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CAIRS tutorial - reconstruction of rain fields from microwave links and other sensors


This tutorial demonstrates the basic functionality of CAIRS. Download this tutorial as pdf.


It is impossible to measure the rain field at every point in time and space with rain gauges and microwave links (MWL). Hence, some interpolation between the measurements is required. Traditional methods to interpolate between rain gauge measurements are Thiessen polygons or inverse distance weighting. While very simple to implement, these methods do not allow to consider measurement uncertainty, which requires more formal methods such as Kriging.

All the methods mention above are designed to interpolate between point measurements and are therefore not suitable to interpolate MWL measurements, which are measurements along a line. Therefore, a more general interpolation method is needed.

This tutorial demonstrates how MWL measurements can be interpolated using CAIRS (Continuous Assimilation of Integrating Rain Sensors). CAIRS is a general framework to reconstruct (interpolate) rain fields by assimilating (combining) signals of sensors that can be fundamentally different.

In particular, CAIRS considers the integration characteristics of sensors explicitly. This is important because many sensors do not measure the rain intensity at one point in time and space, but the rain intensity integrated over time and/or space. For example, non-recording standard rain gauges integrate over time and deliver information such as the daily rainfall sums. The rain-induced attenuation of microwave links (MWL) measures the rain intensities integrated along a path - an example of a sensor with spatial integration.

The one-dimensional example shown in the image below demonstrates the importance of a correct consideration of different integration characteristics. It shows the assimilation of a binary and an integrating sensor. The red curve represents the mean of the predictive distribution after assimilation, the gray area its 90%-credibility region. The signal of the binary sensors provides only the information that the intensity is below a certain level (a). The integrating sensor measures the average intensity over the time-span indicated by the black line in b). In c) the assimilation of both sensors is shown. In combination the two very different signals enable a quite detailed reconstruction of the rain intensity. CAIRS works similar in all three dimensions (two spatial and time).


CAIRS is flexible in other respects too:

  • As shown in the example above sensor signals on different scales (e.g. continuous, binary) can be assimilated

  • Non-Gaussian and non-linear observation models for sensors are possible

  • It is basedon a continuous formulation in time and space, i.e. the model is not based on fix time-steps or grid representations. This enables a natural handling of signals with irregular time-intervals.

For information on how the assimilation is done mathematically see Scheidegger and Rieckermann (2014).

This tutorial was compiled for the Rain Cell Africa Workshop in Ouagadougo. The reminder of it consist of:

  1. A description of the installation of CAIRS

  2. A first example with artificial data

  3. A demonstration of the assimilation of real measurements


CAIRS is a free software under GLP license and available as Julia package.

The first step is to download and install Julia ( CAIRS can then be installed with the Julia command Pkg.clone():


After that, CAIRS behaves like a normal package. For example, it can be updated with Pkg.update().

One possibility to visualize the output of CAIRS is to use the statistical software package R. It can be downloaded for free from here. The R-code used for the visualization in this tutorial required the installation of two R-packages. To install the packages type in the R prompt:

install.packages(c("latticeExtra", "tripack"))

Example with artificial data

The fundamental steps to compute a map of a rain field based on different signals consist of:

  1. Definition of the sensor types. A sensor is specified with an probabilistic observation model that describes the measurement errors and, if applicable, by defining the integration domain.

  2. Define prior assumptions of the rain field, i.e. describe assumption about temporal and spatial correlation.

  3. Load the measured signals. Every signal has the corresponding sensor type and location attached.

  4. Define the points where the rain field should be interpolated.

  5. Optional: visualize the rain field.

The reminder of this section explains how to implement this steps. All code for this example can be found in the file scripts/Example_1.jl.


First, the package CAIRS must be loaded. For convenience, it is also recommended to load the packages Dates and Distributions:

using CAIRS
using Base.Dates
using Distributions

Sensor definition

Every sensor type must be characterized. For this demonstration we are going to define three different sensor types: a rain gauge, a binary rain gauge, and a MWL.

First, we assume a rain gauge that measures the rain intensity at one point in time and space (i.e. without integration). We have to define the observation model, that is the logarithm of the conditional probability density to observe a signal given the true rain intensity

log p(signal | rain intensity) .

In CAIRS this is a function that takes the signal S and the vector R of rain intensities as input:

function obs_model_gauge(S::Float64, R::Vector)

    mu = R[1]        # Note, the signal and could be non-linearly
                     # related to the rain intensity.

    sigma = 0.1      # measurement uncertainty

    ## log of normal density, p(S|R)
    logpdf(Normal(mu, sigma), S)

A sensor is then defined simply with:

sensor_gauge = Sensor(obs_model_gauge)

The error distribution does not have to be Gaussian nor the signal must be a real number. For example a rain gauge that only provides the binary information dry and wet could be defines as:

function obs_model_gauge_binary(S::String, R::Vector)

    threshold = 0.5

    if R[1] >= threshold     # "wet" condition
       prob_wet = 0.98       # 2% false negatives
       prob_wet = 0.10       # 10% false positives

    ## log of Bernoulli density, p(S|R)
    logpdf(Bernoulli(prob_wet), int(S=="wet"))

# define sensor type
sensor_gauge_binary = Sensor(obs_model_gauge_binary)

For integrating sensors such as a MWL, also the measurement domain must be specified.

Note, in this case the observation model is not conditioned on a rain intensity but on the integrated rain intensity I:

log p(signal | integrated rain intensity) = log p(signal | I)

For example, a MWL with length 6 may be defined follows:

function obs_model_MWL(S::Float64, I::Float64)

    R_mean = I/6.0
    sigma = 0.1

    ## log of normal density, p(S|I)
    logpdf(Normal(R_mean, sigma), S)  # again, it does not have to be Gaussian

sensor_MWL = Sensor(obs_model_MWL, Coor(6, 0, 0)) # integrates along a path of length 6

The optional second argument of the function Sensor takes a Coor object that defines the integration domain in the x, y and time dimension. In this case only an integration along the x-dimension takes place. The position and the rotation of a sensor is defined later. Temporal integration can be defined as Second, Minute, and Hour. For example a sensor that integrates 3 minutes over time and over an area of size 5x10 would be written as:

Sensor(obs_model_MWL, Coor(5, 10, Minute(3)))

Properties of a sensor are shown with:


Prior definition

Every interpolation is based on (often implicit) assumptions about the structure of the rain field. CAIRS uses a formal Bayesian approach to incorporate prior knowledge about spatial and temporal correlations. The more signals are available the smller the influence of this prior assumptions becomes.

The prior knowledge of the rain field is modeled as Gaussian process (GP). A GP is described by a mean and a covariance function.

This functions can be specified by the user. The mean function returns the prior mean of the rain intensity at a given coordinate. It must take a single argument of type Coor. The covariance function must return the covariance of the rain intensities at two given point, given by two arguments of type Coor. Note, it is not checked if the provided function is a valid covariance function!

However, helpers to construct valid functions are provided. For example, the functions mean_constant() and cov_exponential() create a simple constant mean, and a separable gamma-exponential covariance function. Only the parameters must be provided:

mean_GP = mean_constant(mean=0.0)

cov_GP = cov_exponential(sigma=10.0,            # standard deviation of GP
                         l_spatial=1.5,         # spatial correlation length
                         l_temporal=Minute(15), # temporal correlation length
                         gamma=1.0)             # exponent for smoothness. Must be in [0, 2].


For every signal information of the sensor that provided it and its location must be given. For example, lets assume that we have a reading of 10 mm/h rain intensity of a sensor of type sensor_gauge as defines above. The measurements was taken at 2014-10-30 13:00:00 and the sensor is located at coordinates (2, 4). Then, the corresponding Signal object is constructed as:

s1 = Signal(10.0, sensor_gauge, Coor(2, 4, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 13, 00, 00)))

Often several sensors of the same type are installed at different locations. We define another Signal with 6.5 mm/h:

s2 = Signal(6.5, sensor_gauge, Coor(3.5, 1.1, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 13, 00, 25)))

For the purpose of demonstration lets additionally define some binary signals:

s3 = Signal("wet", sensor_gauge_binary, Coor(1.5, 1.6, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 12, 59, 40)))
s4 = Signal("wet", sensor_gauge_binary, Coor(5.4, 2.7, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 13, 00, 00)))
s5 = Signal("dry", sensor_gauge_binary, Coor(3.0, 4.5, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 13, 00, 05)))

(Of course, in a real application such Sensor objects would be created programmatically.)

The MWL signals are constructed in a very similar way, only that for sensor with spatial integration the rotation is important. The figure below depicts how the location of a sensor must be defined: the coordinates of red point have to be given together with the rotation angle alpha.


For example lets assume we have three signals from different MWLs:

s6 = Signal(2.1, sensor_MWL, Coor(0.5, 0.8, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 12, 58, 58)), 0.4)
s7 = Signal(1.3, sensor_MWL, Coor(1.4, 3.1, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 13, 00, 33)), 0.15)
s8 = Signal(4.4, sensor_MWL, Coor(2.1234, 7.5, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 13, 01, 02)), -1.4)

The forth argument is the rotation angle. It must be given in [rad] not in degrees! Note, that because of the continuous formulation there are no fix time steps or a spatial grid, hence every coordinate is valid.

Finally, all signals that should be assimilated must be combined to a vector:

signals = [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8] # the order does not matter

Properties of a signal object are shown with


Optional: We can write the sensor positions in a file. This is useful to visualize the sensor positions.

sensor2csv(signals, "sensor_coor.csv")

Definition of prediction points

The location for which a prediction of the rain intensity is desired must be defined as an Array or Vector of coordinates. Coordinates are defined with Coor(x, y, time). As before, time can be a number or a DateTime object.

For the example lets create a simple grid:

## create a regular grid of 400 points
nn = 20
loc_pred = [Coor(i, j, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 13, 00, 00))
              for i=linspace(0, 10, nn), j=linspace(0, 10, nn)]

This produced a regular grid, but the points could also be irregularly distributed. For example a higher resolution may be computed for critical areas.

Also, not only predictions for coordinates but also for intensities integrated over a domain can be made. Domains are defined by the function Domain. For example, if we are interested in the 5 minute rain sum at coordinate (1,1) the following Domain would be defined:

loc_pred = [Domain(
                 Coor(1, 1, DateTime(2014, 10, 30, 13, 00, 00)), # position
                 Coor(0, 0, Minute(5)),                        # integration extent
                 0.0                                           # rotation in [rad]

Assimilation and interpolation

The assimilation of the signals and the computation of the predictions are done with the function predict.

R_pred = predict(loc_pred,               # vector or array with locations for predictions
                 signals,                # vector of signals
                 mean_GP,                # mean function of prior
                 cov_GP,                 # covariance function of prior
                 n_sample_calib = 20000, # number of iterations of the Gibbs sampler
                 burn_in = 5000,         # number of removed samples (and length of adaptation)
                 n_sample_pred = 6000,   # number of samples for predictions
                 delta = Minute(3))      # consider all signals within time 'delta'
                                         #   from prediction points

The output of predict are the raw samples. The following function computes useful summaries from the samples and writes them in a file that can be used for visualization.

summary2csv(R_pred, "rain_field.csv")

Visualization with R

One possibility to visualize the result is to use R. A simple R-script to produce rain maps ships with CAIRS. It requires that R and the R-libraries latticeExtra and tripack are installed.

output_file = "rain_map.pdf"

## Path to the R script shipped with CAIRS
pathRscript = joinpath(Pkg.dir("CAIRS"), "R", "compute_rain_map.r")

run(`'C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.1\bin\Rscript'
     $pathRscript result_cairs.csv sensor_coor.csv $output_file`)

Note, it is very likely that you have to adapt the path to the R executable on your computer!

The resulting rain map should look like: map

The left side shows the reconstructed rain intensities in mm/h. The right side shows the standard deviation describing the uncertainty of the reconstruction.


  1. Try to reproduce the rain map above.
  2. Compute rain maps only with one type of sensors, i.e. only with the MWL, the normal or the binary rain gauges.
  3. Change the value of the signals. How does the rain map change?

Example with real data

The file scripts/Example_2.jl has the same structure as the one of the first example. It is setup to assimilate signals from a measurement campaign performed in a small town in Switzerland.

Signal import

The only difference to the previous example is that the function add_signal! is used for convenience to construct vectors of signals.

Currently add_signal() expected that the signals of every sensor are stored in a separate file. The file must contain two columns:

  • Column 1: date and time
  • Column 2: signal values

The data are imported like this:

sig = Signal[]                          # create an empty array for Signals

add_signal!(sig,                        # add signal to vector 'sig'
            "filename1.csv",            # file name
            sensor_gauge,               # sensor
            Coor(5, 6),                 # coordinate of the sensor
            date_format="d.m.yyyy HH:MM:SS",
            delim=',')                  # delimitation character

            sensor_MWL,                 # MWL link
            Coor(4.2, 2),               # coordinate of one end point of the sensor
            0.9,                        # rotation around the point defined above in [rad]
            date_format="d.m.yyyy HH:MM:SS",

Signals can also be removed:

remove_signal!(sig, sensor_gauge)      # remove signals measured by sensor type 'sensor_gauge'
remove_signal!(sig, Coor(10, 20, -12)) # remove signal at locating 'Coor(10, 20, -12)'


  1. Change the prior assumptions. What is the effect of decreasing the spatial correlation length?
  2. Change the observation models. How does the measurement uncertainty of a sensor influence the reconstruction?


[Scheidegger, A. and Rieckermann, J. (2014) "Bayesian assimilation of rainfall sensors with fundamentally different integration characteristics" in WRaH Proceedings, Washington, DC.](Scheidegger_Rieckermann_2014_Bayesian assimilation of rainfall sensors.pdf)


Introduction to CAIRS






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