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Webapplication Configuration Format

Willy Scheibel edited this page May 4, 2013 · 3 revisions

Configuration Format

The root of the configuration is an <application> tag. Needed child elements are a <name> tag with the name of the application as its content. A <threadcount> tag is optional and con contain the number of threads the application can use. Each configuration should (no must) have a <directories> tag which contains <public> and <resource> tags whose contents are directory names. Public directories contains files which are directly accessible over a url. Resource directories contains files which are used by the web application such as template files. Each application should state one or more <server> tags. Each server configuration will open a web server at the specified port in the <port> tag. If you specify additional <certificate> and <privatekey> tags the web server will be a ssl server. Each database your webapplication needs to use has to be specified using a <database> tag. Each database tag must have an <id> child tag which contains the name of the database in the web application and a <type> tag containing the type of the database. The other child tags depends on the type of the database. To specify a mysql database, the following child tags needs to be specified: <host>, <name>, <user> and password. The only additional tag for a sqlite database is the <name> tag.

The following example configuration shows all described tags in their context and exemplary contents. A similar configuration file is used for the example blog.

Example Configuration


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