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glucose is a wrapper around different opengl APIs which allows you to write graphics code in a platform generic way. The goal here is to improve cross-platform graphics development as well as "write once, run anywhere" Haskell code. glucose code is meant to automatically choose a backend at compile time based on cabal flags. It currently has three compilation targets:

  • opengl + ghc
  • webgl + ghc (jsaddle)
  • webgl + ghcjs

The second target will allow you to work with code bound for ghcjs while still using ghci based tools (intero, ghcid + cabal repl, etc).


glucose uses the "scrap your typeclasses" record strategy along with open type families on an explicitly kinded type variable (a :: GLBackend) to abstract over the gl API.

Most graphics code will look almost identical to its C counterpart (if you're used to looking at Haskell and C), given a few assumptions like using RecordWildCards to bring the gl functions into scope.

example code

  :: forall m (a :: GLBackend). (Monad m, Eq (GLBoolean a))
  => GLES m a
  -> GLEnum a
  -> String
  -> m (Either String (GLShader a))
compileShader GLES{..} shtype src = do
  s <- glCreateShader shtype
  glShaderSource s src
  glCompileShader s
  glGetShaderParameter s gl_COMPILE_STATUS >>= \case
    Right _ -> return $ Left "Glucose library error, this should never happen."
    Left success
      | success == false -> Left <$> glGetShaderInfoLog s
      | otherwise -> return $ Right s

It wraps both OpenGL (targeting 3.2+) and WebGL in a "least common denominator" fasion. Functions that exist in both APIs exist in glucose and functions from one API that can be written in terms of the other also exist, though they might exist in a slightly different form, either for simplicity or common sense's sake.


Building should be simple and depends on stack.

opengl + ghc

stack build

webgl + ghc

stack build --flags glucose:webgl

webgl + ghcjs

stack build --stack-yaml ghcjs-stack.yaml

That's it!


An API that wraps webgl and opengl







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