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refactor(test): Schema loading tests
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Stranger6667 committed Apr 2, 2021
1 parent a2d9beb commit 4652ec5
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Showing 9 changed files with 353 additions and 305 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
from .apps import _graphql as graphql
from .apps import openapi
from .apps.openapi.schema import OpenAPIVersion, Operation
from .utils import get_schema_path, make_schema
from .utils import SIMPLE_PATH, get_schema_path, make_schema

pytest_plugins = ["pytester", "aiohttp.pytest_plugin", "pytest_mock"]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,6 +90,11 @@ def app(openapi_version, _app, reset_app):
return _app

def simple_schema_path():

def open_api_2():
return OpenAPIVersion("2.0")
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions test/loaders/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import pytest
from hypothesis import given, settings

def make_inner(get_response):
# Minimal smoke test to check whether `call_*` methods work successfully
def inner(strategy):
def test(case):
response = get_response(case)
assert response.status_code == 200


return inner

def run_asgi_test():
return make_inner(lambda c: c.call_asgi())

def run_wsgi_test():
return make_inner(lambda c: c.call_wsgi())
224 changes: 224 additions & 0 deletions test/loaders/
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@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
"""Tests for common schema loading logic shared by all loaders."""
import json
import platform
from contextlib import suppress

import pytest
from requests import Response
from yarl import URL

import schemathesis
from schemathesis.constants import USER_AGENT
from schemathesis.runner import events, prepare

def test_absolute_urls_for_apps(loader):
# When an absolute URL passed to a ASGI / WSGI loader
# Then it should be rejected
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Schema path should be relative for WSGI/ASGI loaders"):
loader("", app=None) # actual app doesn't matter here

"loader", (schemathesis.openapi.from_dict, schemathesis.openapi.from_pytest_fixture, schemathesis.graphql.from_dict)
def test_invalid_code_sample_style(loader):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid value for code sample style: ruby. Available styles: python, curl"):
loader({}, code_sample_style="ruby")

"loader, url_fixture, expected",
(schemathesis.openapi.from_uri, "openapi3_schema_url", ""),
(schemathesis.graphql.from_url, "graphql_url", ""),
def test_port_override(request, loader, url_fixture, expected):
url = request.getfixturevalue(url_fixture)
# When the user overrides `port`
schema = loader(url, port=8081)
operation = next(schema.get_all_operations()).ok()
# Then the base_url should be taken from `url` and the port should be overridden
assert operation.base_url == expected

def to_ipv6(url):
url = URL(url)
parts = list(map(int,".")))
ipv6_host = "2002:{:02x}{:02x}:{:02x}{:02x}::".format(*parts)
return str(url.with_host("[%s]" % ipv6_host))

"loader, url_fixture, target, expected",
def test_port_override_with_ipv6(request, loader, url_fixture, target, mocker, expected):
url = request.getfixturevalue(url_fixture)
raw_schema = loader(url).raw_schema
response = Response()
response.status_code = 200
response._content = json.dumps({"data": raw_schema} if url_fixture == "graphql_url" else raw_schema).encode("utf-8")
mocker.patch(target, return_value=response)

url = to_ipv6(url)
schema = loader(url, validate_schema=False, port=8081)
operation = next(schema.get_all_operations()).ok()
assert operation.base_url == expected

"loader, url_fixture",
(schemathesis.openapi.from_uri, "openapi3_schema_url"),
(schemathesis.graphql.from_url, "graphql_url"),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("base_url", ("", ""))
def test_base_url_override(request, loader, url_fixture, base_url):
url = request.getfixturevalue(url_fixture)
# When the user overrides base_url
schema = loader(url, base_url=base_url)
operation = next(schema.get_all_operations()).ok()
# Then the overridden value should not have a trailing slash
assert operation.base_url == ""

"target, loader",
("schemathesis.specs.openapi.loaders.requests.get", schemathesis.openapi.from_uri),
("", schemathesis.graphql.from_url),
def test_uri_loader_custom_kwargs(mocker, target, loader):
# All custom kwargs are passed to `requests` as is
mocked = mocker.patch(target)
with suppress(Exception):
loader("", verify=False, headers={"X-Test": "foo"})
assert mocked.call_args[1]["verify"] is False
assert mocked.call_args[1]["headers"] == {"X-Test": "foo", "User-Agent": USER_AGENT}

def raw_schema(app):
return app["config"]["schema_data"]

def json_string(raw_schema):
return json.dumps(raw_schema)

def schema_path(json_string, tmp_path):
path = tmp_path / "schema.json"
return str(path)

def relative_schema_url():
return "/schema.yaml"

"loader, fixture",
(schemathesis.openapi.from_dict, "raw_schema"),
(schemathesis.openapi.from_file, "json_string"),
(schemathesis.openapi.from_path, "schema_path"),
(schemathesis.openapi.from_wsgi, "relative_schema_url"),
(schemathesis.openapi.from_aiohttp, "relative_schema_url"),
def test_non_default_loader(openapi_version, request, loader, fixture):
schema = request.getfixturevalue(fixture)
kwargs = {}
if loader is schemathesis.openapi.from_wsgi:
kwargs["app"] = request.getfixturevalue("loadable_flask_app")
if loader is schemathesis.openapi.from_aiohttp:
kwargs["app"] = request.getfixturevalue("loadable_aiohttp_app")
kwargs["base_url"] = request.getfixturevalue("base_url")
# Common kwargs combinations for loaders should work without errors
init, *others, finished = prepare(schema, loader=loader, headers={"TEST": "foo"}, **kwargs)
assert not finished.has_errors
assert not finished.has_failures

FROM_DICT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Dictionary as a schema is allowed only with `from_dict` loader"

"loader, schema, message",
(schemathesis.openapi.from_uri, {}, FROM_DICT_ERROR_MESSAGE),
(schemathesis.openapi.from_dict, "", "Schema should be a dictionary for `from_dict` loader"),
(schemathesis.graphql.from_dict, "", "Schema should be a dictionary for `from_dict` loader"),
(schemathesis.openapi.from_wsgi, {}, FROM_DICT_ERROR_MESSAGE),
(schemathesis.openapi.from_file, {}, FROM_DICT_ERROR_MESSAGE),
(schemathesis.openapi.from_path, {}, FROM_DICT_ERROR_MESSAGE),
(schemathesis.graphql.from_wsgi, {}, FROM_DICT_ERROR_MESSAGE),
def test_validation(loader, schema, message):
# When incorrect schema is passed to a loader
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=message):
# Then it should be rejected
list(prepare(schema, loader=loader))

def test_custom_loader(swagger_20, openapi2_base_url):
swagger_20.base_url = openapi2_base_url
# Custom loaders are not validated
*others, finished = list(prepare({}, loader=lambda *args, **kwargs: swagger_20))
assert not finished.has_errors
assert not finished.has_failures

def test_from_path_loader_ignore_network_parameters(openapi2_base_url):
# When `from_path` loader is used
# And network-related parameters are passed
all_events = list(
auth=("user", "password"),
headers={"X-Foo": "Bar"},
# Then those parameters should be ignored during schema loading
# And a proper error message should be displayed
assert len(all_events) == 1
assert isinstance(all_events[0], events.InternalError)
if platform.system() == "Windows":
exception_type = "builtins.OSError"
exception_type = "builtins.FileNotFoundError"
assert all_events[0].exception_type == exception_type
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions test/loaders/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"""GraphQL specific loader behavior."""
from schemathesis.specs.graphql import loaders

def test_graphql_asgi_loader(graphql_path, fastapi_graphql_app, run_asgi_test):
# When an ASGI app is loaded via `from_asgi`
schema = loaders.from_asgi(graphql_path, fastapi_graphql_app)
strategy = schema[graphql_path]["POST"].as_strategy()
# Then it should successfully make calls via `call_asgi`

def test_graphql_wsgi_loader(graphql_path, graphql_app, run_wsgi_test):
# When a WSGI app is loaded via `from_wsgi`
schema = loaders.from_wsgi(graphql_path, graphql_app)
strategy = schema[graphql_path]["POST"].as_strategy()
# Then it should successfully make calls via `call_wsgi`
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions test/loaders/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
"""OpenAPI specific loader behavior."""
import json

import pytest

from schemathesis.specs.openapi import loaders
from schemathesis.specs.openapi.schemas import OpenApi30, SwaggerV20

def test_openapi_asgi_loader(fastapi_app, run_asgi_test):
# When an ASGI app is loaded via `from_asgi`
schema = loaders.from_asgi("/openapi.json", fastapi_app)
strategy = schema["/users"]["GET"].as_strategy()
# Then it should successfully make calls via `call_asgi`

def test_openapi_wsgi_loader(flask_app, run_wsgi_test):
# When a WSGI app is loaded via `from_wsgi`
schema = loaders.from_wsgi("/schema.yaml", flask_app)
strategy = schema["/success"]["GET"].as_strategy()
# Then it should successfully make calls via `call_wsgi`

"version, expected",
("20", SwaggerV20),
("30", OpenApi30),
def test_force_open_api_version(version, expected):
schema = {
# Invalid schema, but it happens in real applications
"swagger": "2.0",
"openapi": "3.0.0",
loaded = loaders.from_dict(schema, force_schema_version=version, validate_schema=False)
assert isinstance(loaded, expected)

def test_number_deserializing(testdir):
# When numbers in a schema are written in scientific notation but without a dot
# (achieved by dumping the schema with json.dumps)
schema = {
"openapi": "3.0.2",
"info": {"title": "Test", "description": "Test", "version": "0.1.0"},
"paths": {
"/teapot": {
"get": {
"summary": "Test",
"parameters": [
"name": "key",
"in": "query",
"required": True,
"schema": {"type": "number", "multipleOf": 0.00001},
"responses": {"200": {"description": "OK"}},

schema_path = testdir.makefile(".yaml", schema=json.dumps(schema))
# Then yaml loader should parse them without schema validation errors
parsed = loaders.from_path(str(schema_path))
# and the value should be a number
value = parsed.raw_schema["paths"]["/teapot"]["get"]["parameters"][0]["schema"]["multipleOf"]
assert isinstance(value, float)

def test_unsupported_type():
# When Schemathesis can't detect the Open API spec version
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="^Unsupported schema type$"):
# Then it raises an error

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