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Added fminbound and some filter_design.
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teoliphant committed Jul 19, 2001
1 parent c53c12a commit 3f44f63
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Showing 2 changed files with 347 additions and 5 deletions.
172 changes: 167 additions & 5 deletions Lib/optimize/
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# guarantee implied provided you keep this notice in all copies.
# *****END NOTICE************

# A collection of optimization algorithms. Version 0.3.1
# A collection of optimization algorithms. Version 0.4.1
# Added fminbound (July 2001)

# Minimization routines
A collection of general-purpose optimization routines using Numeric
fmin --- Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm (uses only function calls)
fminBFGS --- Quasi-Newton method (uses function and gradient)
fmin --- Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm (uses only function calls).
fminBFGS --- Quasi-Newton method (uses function and gradient).
fminNCG --- Line-search Newton Conjugate Gradient (uses function,
gradient and hessian (if it's provided))
gradient and hessian (if it's provided)).
fminbound --- Bounded minimization for scalar functions.

Expand All @@ -25,7 +28,8 @@
max = MLab.max
min = MLab.min
abs = Num.absolute
sqrt = Num.sqrt

def rosen(x): # The Rosenbrock function
return MLab.sum(100.0*(x[1:]-x[:-1]**2.0)**2.0 + (1-x[:-1])**2.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -602,8 +606,166 @@ def fminNCG(f, x0, fprime, fhess_p=None, fhess=None, args=(), avextol=1e-5,
return xk

def fminbound(func, x1, x2, args=(), xtol=1e-5, maxfun=500,
full_output=0, disp=1):
"""Bounded minimization for scalar functions.
Finds a local minimizer of the scalar function func in the interval
x1 < xopt < x2.
func -- the function to be minimized (must accept scalar input and return
scalar output).
x1, x2 -- the optimization bounds.
args -- extra arguments to pass to function.
xtol -- the convergence tolerance.
maxfun -- maximum function evaluations.
full_output -- Non-zero to return optional outputs.
disp -- Non-zero to print messages.
0 : no message printing.
1 : non-convergence notification messages only.
2 : print a message on convergence too.
3 : print iteration results.
Outputs: (xopt, {fval, ierr, numfunc})
xopt -- The minimizer of the function over the interval.
fval -- The function value at the minimum point.
ierr -- An error flag (1 if converged, 0 if maximum number of
function calls reached).
numfunc -- The number of function calls.

if x1 > x2:
raise ValueError, "The lower bound exceeds the upper bound."

flag = 1
header = ' Func-count x f(x) Procedure'
step=' initial'

seps = sqrt(2.2e-16)
c = 0.5*(3.0-sqrt(5.0))
a, b = x1, x2
v = a + c*(b-a)
w, xf = v, v
d = e = 0.0
x = xf
fx = func(x,*args)
num = 1
fmin_data = (1, xf, fx)
if disp > 2:
print (" ")
print (header)
print "%5.0f %12.6g %12.6g %s" % (fmin_data + (step,))

fv = fw = fx
xm = 0.5*(a+b)
tol1 = seps*abs(xf) + xtol / 3.0
tol2 = 2.0*tol1

maxcount = maxfun
# Main loop

while ( abs(xf-xm) > (tol2 - 0.5*(b-a)) ):
gs = 1
# Check for parabolic fit
if abs(e) > tol1:
gs = 0
r = (xf-w)*(fx-fv)
q = (xf-v)*(fx-fw)
p = (xf-v)*q - (xf-w)*r
q = 2.0*(q-r)
if q > 0.0: p = -p
q = abs(q)
r = e
e = d

# Check for acceptability of parabola
if ( (abs(p) < abs(0.5*q*r)) and (p > q*(a-xf)) and (p < q*(b-xf))):
d = (p+0.0) / q;
x = xf + d
step = ' parabolic'

if ((x-a) < tol2) or ((b-x) < tol2):
si = Numeric.sign(xm-xf) + ((xm-xf)==0)
d = tol1*si
else: # do a golden section step
gs = 1

if gs: # Do a golden-section step
if xf >= xm:
d = c*e
step = ' golden'

si = Numeric.sign(d) + (d == 0)
x = xf + si*max([abs(d), tol1])
fu = func(x,*args)
num += 1
fmin_data = (num, x, fu)
if disp > 2:
print "%5.0f %12.6g %12.6g %s" % (fmin_data + (step,))

if fu <= fx:
if x >= xf:
a = xf
b = xf
v, fv = w, fw
w, fw = xf, fx
xf, fx = x, fu
if x < xf:
a = x
b = x
if (fu <= fw) or (w == xf):
v, fv = w, fw
w, fw = x, fu
elif (fu <= fv) or (v == xf) or (v == w):
v, fv = x, fu

xm = 0.5*(a+b)
tol1 = seps*abs(xf) + xtol/3.0
tol2 = 2.0*tol1

if num >= maxcount:
flag = 0
fval = fx
if disp > 0:
_endprint(x, flag, fval, maxfun, tol, disp)
if full_output:
return xf, fval, flag, num
return xf

fval = fx
if disp > 0:
_endprint(x, flag, fval, maxfun, xtol, disp)

if full_output:
return xf, fval, flag, num
return xf

def _endprint(x, flag, fval, maxfun, xtol, disp):
if flag == 1:
if disp > 1:
print "\nOptimization terminated successfully;\n the returned value" + \
" satisfies the termination criteria\n (using xtol = ", xtol, ")"
if flag == 0:
print "\nMaximum number of function evaluations exceeded --- increase maxfun argument.\n"

if __name__ == "__main__":
import string
import time
Expand Down
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions Lib/signal/
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
import Numeric
Num = Numeric
pi = Numeric.pi
import scipy.special

def butter(N, Wn, bandtype='band', analog=0, output='ba'):
"""Butterworth digital and analog filter design.
Design an Nth order lowpass digital Butterworth filter and return the
filter coeeficients in (B,A), zero-pole, or state-space form.

def cheby1():

def cheby2():

def ellip():

def maxflat():

def yulewalk():

def band_stop_cost(wp, ind, WP, WS, rs, rp, type):
"""Band Stop Objective Function for order minimization
Returns the non-integer order for an analog band stop filter.
wp -- passband edge
ind -- index specifying which passband edge to vary (0 or 1).
WP -- two element vector of fixed passband edges.
WS -- two element vector of fixed stopband edges.
rs -- amount in dB of attenuation in stopband.
rp -- amount in dB of ripple in the passband.
type -- 'butter', 'cheby', or 'ellip':
Outputs: (n,)
n -- filter order (non-integer)

WP[ind] = wp
WSflip = array([WS(0), -WS(1)])
WA = WS*(WP(0)-WP(1)) / (WS**2 - WP(0)*WP(1))
WA = min(abs(WA))

if type == 'butter':
n = (Num.log10 ( (10**(0.1*abs(rs)) - 1.0) / \
(10**(0.1*abs(rp))-1)) / (2*Num.log10(WA)))
elif type == 'cheby':
n = Num.acosh(Num.sqrt((10**(0.1*abs(rs))-1) / \
(10**(0.1*abs(rp))-1))) / acosh(WA)
elif type == 'ellip':
epsilon = sqrt(10**(0.1*rp)-1)
k1 = epsilon / sqrt(10**(0.1*rs)-1)
k = 1.0 / WA
capk = scipy.special.ellpk([k**2, 1-k**2])
capk1 = scipy.special.ellpk([k1**2, 1-k1**2])
n = (capk[0]*capk1[1] / (capk[1]*capk1[0]))
raise ValueError, "Incorrect type: ", type

def buttord(wp, ws, rp, rs, analog=0):
"""Butterworth filter order selection.

filter_type = 2*(len(wp)-1)
if wp(0) < ws(0):
filter_type += 1
filter_type += 2

# Pre-warp frequencies
if not analog:
WP = tan(pi*wp/2)
WS = tan(pi*ws/2)
WP = wp
WS = ws

if ftype == 1: # low
WA = WS / WP
elif ftype == 2: # high
WA = WP / WS
elif ftype == 3: # stop
wp0 = scipy.optimize.fminbound(band_stop_cost, WP[0], WS[1]-1e-12,
args=(0,WP,WS,rs,rp,'butter'), disp=0)
WP[0] = wp0
wp1 = scipy.optimize.fminbound(band_stop_cost, WS[1]+1e-12, WP[1],
args=(1,WP,WS,rs,rp,'butter'), disp=0)
WP[1] = wp1
WA = (WS * (WP[0]-WP[1])) / (WS**2 - WP[0]*WP[1])
elif ftype == 4: # pass
WA = (WS**2 - WP[0]*WP[1]) / (WS* (WP[0]-WP[1]))

WA = min(abs(WA))

order = Num.ceil( Num.log10( (10**(0.1*abs(rs)) - 1) / \
(10**(0.1*abs(rp)) - 1) ) / \

# Find the butterworth natural frequency Wo (or the "3dB" frequency")
# to give exactly rs at WA. W0 will be between 1 and WA
W0 = WA / ( ( 10**(0.1*abs(rs))-1)**(1.0/(2*order)))

# now convert this frequency back from lowpass prototype
# to the original analog filter

if ftype == 1: # low
elif ftype == 2: # high
WN = WP / W0
elif ftype == 3: # stop
WN = zeros(2,Numeric.Float)
WN[0] = ((WP[1] - WP[0]) + sqrt((WP[1] - WP[0])**2 + \
4*W0**2 * WP[0] * WP[1])) / (2*W0)
WN[1] = ((WP[1] - WP[0]) - sqrt((WP[1] - WP[0])**2 + \
4*W0**2 * WP[0] * WP[1])) / (2*W0)
WN = Num.sort(Num.abs(WN))
elif ftype == 4: # pass
W0 = array([-W0, W0],Numeric.Float)
WN = -W0 * (WP[1]-WP[0]) / 2.0 + sqrt(W0**2 / 4.0 * (WP[1]-WP[0])**2 + \
WN = Num.sort(Num.abs(WN))
raise ValueError, "Bad type."

if not analog:
wn = (2.0/pi)*Num.atan(WN)
wn = WN

return order, wn

def cheb1ord():

def cheb2ord():

def ellipord():

def besselap():

def buttap():

def cheb1ap():

def cheb2ap():

def ellipap():

def besself():

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