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Reproduction Scenario

  1. Being on /dashboard navigate to the /dashboard/[id] page of a specific resource.
  2. Edit the resource on the /dashboard/[id] page via a Server Action that calls revalidatePath("/").
  3. Navigate back to the Master page via a Link .

Result: Then the Master Page shows stale data.
Expected: The Master Page should show the updated data.

In my opinion, from how I understand the docs, the Master Page should not have stale data. Using revalidatePath("/") should invalidate all dynamic segments underneath. Via the route segment config it is ensured that both of the segments in the reproduction example are dynamic segments.

This example worked until v13.4.11-canary.0. Starting with v13.4.11-canary.1 this problem is present. This can be tested when changeing the corresponding next version in this project.

From my (almost entirely blackbox-like) perspective there was a similar problem until v13.4.5 related to prefetching that was solved by: vercel/next.js#50848

Version v13.4.11-canary.1 has a pull request that looks to me like a similar area: vercel/next.js#52949

Is it possible that this problem was unintentionally (re-)introduced by that pull request?


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