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MAINT: Added watersheft function in _ni_measure.pyx Note: The functio…
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MAINT: Improvement in watersheft func

Worked on Watershed function
  • Loading branch information
bewithaman committed Jul 14, 2015
1 parent fc789c8 commit 472af3d
Showing 1 changed file with 376 additions and 1 deletion.
377 changes: 376 additions & 1 deletion scipy/ndimage/src/_ni_measure.pyx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
## NOTE: the function watersheft is yetnot complete. It will take me around day
## to make it functional
# Cython version of scipy.ndimage.measurement.find_objects() function.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,7 +37,6 @@ cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h" nogil:
void *PyDataMem_NEW(size_t)
void PyDataMem_FREE(void *)

# Use of Cython's type templates for type specialization
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,3 +206,377 @@ cpdef _findObjects(np.ndarray input, np.intp_t max_label):

return result

## NOTE: the function watersheft is yetnot complete. It will take me around day
## to make it functional

# Py_WatershedIFT function in cython

# Fused type delarations
ctypedef fused data_watershed:

ctypedef fused data_markers:

ctypedef fused data_output:

def get_funcp_watershed(np.ndarray[data_watershed] input, np.ndarray[data_markers] markers,
np.ndarray[data_output] output):
return (<Py_intptr_t> get_value[data_watershed],
<Py_intptr_t> case_windex1[data_output],
<Py_intptr_t> markers_to_output[data_markers, data_output],
<Py_intptr_t> case_windex2[data_output])

# Pointerdeclaration

ctypedef np.intp_t (*funcp_watershed)(void *data, np.flatiter x,
PyArrayIterObject *y, np.ndarray input) nogil

ctypedef np.intp_t (*funcp_markers_to_output)(void * data_m, void * data_o, np.flatiter _mi,
np.flatiter _li)

ctypedef np.intp_t (*funcp_windex1)(void *data, np.intp_t v_index, np.intp_t p_index, np.intp_t *strides, int i_contiguous,
np.intp_t p_idx, np.intp_t v_idx, np.flatiter _ii, np.intp_t *vval, np.intp_t *pval, np.ndarray input)

ctypedef np.intp_t (*funcp_windex2) (void *data, np.intp_t v_index, np.intp_t p_index, np.intp_t *strides, np.ndarray output, np.ndarray input,
np.intp_t idx, int o_contiguous, int *label)

# Asociate function Declaration

cdef void get_index(data_output *data, np.intp_t index, np.intp_t *strides, np.ndarray array,
np.intp_t rank, np.intp_t *out, np.intp_t contiguous):
cdef int qq
cdef np.intp_t cc, idx

if contiguous:
out[0] = index * sizeof(data_output)
idx = index
out[0] = 0
for qq in range(rank):
cc = idx / strides[qq]
idx -= cc * strides[qq]
out[0] += array.strides[qq] * cc
while False

cdef np.intp_t get_value(data_watershed *data, np.flatiter _iti, PyArrayObject *iti,
np.ndarray array):
#use byteswapped technique
return <np.intp_t>((<data_watershed *> np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_iti))[0])

cdef np.intp_t markers_to_output(data_markers *data_m, data_output *data_p, np.flatiter _mi,
np.flatiter _li):
#use byteswapping technique
cdef np.intp_t temp = 4
temp = (<data_markers *> np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_mi))[0]
(<data_output *> np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_mi))[0] = < data_output > temp
return temp

cdef np.intp_t case_windex1(data_output *data, np.intp_t v_index, np.intp_t p_index, np.intp_t *strides, int i_contiguous,
np.intp_t p_idx, np.intp_t v_idx, np.flatiter _ii, np.intp_t *vval, np.intp_t *pval, np.ndarray input):

# Another Function defination
vval[0] = (<data_output *>(np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_ii) + v_idx))[0]
pval[0] = (<data_output *>(np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_ii) + p_idx))[0]

cdef np.intp_t case_windex2(data_output *data, np.intp_t v_index, np.intp_t p_index, np.intp_t *strides, np.ndarray output, np.ndarray input,
np.intp_t idx, int o_contiguous, int *label):
# Another function definations
get_index(data, v_index, strides, output, input.ndim, idx, o_contiguous)
label[0] = (<data_output *> data)[0]
#same function call
get_index(data, p_index, strides, output.strides, out, )
(<data_output *> data)[0] = label[0]

# cdef int del = 0

return 1

# Basic function

cdef struct WatershedElement:
np.uintp_t index
np.uint16_t cost
void *next, *prev
np.uint8_t done

cpdef int watershed_ift(np.ndarray input, np.ndarray markers, np.ndarray structure,
np.ndarray output):
funcs = get_funcp_watershed(input.take([0]), markers.take([0]), output.take([0]))
int ll, jj, hh, kk, i_contiguous, o_contiguous, label
np.intp_t size, maxval, nneigh, ssize, ival
np.intp_t strides[WS_MAXDIM], coordinates[WS_MAXDIM]
np.intp_t *nstrides = NULL
bint *ps = NULL
np.flatiter _ii, _li, _mi
PyArrayIterObject *ii, *li, *mi
WatershedElement *temp = NULL, **first = NULL, **last = NULL

# if input.ndim > WS_MAXDIM:
# Raise RuntimeError("Too many dimensions")

ssize = structure.ndim
size = input.ndim

temp = <WatershedElement *> PyDataMem_NEW(size * sizeof(WatershedElement))
# Error condition

# Iterator inititalization
_ii = np.PyArray_IterNew(input)
_li = np.PyArray_IterNew(output)
_mi = np.PyArray_IterNew(markers)

ii = <PyArrayIterObject *> _ii
li = <PyArrayIterObject *> _li
mi = <PyArrayIterObject *> _mi

cdef funcp_watershed get_value = <funcp_watershed> <void *> <Py_intptr_t> funcs[0]
cdef funcp_windex1 case_windex1 = <funcp_windex1> <void *> <Py_intptr_t> funcs[1]
cdef funcp_markers_to_output markers_to_output = <funcp_markers_to_output> <void *> <Py_intptr_t> funcs[2]
cdef funcp_windex2 case_windex2 = <funcp_windex2> <void *> <Py_intptr_t> funcs[3]

for jj in range(size):
# Need value in function in ival from pi using fused_type
ival = get_value(np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_ii), _ii, ii, input)

temp[jj].index = jj
temp[jj].done = 0
if ival > maxval:
maxval = ival


# Allocate and initialize the storage for the queue
first = <WatershedElement ** > PyDataMem_NEW((maxval + 1) * sizeof(WatershedElement *))
last = <WatershedElement ** > PyDataMem_NEW((maxval + 1) * sizeof(WatershedElement *))
# error in allocations

for hh in range(maxval):
first[hh] = last[hh] = NULL

for ll in range(input.ndim):
coordinates[ll] = 0

for jj in range(size):
label = markers_to_output(np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_mi), np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_li), _mi, _li)
if label != 0:
temp[jj].cost = 0
if first[0] is NULL:
first[0] = &(temp[jj])
# beware here.. could get erreors
first[0].prev = NULL
first[0].next = NULL
last[0] = first[0]

if label > 0:
# object markers are enqueued at the beginning, so they
# are processed first.
temp[jj].next = first[0]
temp[jj].prev = NULL
first[0].prev = &(temp[jj])
first[0] = &(temp[jj])

# background markers are enqueued at the end, so they are
# processed after the object markers.
temp[jj].next = NULL
temp[jj].prev = last[0]
last[0].next = &(temp[jj])
last[0] = &(temp[jj])

# This node is not a marker
temp[jj].cost = maxval + 1
temp[jj].next = NULL
temp[jj].prev = NULL

ll = input.ndim - 1
while ll >=0:
if coordinates[ll] < input.dimensions[ll] - 1:
coordinates[ll] += 1

coordinates[ll] = 0
ll -= 1

nneigh = 0
for kk in range(ssize):
if ps[kk] and kk != ssize/2:
nneigh += 1

nstrides = <np.intp_t *> PyDataMem_NEW(nneigh * sizeof(np.intp_t))
#Error in allocation

strides[input.ndim -1] = 1

for ll in range(input.ndim -1) :
strides[ll] = input.dimensions[ll + 1] * strides[ll + 1]

for ll in range(input.ndim):
coordinates[ll] = -1

for kk in range(nneigh):
nstrides[kk] = 0

jj = 0
cdef int offset = 0

for kk in range(ssize):
if ps[kk] is not 0:
for ll in range(input.ndim):
offset += coordinates[ll] * strides[ll]
if offset is not 0:
nstrides[jj] += offset
jj += 1

ll = input.ndim -1
while ll >= 0:
if coordinates[ll] < 1:
coordinates[ll] += 1

coordinates[ll] = -1

# Propogation Phase
WatershedElement *v, *p, *prev, *next
np.intp_t v_index, p_index, idx, cc
int qq, outside
np.intp_t max, pval, vval, wvp, pcost, p_idx, v_idx

for jj in range(maxval +1):
while first[jj] is not NULL:
v = first[jj]
first[jj] = <WatershedElement *>first[jj].next
if first[jj] is not NULL:
first[jj].prev = NULL

v.prev = NULL = NULL

v.done = 1

for hh in range(nneigh):
v_index = v.index
p_index = v.index
outside = 0
p_index += nstrides[hh]
# Check if the neighbour is within the extent of the array
idx = p_index
for qq in range(input.ndim):
cc = idx / strides[qq]
if cc < 0 or cc >=input.dimensions[qq]:
outside = 1

if outside is not 0:
p = &(temp[p_index])
# If the neighbour is not processed Yet
if p.done is 0:

case_windex1(np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_ii), v_index, p_index, strides,
i_contiguous, p_idx, v_idx, _ii, &vval, &pval, input)

# Calculate Cost
wvp = pval - vval
if wvp < 0:
wvp = -wvp
# Find the maximum of this cost and the current element cost
pcost = p.cost
if v.cost > wvp:
max = v.cost

max = wvp

if max < pcost:
# If this maximum is less than the neighbors cost,
# adapt the cost and the label of the neighbor:
p.cost = max
case_windex2(np.PyArray_ITER_DATA(_li), v_index, p_index, strides, output, input, idx,
o_contiguous, &label)

# If the neighbor is in a queue, remove it:
if or p.prev is not NULL:
prev = <WatershedElement *> p.prev
next = <WatershedElement *>
if first[pcost] == p:
first[pcost] = next

if last[pcost] == p:
last[pcost] = p

if prev is not NULL: = next

if next is not NULL:
next.prev = prev

# Insert the neighbor in the appropiate queue:
if label < 0:
p.prev = last[max] = NULL
if last[max] is not NULL:
last[max].next = p
last[max] = p
if first[max] is NULL:
first[max] = p

else: = first[max]
p.prev = NULL
if first[max] is not NULL:
first[max].prev = p
first[max] = p
if last[max] is NULL:
last[max] = p


return 1

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