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This is an example project. Every important instruction is commented, so feel free to check it. To run it:

  • open a console, go to the folder nodejs and type:
node index.js
  • go to root of the project and type, if in Windows:
python runserver 0:8000  // this will run the server to every hosts on the port 8000 (you can choose any port you want, but you will have to open it anyway in the firewall)


python runserver localhost:8000 // this will run the server to your host on the port 8000 (you can choose any port you want, but you will have to open it anyway in the firewall)
  • if it Linux:
./ runserver 0:8000  // this will run the server to every hosts on the port 8000 (you can choose any port you want, but you will have to open it anyway in the firewall)


./ runserver localhost:8000 // this will run the server to your host on the port 8000 (you can choose any port you want, but you will have to open it anyway in the firewall)  

NodeJS and Socket.IO in Django - Realtime Operations

Implementing realtime in Django may seem difficult, but it really isn't that hard. This may not be the best way to do it, but it is certainly a simple and effective way.

I want to implement this in my project! How can i do it?

In order to run NodeJS, obviously you need to install NodeJS:

Create a Django project anywhere you want with the usual command:

  • django-admin createproject

In your Django project folder, create a folder named "nodejs" and run this commands on the console (needs Node.JS):

  • npm init insert any name you want when asked, and just keep pressing Enter until it ends
  • npm install --save xmlhttprequest

Next, still in the same folder, create the file:

  • index.js

In that file insert this:

var http = require('http').createServer().listen(4000);
var io = require('')(http);
var XMLHttpRequest = require('xmlhttprequest').XMLHttpRequest;

// creating an instance of XMLHttpRequest
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

// host of the server
var host = 'localhost';
var port = '8000';

// when a connection happens (client enters on the website)
io.on('connection', function(socket) {

    // if the event with the name 'message' comes from the client with the argument 'msgObject',
    // which is an object with the format: {'user_name': < name >, 'message': < message >},
    // it emits for every connected client that a message has been sent, sending the message to the event
    // 'getMessage' in the client side
    socket.on('message', function(msgObject) {
        // emits the msgObject to the client
        io.emit('getMessage', msgObject);

        // url of the view that will process, in this case, it is the save_message view, located on the app 'chat'
        var url = 'http://' + host +':' + port + '/save_message/';

        // when the request finishes
        xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
            // it checks if the request was succeeded
            if(this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) {
                // if the value returned from the view is error
                if(xhttp.responseText === "error")
                    console.log("error saving message");
                // if the value returned from the view is success
                else if(xhttp.responseText === "success")
                    console.log("the message was posted successfully");

        // prepares to send'POST', url, true);
        // sends the data to the view


This is the file where the nodejs server will be running with, and where the http requests to Django will be done. Everything is explained on the comments.

Now, i will assume that you already had an application named 'chat', and a template ready to put some HTML on it. If you don't, just check the example project that i left for you.

In the template, add this scripts to the begin of :

<!-- this is just a CDN to use jquery -->
<script src="" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<!-- this one is important to get things to work -->
<script src="http://localhost:4000/"></script>

now add these ones to the end of , one more time, everything is explained on the comments:


    // host of the server
    var host = 'localhost';
    var nodejs_port = '4000';

    var socket = io(host + ':' + nodejs_port);

    // when the document is ready, scrolls down the page to the last page if there are messages
    $(function() {

    // on the form submit
    $('form').submit(function() {
        // gets the elements by ids
        var msg = $('#message');
        var name = $('#name');

        // if the message and the name aren't empty or aren't spaces,
        if(msg.val().trim() !== "" && name.val().trim() !== "") {
            // creates the message object
            msgObject = {
                'user_name': name.val().trim(),
                'message': msg.val().trim()

            // emits the msgObject to the server
            socket.emit('message', msgObject);

        // clear the message element
        // returns false to avoid the form to reload the page
        return false;

    // receives the message object from the server
    socket.on('getMessage', function(msgObject) {
        // gets the fields of the message
        var name = msgObject.user_name;
        var msg = msgObject.message;

        var icon = $('<span class="input-group-addon" style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000; background-color: rgb(66, 133, 244); color: #fff" ></span>').append(name);
        var msgItem = $('<input type="text" class="form-control" readonly style="background-color: #fff" />').val(msg);
        var input_group = $('<div class="input-group"></div>').append(icon, msgItem);

        // appends the message to the screen

        // updates the scroll

    function updateScroll(){
        var element = document.getElementById("messages-list");
        element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight;

For this configurations i have this views and urls:


import json

from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Message
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt

# this view is the base view
def chat_index(request):


    #------ counts the existing messages on db
    #msgsLen = Message.objects.all().count()

    #------ if there are more than 100 messages, deletes the first four hundred messages
    #if msgsLen > 500:
    #    for message in Message.objects.all()[:400]:
    #        message.delete()

    # passes all the messages to the context
    context = {
        'messages': Message.objects.all()

    # and returns it to the page
    return render(request, 'chat_index.html', context)

# this view must be csrf exempted to be able to accept XMLHttpRequests
def save_message(request):
    # if the request method is a POST request
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # content sent via XMLHttpRequests can be accessed in request.body
        # and it comes in a JSON string, that's why we use json library to
        # turn it into a normal dictionary again
        msg_obj = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))

        # tries to create the message and save it in the db
            msg = Message.objects.create(user_name=msg_obj['user_name'], message=msg_obj['message'])
        # if some error occurs it will print the error in the django console and return a HttpResponse
        # containing a error value, which will be received by nodejs
            print("error saving message")
            return HttpResponse("error")

        # if there aren't any errors, it returns a HttpResponse containing a success value, which will
        # be received by nodejs
        return HttpResponse("success")

    # if it is a GET request (someone trying to access to the link or something)
    # returns to the main page without doing anything
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')


from django.conf.urls import url

from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', views.chat_index, name='chat_index'),
    # url used to process the xmlhttprequests done by nodejs
    url(r'^save_message/$', views.save_message, name='chat_save_message'),


from django.db import models

# Message model
class Message(models.Model):
    user_name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
    message = models.CharField(max_length=140)

main root app/

from django.conf.urls import url, include

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^', include('chat.urls')),

I hope you enjoy it!


Django Realtime Chat using NodeJS and Socket.IO






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  • Python 57.3%
  • HTML 31.2%
  • JavaScript 11.5%