Numerics to package graphics.scenery.numerics
  • moves forEach(Parallel/Async) and map(Parallel/Async) to package graphics.scenery.utils
  • adds ProceduralNoise interface, with OpenSimplexNoise implementation based on Kurt Spencer's Java implementation
  • adds Icosphere
  • DeferredLighting: Fix NdotL to be non-negative
  • removes unnecessary usages of System.err/System.out and replaces them with LazyLogger
  • fixes an issue with Numerics.randomFromRange, where numbers from the wrong range were generated
  • VulkanTexture: Correct image transitions for mipmap creation
  • fixes Node::composeModel matrix composition order
  • fixes compatibility issues with JDK9 (duplicate module-info.class, return values of FloatBuffer.flip(), signature of Unsafe::putInt)
  • optimises UBO.alignmentCache to use Trove's TIntObjectHashMap to lessen allocations in UBO serialisation
  • Node.metadata can now contain Any instead of just NodeMetadata
  • VulkanSwapchain: allow VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR on vkQueuePresentKHR, as it is a valid return value and does not indicate an actual error (will trigger swapchain recreation though)
  • VulkanRenderer: Fix resizing issue on Linux and retire old swapchains immediately.

Dependency updates

  • bumps spirvcrossj to 0.4.0, which includes updates to the Vulkan SDK 1.1.70 version of glslang and spirvcross
  • bumps lwjgl to 3.1.6
  • bumps jeromq to 0.4.3
  • bumps ClearGL to 2.1.5
  • bumps scijava-common to 2.69.0
  • bumps Dokka to 0.9.16