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Docker Compose configuration with HA Proxy for CloudBees Jenkins Platform.


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Docker Compose configuration with HA Proxy for CloudBees Jenkins Platform.

Uses Docker Machine and Docker Compose to build a CloudBees Jenkins Platform environment using Docker containers.

Mostly specific to Mac OS X but should work on Windows and Linux as well.

####Base includes:

  • HA Proxy - stats available at: http://{hostname}:9000
    • Only CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center instances (joc1 and joc2) are setup for high availability via HA Proxy
    • This is to demonstrate HA Proxy configuration for CloudBees HA - see entries for HTTP, JNLP and SSH
    • NOTE: Considering that both CJOC containers are deployed to the same Docker Host, HA doesn't make a lot of sense other than as an example
  • CJOC - availabe at http://{hostname}
    • Preconfigured JNLP port: 4001
    • You may override JNLP port with the JENKINS_JNLP_PORT environment variable, but you would need to modify the HA Proxy configuration as well
    • Preconfigured SSH port: 2021 - connect via http://{hostname}:2021 - HA Proxy is configured to forward to correct container
  • Client Masters (need to be manually attached to CJOC - see [CJOC Client Masters Documentation] (
    • CJE Client Master URL for api-team: http://{hostname}/api-team/
      • Preconfigured SSH port: 2022 - connect via http://{hostname}:2022 - HA Proxy is configured to forward to correct container
    • CJE Client Master URL for mobile-team: http://{hostname}/mobile-team/
      • Preconfigured SSH port: 2023 - connect via http://{hostname}:2023 - HA Proxy is configured to forward to correct container
  • 1 linux slave with git installed, running ssh on port 22, Jenkins Home - /home/jenkins
    • URL: slave1
    • /home/jenkins mapped to host volume ./data/slave1
  • 1 Docker in Docker (DIND) Jenkins slave
    • URL: slaveDocker1
    • /home/jenkins mapped to host volume ./data/slave1
  • default {hostname} is jenkins.beedemo.local, if you want to change this then you will have to update the docker-compose.yml file so the proxy container_name matches your hostname (this is required to connect CJE client masters to CJOC), you also need to change the JENKINS_URL environmental variable for joc1 and joc2 so it matches your {hostname}


  • install Docker Toolbox Note: Docker Toolbox by default will create a docker-machine. Recommend that you stop the default and create a new machine with virtual memory allocated to it.
    • current configuration requires Docker Compose version 1.5+
    • Requires Docker 1.9+ - using networking, built in bridge driver
  • create a Docker Machine (I use beedemo-local as {machine_name})
    • docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox --virtualbox-memory=4096 {machine_name}
    • set env for newly created machine: eval "$(docker-machine env)"
  • Mac OS X ONLY: replace vboxfs (VirtualBox share) /Users share with nfs share [optional - but increases performance on Mac OS X]
    • Create NFS share on Mac OS X side:
      • create exports file: sudo vi /etc/exports with contents (IP used here is your docker-machine ip {machine_name}): /Users -alldirs -mapall={your_username}
      • restart nfsd: sudo nfsd restart
    • Setup Docker Machine nfs:
      • Get IP of you VBox for the Docker host you are updating: VBoxManage showvminfo {machine_name} --machinereadable | grep hostonlyadapter
      • Run the following command to get the IPAddress for the VBox Network Adapter that matches the name from above: VBoxManage list hostonlyifs
      • ssh into machine: docker-machine ssh {machine_name}
      • Add a bootlocal script to your Docker Machine to start the NFS service on boot:
        • sudo vi /var/lib/boot2docker/

          sudo umount /Users
          sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client start
          sudo mount -t nfs -o noacl,async /Users
      • Make the file executable: sudo chmod +x /var/lib/boot2docker/
      • exit ssh and restart Docker Machine: docker-machine restart
  • Clone this repo anywhere under your /Users directory
  • If you would like to store your Jenkins HOME directory somewhere else you need to update the docker-compose.yml file:
    • Update data under joc1`` -> volumesto point to where you want your JenkinsHOME` directory. NOTE: You could have several different directories configured for different demos and just change this to point to the demo you want to run.
  • Add entry that maps Docker Machine IP (docker-machine ip beedemo-local) to the hostname you are using in /etc/hosts: jenkins.beedemo.local
  • Start the docker containers in the Docker Compose file with: docker-compose --x-networking up -d
  • Run docker-compose ps to make sure all of the containers are up
  • Go to http://jenkins.beedemo.local in your browser and enter license information or evaluation
  • Now configure CJP:
    • connect masters, nothing to configure for CJOC, just create a new Client Master job
    • create slaves
    • create jobs

###Use of Docker Networking A combination of the Docker Compose container_name option and the built in networking support introduced with Docker 1.9, allows for a completely generic HA Proxy configuration. Previously the ambassador pattern had been used with the Docker/Compose links feature to link the CJE client master containers to the CJOC HA cluster via the HA Proxy. This was necessary because of limitations with the links feature - links are one-way, you can't link to a container that is already linked to another continaer - that is if proxy is linked to apiTeam container, then apiTeam can't link to proxy, thus the ambassador container. Docker networking allows bi-directional linking, independed of the start-up order. The trick in this configuration is to override the container name of the proxy container, allowing the necessary back-channel communication between CJOC and client masters to use the same URL (jenkins.beedemo.local) as specified for external access to CJOC.


Docker Compose configuration with HA Proxy for CloudBees Jenkins Platform.







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