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The llm_api_access crate provides a unified way to interact with different large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI, Gemini, and Anthropic.

LLM Enum

This enum represents the supported LLM providers:

  • OpenAI: Represents the OpenAI language model.
  • Gemini: Represents the Gemini language model.
  • Anthropic: Represents the Anthropic language model.

Access Trait

The Access trait defines asynchronous methods for interacting with LLMs:

  • send_single_message: Sends a single message and returns the generated response.
  • send_convo_message: Sends a list of messages as a conversation and returns the generated response.
  • get_model_info: Gets information about a specific LLM model.
  • list_models: Lists all available LLM models.
  • count_tokens: Counts the number of tokens in a given text.

The LLM enum implements Access, providing specific implementations for each method based on the chosen LLM provider.

Note: Currently, get_model_info, list_models, and count_tokens only work for the Gemini LLM. Other providers return an error indicating this functionality is not yet supported.

Loading API Credentials with dotenv

The llm_api_access crate uses the dotenv library to securely load API credentials from a .env file in your project's root directory. This file should contain key-value pairs for each LLM provider you want to use.

Example Structure:



  1. Create .env File: Create a file named .env at the root of your Rust project directory.
  2. Add API Keys: Fill in the .env file with the following format, replacing placeholders with your actual API keys.

Important Note:

  • Never commit your .env file to version control systems like Git. It contains sensitive information like API keys.

Example Usage

send_single_message Example

use llm::{LLM, Access};

async fn main() {
    // Create an instance of the OpenAI LLM
    let llm = LLM::OpenAI;

    // Send a single message to the LLM
    let response = llm.send_single_message("Tell me a joke about programmers").await;

    match response {
        Ok(joke) => println!("Joke: {}", joke),
        Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),

This example creates an instance of the LLM::OpenAI provider and sends a single message using the send_single_message method. It then matches the result, printing the generated joke or an error message if an error occurred.

send_convo_message Example

use llm::{LLM, Access, Message};

async fn main() {
    // Create an instance of the Gemini LLM
    let llm = LLM::Gemini;

    // Define the conversation messages
    let messages = vec![
        Message {
            role: "user".to_string(),
            content: "You are a helpful coding assistant.".to_string(),
        Message {
            role: "model".to_string(),
            content: "You got it! I am ready to assist!".to_string(),
        Message {
            role: "user".to_string(),
            content: "Generate a rust function that reverses a string.".to_string(),

    // Send the conversation messages to the LLM
    let response = llm.send_convo_message(messages).await;

    match response {
        Ok(code) => println!("Code: {}", code),
        Err(err) => eprintln!("Error: {}", err),

Note: This example requires API keys and configuration for the Gemini LLM provider.


The llm_api_access crate includes unit tests for various methods in the Access trait. These tests showcase usage and expected behavior with different LLM providers.


Unified way to interact with different language models.






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